The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
That wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. That would mean by the time VF5 was out 19 years would have to pass for the DOA characters as well. LMAO if you think about it Genfu would be near death. XD

Lolol I know right? If that were to make "sense", all the DOA characters probably got their grandchildren on the roster.


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I'm starting to notice how "stiff" the VF fighters feel compared to the DOA fighters. Then again, with the VF character, one does have to put in a little bit more work and remember more strings than most.

ETA: Also, did not know that Team Ninja used their VF1 age and occupations. It's ironic they do this, because the audio and models are clearly from VF5. Lol


Well-Known Member
@Argentus this is a couple pages late, but I just wanted to point out that Soul Calibur is in NO WAY as sexualized as DOA. While it does have breast physics, it's no where near as insane as OMG or even DOA. All of the swimsuits (especially the slutty ones) are ridiculous and there are a ridiculous amount of them in DOA. SC5 had about 3 bikinis only. Sure Ivy, Taki, and Sophitia's costumes were very revealing, but Helena, Tina, Christie, and Lisa say hello. Not to mention the volleyball game that was made of sex. Sex and volleyball. Like Russian already pointed out, DOA has it's fair share of fetishes and butt attacks.


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It shouldn't matter if a game is sexualized as long at it's a great game (examples. Skullgirls, Senran Kagura, Every tomb raider game before the reboot)
DOA isn't perfect and doesn't have a huge fan base, so It's understandable why TN is trying so hard to pull more people into the series, It's starting to get annoying however because they are bringing in the wrong kinds of people. They need to find a way to appeal to hardcore players.


Well-Known Member
Who honestly cares? Why does it matter that x game is a bit less sexualized then y game? People are probably fapping to both games anyway. They are both sexualized in the end so stop with the dick measuring and think with your brain.
Who honestly cares about anything we talk about in this casual thread? Why is trying to find out more about Argentus' thoughts on the topic have to be considered 'dick measuring'? By that logic this whole thread is dick measuring with the DLC costumes because in the end they all bring team ninja more money regardless of whether they're skimpy or not.

Baal bal

Well-Known Member
It shouldn't matter if a game is sexualized as long at it's a great game (examples. Skullgirls, Senran Kagura, Every tomb raider game before the reboot)
DOA isn't perfect and doesn't have a huge fan base, so It's understandable why TN is trying so hard to pull more people into the series, It's starting to get annoying however because they are bringing in the wrong kinds of people. They need to find a way to appeal to hardcore players.

Agree. What's wrong is TN's communication about it's game. DOA without a shit-tone of sexualisation isn't DOA, but it shouldn't be the selling argument (not when you have such a good gameplay).

Anybody as naive as me still believe we will get something to buy tomorrow or hope is already gone ?

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
DOA isn't perfect and doesn't have a huge fan base, so It's understandable why TN is trying so hard to pull more people into the series, It's starting to get annoying however because they are bringing in the wrong kinds of people. They need to find a way to appeal to hardcore players.

I don't think the swimsuits are to bring in new fans anymore (they've had plenty of swimsuit sets to draw in those types of fans before this one). At this point it's for TN to make a profit. Their logic: swimsuits + overpriced = $$$. Regardless of if you like the DLC or if you think it's justified for them to keep releasing them this is the direction the game will continue to go in as long as it's bringing in the dinero.


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I don't think the swimsuits are to bring in new fans anymore (they've had plenty of swimsuit sets to draw in those types of fans before this one). At this point it's for TN to make a profit. Their logic: swimsuits + overpriced = $$$. Regardless of if you like the DLC or if you think it's justified for them to keep releasing them this is the direction the game will continue to go in as long as it's bringing in the dinero.
I wasn't talking about swimsuits, I mean the Gravure mode. As much as I enjoy the extreme series, I doubt that caught the attention of people looking for a serious fighting game.

Patrick Wimmer

Well-Known Member
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Who honestly cares? Why does it matter that x game is a bit less sexualized then y game? People are probably fapping to both games anyway. They are both sexualized in the end so stop with the dick measuring and think with your brain.
Are you the messiah that this thread needs? If that's the case, then you are very welcome ^^

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
The problem is that this was supposed to be the DOA game TN wanted people to take seriously, and not only TN but us hardcore gamers too. In fact, I clearly remember them stating before vanilla that they wanted to tone down the sexualization of the females without making them flat. Everyone here agreed with them and up until Ultimate came out they seemed be doing the right thing partially. But DOA5U has just been a tsunami of horrible packs full of abominations like the Halloween pack, the Christmas pack and most of the new bikinis that just aren't pretty. Seriously, Helena doesn't look pretty at all with the gemstone bikini, it's seriously disgusting. Tina's new one is terrible as well, those sandals are just weird man.


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The problem is that this was supposed to be the DOA game TN wanted people to take seriously, and not only TN but us hardcore gamers too. In fact, I clearly remember them stating before vanilla that they wanted to tone down the sexualization of the females without making them flat. Everyone here agreed with them and up until Ultimate came out they seemed be doing the right thing partially.
Even when TN tried doing that, people still complained that the game was about sex appeal because of the female characters and their breasts. TN can't please anyone, it seems, so right now, they seem to just cater to the fans. We shouldn't be mad at TN for trying to make profit, and that usually comes from the sexy outfits. Honestly, I wouldn't want any players playing DOA who dismiss it due to the sex appeal of the series. They're video game women and gaming is still a male dominated industry. But I have female friends who like seeing attractive women being able to kick ass while still looking good. All we, the true fans can do, is support the title any way we can. If people don't want to try out DOA due to some sex appeal, then they're obviously just using it as an excuse to not play the game anyway.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about swimsuits, I mean the Gravure mode. As much as I enjoy the extreme series, I doubt that caught the attention of people looking for a serious fighting game.

Eh...the gravure mode was released for vita and didn't really bring in a new crowd (again imo just another way to get $$ from current fans). Regardless, TN is doing what they need to do in the almost-extinct 3D fighter world and CF hitting 1 million downloads is a step in the right direction. From now on though I wish they wouldn't mislead us and get us excited for things that really aren't that great (or "unexpected").


Well-Known Member
Soul Calibur is in NO WAY as sexualized as DOA.

dead or alive advert:


soul calibur adverts:

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