Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate General Discussion

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Well-Known Member
The right thing to do would be to release matches every week or so to keep the hype up and give out tidbits of information about character changes to existing characters as well as info about the new characters up until the release.

Doesn't have to be a trailer, just random/dev matches showcasing the characters. You know so that there'll be something to talk about. Hopefully next week's "asset" will be various matches of gameplay and not a trailer. You can't really break down a trailer.


Well-Known Member
I hope next week they will reveal the pre order bonuses for DOA5U in US/EU. I really hope we at least get one of the pre order costumes shown.

And calm down people, I'm sure TN are going to fix the gameplay and stuff. I mean didn't they already do so as well as added some more moves and such? And I'm sure they won't make the game and not fix or improve anything (would be completely messed up if they did)


Well-Known Member
The right thing to do would be to release matches every week or so to keep the hype up and give out tidbits of information about character changes to existing characters as well as info about the new characters up until the release.

Doesn't have to be a trailer, just random/dev matches showcasing the characters. You know so that there'll be something to talk about. Hopefully next week's "asset" will be various matches of gameplay and not a trailer. You can't really break down a trailer.

I'd like to see more matches to and hopefully not like the ones at E3, I could barely see what was going on. But are there even any conventions or anything next week where we'll be able to see some?

If they do, hopefully we'll see more Momiji, Rachel, Leon, Ein, and Jacky. I'd like to see the others to but I'm more interested in the newer characters


Well-Known Member
I hope next week they will reveal the pre order bonuses for DOA5U in US/EU. I really hope we at least get one of the pre order costumes shown.

And calm down people, I'm sure TN are going to fix the gameplay and stuff. I mean didn't they already do so as well as added some more moves and such? And I'm sure they won't make the game and not fix or improve anything (would be completely messed up if they did)

I believe they confirmed that there will be no Collector's edition for US/EU.

Also, that is exactly what was elaborated as a scrub/casual mindset of how gameplay and costumes coexist. Sure, they did a great job with 5 but looking at Kasumi's changes so far, they're not necessarily advancing due to the fact that they are not giving frame advantage.

Without the players feedback, TN won't really know what to do.


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Standard Donor
The right thing to do would be to release matches every week or so to keep the hype up and give out tidbits of information about character changes to existing characters as well as info about the new characters up until the release.

Doesn't have to be a trailer, just random/dev matches showcasing the characters. You know so that there'll be something to talk about. Hopefully next week's "asset" will be various matches of gameplay and not a trailer. You can't really break down a trailer.

Yeah I enjoyed those Balanced test gameplay's last year I hope they do those again sometime soon..

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
To be honest I'm more interested in seeing more stages. I hope they add more older stages from DOA2, DOA3, DOA4, and DOAD. And with so many swimsuits, I wouldn't mind another DOAX stage to get away from Zack Island for a while.


Well-Known Member
I believe they confirmed that there will be no Collector's edition for US/EU.

Also, that is exactly what was elaborated as a casual mindset of how gameplay and costumes coexist. Sure, they did a great job with 5 but looking at Kasumi's changes so far, they're not necessarily advancing due to the fact that they are not giving frame advantage.

Without the players feedback, TN won't really know what to do.

I didn't say a CE I know they won't be a non Japanese one, but we could still have pre order costumes as a bonus.

And I know what you mean but what I meant was that I'm sure TN will listen to people giving suggestions on gameplay and stuff and will make it better and not just people who are asking for stuff not related to it


Well-Known Member
I didn't say a CE I know they won't be a non Japanese one, but we could still have pre order costumes as a bonus.

And I know what you mean but what I meant was that I'm sure TN will listen to people giving suggestions on gameplay and stuff and will make it better and not just people who are asking for stuff not related to it

Sorry, I interpreted your post wrong. I thought by you saying that you meant it in the bigger picture, CE version.

Yeah, hopefully they'll listen to the right people though, and not the ones who are asking for less guaranteed damage. :/.

On an unrelated note the only costume I need is Helena's ponytail to be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I interpreted your post wrong. I thought by you saying that you meant it in the bigger picture, CE version.

Yeah, hopefully they'll listen to the right people though, and not the ones who are asking for less guaranteed damage. :/.

On an unrelated note the only costume I need is Helena's ponytail to be fixed.

