The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
I still think the first one was way better, making 2 look meh in comparison. but the most bs was the turtle things. seriously, who would EVER think to block a volcanic explosion with a sword?! So many continues as I tried to outrun or evade it till I looked it up.

Are you talking of the Armadillo bosses (after the escape from the flying ship)? It was possible to block the final explosion with the simple sword? I always thought that the only way was to keep at least a ninpo and to use it in the end for avoiding the effects of the last attack XD


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the NES NGs. I still remember how good it felt to 1cc them all. It's funny how both NES NG3 and modern NG3 are shit.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking of the Armadillo bosses (after the escape from the flying ship)? It was possible to block the final explosion with the simple sword? I always thought that the only way was to keep at least a ninpo and to use it in the end for avoiding the effects of the last attack XD
I almost never used ninpo, or any spells in any game for that matter, so ninpo didn't even cross my mind lol. I think, only time I used ninpo, was on the vigoor emperor, if only because I'd run out of arrows. . can you imagine how screwed Ryu woulda been if the empire didn't leave armor piercing and explosive arrows lying around for him lol

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I just remembered Red Ninja: End of Honor. what I would give to have her brought into DOA. What do you think the chances are? Could be the first "real" ninja in the cast, using actual assassination moves and ninja tools.
I always wanted to play this game! Kurenai is awesome! I need to find it at CGX.


Well-Known Member
I want a game of Mila's own.

Wait... as much as I love her, it would probably be boring as hell. Scratch that.
. if Mila in 5 is anything to go by, it could be boring to watch, but one of the most satisfying games EVER to actually play.


I still think the first one was way better, making 2 look meh in comparison. but the most bs was the turtle things. seriously, who would EVER think to block a volcanic explosion with a sword?! So many continues as I tried to outrun or evade it till I looked it up.

There's a lot of WTF moment like that in the game. Another awesome part is dying after having a annoying ass fight with Zedonius on that lava stage. You're supposed to cross the lava to go into a cave, but who the fuck would've known there was exploding jellyfish hidden there.

Yeah, there's a dead guy with infinite arrows there, but come the fuck on. You can barely see them underneath those lavas. People are going to be like "FUCK YEAH, I KILLED THAT ASSHOLE" and then BOOM, you're dead. You can pretty much hear Itagaki laughing in the background with a troll face when the game over screen pops up.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Ryu still needs tag animations with ayane lol

Ryu with Hayate too. Even Ryu and Ein have a Tag Intro :/.
But every character who have gap Tag animations should be added as a real Tag Team.

Tag: Sorry If I my post seems like an ego but I really want a complete new and full Tag System with real fair balance and juggles. New Tag Throws , Intros , Win Pose , New Intros and beautyful stages like arieal garden. Tag stages which arent available in Solo would be better. Tag makes a lot of fun really. You and your friend against other players. I really love to play with friends xD. Tag online Survival agaisnt other friends or Ki that would be really awesome.
I know my post are very silly but.........

Stages: More nature ( Night , rain , snow , more Villages , Waterfall or a Highschool stage xD )

Online: Better netcode. DOA is the only game where I have problems to play with people in the USA etc. :L

Less DLCs:

Here is an example what I mean with nature etc.

My Videos: just look the stages







this stage has a raining feature







Dr Snipe

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I always wanted to play this game! Kurenai is awesome! I need to find it at CGX.
You should be able to find it was hella cheap and it wasn't liked very well, although the idea was great. I own 3 copies one is because it was thrown in a trade. But yea should be less than $10


Well-Known Member
You should be able to find it was hella cheap and it wasn't liked very well, although the idea was great. I own 3 copies one is because it was thrown in a trade. But yea should be less than $10
I found it to be like Onechanbara, Tenchu, Ninja Blade, Operation Raccoon City, and Digimon. supposedly "bad" games turn out to be really really enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
what they need to do is make an army of two/gears of war style co-op cover based shooter starring these two wrecking shit up

not a shooter. a co op beatemup. the puny enemies can try shooting if they want. hell, throw some Ninjas in there so they can go all Bebop and Rocksteady on those pajama pansies.


Well-Known Member
Badass Tag Team but I dont think the Strong man in the world would use a gun xD and Bayman would rather breaks bones instead of shooting xP.

They both have extensive military backgrounds with one being an assassin and the other a mercenary of course they use guns and weapons.

Bayman would specialize in long range/stealth with sniper rifles, combat knife for close range stealth kills, cross bows etc where Leon specializes in heavy weapons/explosives with grenade launcher, frag grenades, gatling gun and a scimitar for some close range melee brutality,all while incorporating some their hand to hand combat.

with how ninja gaiden has been declining in sales/quality TN should look into incorporating their other characters in non DOA games

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
This could actually be really cool and fun if they did it right. They could even use it as a chance to explain the relationship between these two by having the game set in the past.

Even though I like Leon more, I think I'd rather play Bayman in this game. I prefer the concept of stealth and patience over going in guns blazing.
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