The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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dead or alive advert:


soul calibur adverts:

Lol and DOA has movie gravures but alright, whatever.


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All games have some type of sexualized images in them, be it the main hero always being some gruff, buff, tough guy or the females who are beautiful and curvacious. This is all fantasy and shouldn't be taken so seriously. Even if people just buy the swimsuit DLC to see the half naked DOA girls, people's main objective is still fighting. Why can't you have both?


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Honestly, I wouldn't want any players playing DOA who dismiss it due to the sex appeal of the series. They're video game women and gaming is still a male dominated industry. But I have female friends who like seeing attractive women being able to kick ass while still looking good. All we, the true fans can do, is support the title any way we can. If people don't want to try out DOA due to some sex appeal, then they're obviously just using it as an excuse to not play the game anyway.
I don't believe that's necessarily true. I, personally, have had experiences where someone didn't even realize DOA's a fighting game. Does that necessarily mean they're just trying to find an excuse not to play? It's undeniable that there are people that may very well enjoy the game, but are completely unaware it's a game they may enjoy. This is most certainly not helped by the series' history, which guarantees the sex appeal will get more publicity than the gameplay.

This fact is not helped at all by TN's seemingly embracing it, with the newest DOA trailer on Koei-Tecmo's official Youtube channel featuring a grand total of three seconds of gameplay; using sex appeal in marketing as a way to mask a lack of quality content isn't an uncommon tactic. When a trailer such as this appears so high among the results when searching 'dead or alive 5 ultimate' on Youtube (uploaded by an official channel, no less), it wouldn't be illogical for someone unfamiliar with the series to assume that's what they're trying to do.

Also, regarding SoulCalibur. Reputation is just as much of a factor as content when it comes to things like this; Namco has the benefits of not only having been around longer than Tecmo, the name is associated with a higher quantity of well-received series, including Pacman. They can get away with it because not only have a history of quality to back them up, but also have many more people willing to purchase those games regardless of content and even convince other people to give it a shot. In other words, trying to compare DOA to SoulCalibur is about as futile as comparing Atelier to Tales; you may like one over the other, but Tales has a much better reputation to back it up.

That is, to sum up this minor rant:
Avoiding a game due to sexual content is not always just an excuse
Presentation affects most peoples' view of DOA moreso than actual content
SoulCalibur has its publisher's history allowing it to get away with whatever, like a spoiled rich kid
It ended up being much longer than I had intended
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As a newcomer to DOA, I can honestly say I initially didn't take DOA seriously. When I was a teen, I merely saw DOA as some game full of scantily clad women; a game for pervs - the sex appeal was the only thing that came to mind when I thought of DOA. Perhaps that alone meant I saw DOA in a negative light and didn't want to be associated to it. Silly, but true at the time.

However, after some time when I grew up, I thought, "wait up, there's lots of games I currently play like SCV which does not have an absence of sex appeal i.e. Ivy. Why not just give DOA a chance - there may be more to the game? Plus, SCV is boring me now lol".

So, I bought DOA5U and gave it a shot, and thought "wow, the triangle system is unique yet makes the gameplay fun and complex. And the characters have some cool outfits too. So there's much more to DOA than just the sex appeal. Its a fun fighting game - me likey!". Now I am learning the game and even joined FSD. A rapid transition and change of thought indeed.

I'm more than glad I decided to give a chance to DOA. I guess the direction of constant sexual fanservice may deter some people like it deterred me initially. But perhaps if TN want to foster a larger consumer base who doesn't enjoy the sex appeal, I'd suggest the promotion of DOA's other aspects such as its fun gameplay and casual/legacy outfits.


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I'm starting to notice how "stiff" the VF fighters feel compared to the DOA fighters. Then again, with the VF character, one does have to put in a little bit more work and remember more strings than most.

ETA: Also, did not know that Team Ninja used their VF1 age and occupations. It's ironic they do this, because the audio and models are clearly from VF5. Lol
soul calibur adverts:

Unfortunately the Voldo one isn't real, it's fan made. The Ivy ones are though. Here's one of many articles debunking it-


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i recall never messing with DOA as a kid because i was seriously confused by its genre because DOA4s cover and DOAX. it wasnt untill i became a MASSIVE Ryu fanboy that i finally decided to check DOA4 out ironically never really playing as hm


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
As a newcomer to DOA, I can honestly say I initially didn't take DOA seriously. When I was a teen, I merely saw DOA as some game full of scantily clad women; a game for pervs - the sex appeal was the only thing that came to mind when I thought of DOA. Perhaps that alone meant I saw DOA in a negative light and didn't want to be associated to it. Silly, but true at the time.

However, after some time when I grew up, I thought, "wait up, there's lots of games I currently play like SCV which does not have an absence of sex appeal i.e. Ivy. Why not just give DOA a chance - there may be more to the game? Plus, SCV is boring me now lol".

So, I bought DOA5U and gave it a shot, and thought "wow, the triangle system is unique yet makes the gameplay fun and complex. And the characters have some cool outfits too. So there's much more to DOA than just the sex appeal. Its a fun fighting game - me likey!". Now I am learning the game and even joined FSD. A rapid transition and change of thought indeed.

I'm more than glad I decided to give a chance to DOA. I guess the direction of constant sexual fanservice may deter some people like it deterred me initially. But perhaps if TN want to foster a larger consumer base who doesn't enjoy the sex appeal, I'd suggest the promotion of DOA's other aspects such as its fun gameplay and casual/legacy outfits.
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