It's ok I probably should've explained my post more.

And seriously less guaranteed damage?! Yeah they should listen to the right people. I hope they also don't give ridiculous nerfs to characters who don't need them either.

Also yeah I liked her new ponytail but I think I prefer her old one more where it was up to her butt lol.


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RE: Hair



Well-Known Member
^^^ Good luck making a RingEdge working outside of Japan.
You could probably make it work if you ran it through a software router that was using TOR or similar to mask it's location and make it think that it was in Japan.
DOA isn't part of the FGC lol You bring up DOA in something like SF, VF, GG, etc. you'll be rightfully made fun of.
Rightfully made fun of?
Last I checked, Shoryuken has been giving DOA5/DOA5U more coverage than any other FG related side (save for the DOA specific ones).

Also, I know at least one of the people often lumped into the so called "FGC Illuminati" actually likes DOA3.


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Why does everyone care about costumes so much? I don't blame TN for not focusing on game play, seeing as the majority of posts on Twitter and Facebook are costume requests.
Speaking for myself, my emotional attachment to playing the character I like is always refreshing with each new costume, especially when the ones I really like are available or announced to become available. That may sound weird to some people, but screw them. New, exciting costume keeps me goin'.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
DOA isn't part of the FGC lol You bring up DOA in something like SF, VF, GG, etc. you'll be rightfully made fun of. Anyway, if you want to see real complaining, wait for the actual game to release! I can list like 10 characters that have been overall nerfed and only one to be truly buffed... It's kinda like SC5 v1.02, but worse

Well aren't we pessimistic? DOA is a damn good game and rightfully belongs in the same category as SF, VF, and Tekken. Whining about how the characters have been nerfed on this forum is counter-productive. If you're really that concerned send more tweets to TN like the 50 people on there requesting for Rachel's long hair.

But going back to the point, Master and the rest of the them who were able to play the game at E3 even said that at the end of the day, it's still DOA5. That's enough reassurance for me.


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone care about costumes so much? I don't blame TN for not focusing on game play, seeing as the majority of posts on Twitter and Facebook are costume requests.
I wish more people would subscribe to the competitive mantra: "all I see are hitboxes controlling space on the screen."


Well-Known Member
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I wish more people would subscribe to the competitive mantra: "all I see are hitboxes controlling space on the screen."
So you wish that people would limit their cognitive thinking capacity to become streamlined zombies that utterly reject anything they're not used to? I'm beginning to see why this community struggles when its members propagate such ridiculous ideals.


Well-Known Member
So you wish that people would limit their cognitive thinking capacity to become streamlined zombies that utterly reject anything they're not used to? I'm beginning to see why this community struggles when its members propagate such ridiculous ideals.
And it's thinking like this which is why the game isn't at EVO.

At this point in time, the biggest concern with the game is the gameplay. Especially since DOA4 did so much hard to the franchise that TOs who don't know better are quick to dismiss the game as shallow, casual dreck.


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At this point in time, the biggest concern with the game is the gameplay. Especially since DOA4 did so much hard to the franchise that TOs who don't know better are quick to dismiss the game as shallow, casual dreck.
Sounds like you're right there with them. Funny then that you'd say "they don't know better."

Gameplay should be the primary concern, but if TN listened to this site and structured the gameplay around it, we would have either:
1) DOA3.2 (3 with new graphics and a few new characters)
2) A catastrophic mess that doesn't even turn on

Simplifying it to hitboxes and space on the screen is not how to advance the series and improve on its flaws. It's how to turn it into Divekick with tits.


Well-Known Member
Speaking hitboxes, I do hope they fix a few wonky ones 5 has. There are times there's a good foot or two between the attacking fist/knee/foot/head/shoulder/etc and any part of the other character model yet the strike still hits. I notice it a lot with Gen Fu and occasionally Mila and plenty of other characters but idk maybe I'm the only one that's having trouble with it. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Speaking hitboxes, I do hope they fix a few wonky ones 5 has. There are times there's a good foot or two between the attacking fist/knee/foot/head/shoulder/etc and any part of the other character model yet the strike still hits. I notice it a lot with Gen Fu and occasionally Mila and plenty of other characters but idk maybe I'm the only one that's having trouble with it. :oops:
Lei Fang's 1P+K, much?
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