The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Characters that may have used a gun due to background:
Leon, Bayman, Christie

Characters that are shown to have used a gun:
Bayman, Christie, Helena (assuming she's the one who shot Anne on the head in her DOA4 ending)

Characters who have pointed/aimed a gun but didn't shoot:
Bayman (Raidou intercepted and spotted him from range in his first attempt to kill Fame), Helena, Lisa

Characters that may have wielded a gun for aesthetic purposes (Cowboy/Cowgirl Gimmick):
Tina, Brad, Bass

Yup... Half of the non-ninja characters in the DOA roster is ready to star in a third-person shooter game.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Helena pointed a gun at Kasumi's face in DOA4. Hayabusa came in and saved 'em.

That's why she's also listed on "Characters who have pointed/aimed a gun but didn't shoot"

I'm talking about Anne getting shot in the head in Helena's DOA4 ending where I assumed that Helena did it.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Hmm Dead or alive a mix of Soul Calibur xP

Shoot or Slash Ultimate 5

from Nameless

everything else is unknown

new characters and some old which I havent mention it are coming soon

You can play with your partner in coop agaisnt other people. Be careful they are using weapons like you or have special skills who doesnt have anybody..
Slash or shoot them you can have a Gunblade but you must score 1000000 points in Arcade.
Just choose your character carefully cause as a sharpshooter you dosenst have to go amok.

You can wear not everything every weapon has his weight.
Condition are limited = that means is your condition gauge is empty then you must recover it.
Every Move , every block cost your condition xP.

Play as Ryu if you dare but you must kill 125000 people in online
He has his true dargon sword and he spams Izunas. Spoiler : you cant kill him xP

Kasumi: Teleport skills only if you block then you must wit 5 sec to use it again , has sword , Ukifune
her condition gauge is going not so fast down.

Leon: Stunt skills breaking bones in the air Has Machine Gun , Rocket Launcher and a special gun. He can throw an enemy and then shoot them till he dies. He can use the victims and enemies as a human shield.

Bayman: If you use bayman you can have 1 more partner instead of 2. He is the mafia with a boss cigar so that is his special skill. He can breaks wall , have more health than others but he cant use a Machine Gun or Rocket launcher or any other special weapon which you can get later.
He can only use assault rifle but has a lot of ammo. He can disarm you.

Christe: has the skill of a snake. She doesnt make a loud and she can hide almost everywhere like a cameleon.
If you have equipped her sunglass you can get more ammo for your sniper. She has a gun but without a baffle in danger she make quick douple shoots.

Hayate: Jinranmaru and Bow can be used but you have to decide between them. You can attack and teleport at the same time. Your Teleport cost your 5 sec to recover :L. Attack with thinking. You can use ayane as your helper.
If your are in danger.

Zack: His Zack Beam is his special kill. it goes though walls and can be performed in the air. He can dodge very well and can use it too. He can nerve you to the death.

Ayane: Has has the skill that she can make 3 dodges at the same time. Ayane has double little swords ( dont know the name xP) with bleeding effekt. That means you can make more damage if your enemys bleeding gauge is full.
She hasnt have so much health.

Helena: Can kill you with her bad singing. So take care and wear always earplugs. She has a lot of health points and can heal you very well.

Momiji: Can douple jump , she can revive you which nobody can and can heal you and herself. She has a dragon hallberd.

Rachel: If you have Rachel in the team she can fill your condition gauge faster. She buff her teammates and nerv their enemy. She can use the ball cursher and her battle axe.

Puhh I am done. Next time I will post more about it xP


Well-Known Member
Helena: Can kill you with her bad singing. So take care and wear always earplugs.



Well-Known Member
If singing is her special ability, she should have created an earthquake in the opera and falling debris from the roof would have crashed down on Christie before Maria was killed.


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Standard Donor

Since he wear this I guess...... but his Job as assassins says all and this above explains all right ?

The pic above does look more like the stereotypical Cold War spy to me.
This looks like the mafia:

Team Ninja at least gets all the stereotypes right. ;)
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Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Inspector Gadget Bayman.
I agree with you again Rawbie.
we all know big face-scarred guys come from the mafia.
I agree with you too.

He runs faster than everybody when he sees a criminal xP.
Inspector doesnt arrest people he breaks people their bones.
He doest need to much time like CSI Polices to find the criminal.

I dont get why the people doesnt so much humor. Dont take it personal guys.

Wait wait his Partner his Leon the Punisher. He throws criminals to one pillar like the another to get the answers.

This is the ultimate Cop Team a 1 army Cop

This with sunglass



Yeah Badass tag team Cop
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