The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Check the age and occupation. Instead of going for 40 years old and President of Bryant Conglomerate they went with 20 years old (correction to earlier post, sorry) and College Student. Even Pai got an age reduction and became 18 years old.
...You do know that that's a wiki, right? I can go in and say that Sarah is 102 right now. Someone'd probably change it back eventually. But, it's not TN going with the VF1 ages. It's someone going with what it said in the VF1 manual.

At any rate, they should probably be going with the VF5 ages. I think that's 4 years after VF1 as they seemed to be going with the one tournament a year route.. So, Sarah would be 24.


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Im talking about BIGGER.


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...You do know that that's a wiki, right? I can go in and say that Sarah is 102 right now. Someone'd probably change it back eventually. But, it's not TN going with the VF1 ages. It's someone going with what it said in the VF1 manual.

At any rate, they should probably be going with the VF5 ages. I think that's 4 years after VF1 as they seemed to be going with the one tournament a year route.. So, Sarah would be 24.

Ah well, age of guest characters shouldn't really matter anyways. Whether we go direct with her being born in 1973 or not, it tells another story why she looks like that in 5/5U.

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
The problem is that this was supposed to be the DOA game TN wanted people to take seriously, and not only TN but us hardcore gamers too. In fact, I clearly remember them stating before vanilla that they wanted to tone down the sexualization of the females without making them flat. Everyone here agreed with them and up until Ultimate came out they seemed be doing the right thing partially. But DOA5U has just been a tsunami of horrible packs full of abominations like the Halloween pack, the Christmas pack and most of the new bikinis that just aren't pretty. Seriously, Helena doesn't look pretty at all with the gemstone bikini, it's seriously disgusting. Tina's new one is terrible as well, those sandals are just weird man.

I'll never understand you hardcore gamers.
Less than a month ago, you posted this as a wanted costume...

This for Tina with high heel sandals and I'll never use another character again.


You even had the sense to request shoes/sandals (very wise) and liked my post, when I suggested she should lose the daisy dukes altogether.
Now, its not just TRI Mike Im skeptical about. I wonder how many of you other guys (who find the female figure sexually atractive) really believe what you post, or whether you're just trying to gain some kind of acceptance from a certain group of people on this forum?
Maybe Yosuke Hayashi had a real point, about everyone trying to save face? lol


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I wonder how many of you other guys (who find the female figure sexually atractive) really believe what you post, or whether you're just trying to gain some kind of acceptance from a certain group of people on this forum?
Um, yes. I do believe what I post. That's why I post it.

I don't really need to go out of my way to be a people-pleaser to "gain some kind of acceptance from a certain group of people." Not to sound like a pretentious twit, because I realize these don't mean much, but I have way, way more likes on this site than anyone else by a landslide, and I earned those by being my regular, dickish self. My opinions aren't always the most popular, but I'm always true to what I believe and I seem to be pretty well-tolerated for it. If I wanted acceptance from the REAL hardcores, I wouldn't even be in this thread to begin with. They'd be all about "Who gives a fuck about costumes anyway?" Well, I do, because I'm both a hardcore and a casual player.

When I say I'm tired of overpriced bikini DLC, I mean I'm tired of overpriced bikini DLC. First, I main a male character. My alt is also a male character. Of my next two subs, one is another male. So, for that female, do I want bikinis? FUCK NO! They're boring. And if I did just want to jerk-off to 'em, which I don't really, I already have 1 billion perfectly suited for the job. What's another 50 gonna do for me? Jackshit. What I do want is costumes that make the character look badass. But, TN doesn't like to give me those. I want my luchadora to have different lucha libre outfits. She's got ONE I like. Then, she has 500 bikinis and slutsuits. THAT IS LAME. I want my badass dude to get a trenchcoat. Does he get it? No! What do I get instead? More fucking slutsuits!

So, next time you question whether I mean what I post, let this serve as my testament: Yes. Yes I do.
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