It was a wonderful day for a wonderful lobby ! Once a day Nameless and his friends played DOA5U Solo with 3 rounds. Everyone was happy and respected to each other. But ........ A random guy appeared. A weird noise disturb us so Nameless decided to break the matches for a while and went to the lobby menu. The discussion has begun.
Me: Hey Sir could you please turn your mic a little bit down. ?
Friend : He has right dude cloud you do that please ?
Random: Haveaaaa a probleeammmmm ?
Me: No sir but your mic is too loud and it makes weird noises. That disturb us. Could you turn your mic a little bit down please ?
Random : Hell no you have a problem dude you have paroblem. So fuck you and you friends !!
Friend : Why so agressiv dude ?
Me: Why so unploite ?
Random: Fuck you guys, you are so poor that you cant buy a mic lol.
Random: Lol
Me. What!!!!
Random: lol
Me. WHAAT !!!
Random: go fuck yourself .
Friend. Are you mentally retarded ?
Random: Hell no you have problem with my mic. So fuck you and your mom and tell her that she should buy you a mic so you can talk with me. I will insult you to the death,
Me: Hey sir please dont insult my friends. So if you want insult then please leave your anger on me. Leave my friends in peace.
Random: so you are a hero ? lol ! dont call me jahn lee !
Me: Ok Jahn lee I am not a hero. I just want that you leave them alone. So could you please turn your mic a little bit down?
Friend: Its okay Nameless this guy is a dumbfuck
Friend: Lol
2 . Friend: hey jahn lee why so serious ?
Random: Dont call me Jahn Lee you fucking t´retard. Your sucks my dick. My Jahn lee and Hayate will fuck your characters. I am a real person.
Me: Sir please take your medicamenrs D:
Random: Thanks bro !
Get a Friendrequest
Hää? WTF happend Nameless thought !
Random: Why dont you accept my request you son of a bitch !
Friend: lol ?
2. Friend: Sorry Nameless but I must leave I cant keep dullness any longer
Other friends; Me too please invite us later if you are ready.
Nameless: Wait I will invite you then
random: Why do your friends mean will dullness ? And yeah where do you leave ? I must give you my adress !
Me: ......
Random: Speak you wanker you must accept my friendrequest you son of a bitch
friend: facepalm
2. friend; Sorry I will leave my forehead are red
random: Your friends are silly
Me: hmmm I dont think so.
random: why do you champion for your friends ?
Me: Because there are my firends ?
random: You son of a bitch why do dont champion for me huh.
I left the lobby