Xbox-One Revealed


Well-Known Member
Before I purchase the PS4 & Xbox 1, im getting a Xbox 360 than build my own PC. I hope DOA5U, VF5: FS & Tekken Tag 2 would end up being available on PC someday but I doubt it. :(
May I ask why you're getting an X360 now? Personally, I don't see great value in it anymore, especially if you're getting a PC. Unless you really wish to play Halo and Gears lol. Not saying you shouldn't, but the PS3, which you already own, has become a much better system. The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls are actually making me consider buying a PS3. Too bad the controller sucks compared to the X360 lol (my opinion, save me the rants).

If it's your first gaming PC, I don't recommend OC-ing your CPU. OC-ing your GPU is a lot more simple and will 9/10 times give you a more significant boost, so go for that. CPU is slightly more complicated because you need to take your RAM into account as well. It's better to buy a slightly better CPU without overclocking, than trying to overclock a cheaper one, if you don't know what you're doing. Also, if you're gonna OC, do it on a hot summer day. It will probably OC less, but, if you do it in the winter and summer comes along, you might get stability problems and have to basically start all over or return everything to stock. Kind of depends on your cooler though.

I personally never spent more than 180 euros on a graphics card. Generally I sticks around the 150 mark. Especially these days, the cards in that price range are a great bang for buck. They might not be the fastest, but in terms of price/fps, they are generally the best, and usually they are more than enough. As for RAM, I generally buy cheap Kingston Value RAM xD I don't bother overclocking CPUs. I can, but it's too time-consuming. The only thing I've done with mine is unlock the 4th core (I have a Phenom II X3 710). My gaming rig is not the most recent. But it still holds its own very well. Mass Effect 3 runs at a constant 60fps at 1080p, with forced MSAA x2. Tomb Raider can run with most things at max if I disable TressFX. If I enable it, I have to turn of tessellation and the like. Graphics card is HD6850 btw.

I was picking more so towards the fact that their design ended up with a rather large transistor count yet less graphical performance, a larger body, heat issues, yield problems, and a higher cost.

Ah right. I think they did it for the general benefits of any APU, mainly power consumption. Also, I wouldn't want to imagine how big the box would be if it wasn't all on one die lol. But extremely high transistor counts is definitely asking for trouble.. I guess they simply miscalculated. Well, maybe it's just part of the 3rd console curse xD lol..

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Hm, I built my first gaming of last summer with a i5 3570k and OC'D quite easily to 4.5ghz

I would say go for it on first build, just watch tutorials and also never OC using programs always do it through BIOS

I remember it consisting of changing frequency, voltage tweaking and some ram frequency changing and hours of burn tests :p

Oh yeah if you buying something like a hyper 212 cooler get low profile ram

I personal like to buy the $400+ cards cuz I like to max everything out, I would go all out on your first build ha

My specs if you interested:

I5 3570k
Gtx 670 ftw edition
Hyper 212 Evo (CPU cooler) only 30 bucks and it rocks!
500GB WD
256GB Samsung 830 SSD
Asus P8z77-v pro mobo
XFX 750w PSU

If you want I can sell you my parts for discount, plan on upgrading soon as well XD


Well-Known Member
Hm, I built my first gaming of last summer with a i5 3570k and OC'D quite easily to 4.5ghz

I would say go for it on first build, just watch tutorials and also never OC using programs always do it through BIOS

I remember it consisting of changing frequency, voltage tweaking and some ram frequency changing and hours of burn tests :p

Oh yeah if you buying something like a hyper 212 cooler get low profile ram

I personal like to buy the $400+ cards cuz I like to max everything out, I would go all out on your first build ha

My specs if you interested:

I5 3570k
Gtx 670 ftw edition
Hyper 212 Evo (CPU cooler) only 30 bucks and it rocks!
500GB WD
256GB Samsung 830 SSD
Asus P8z77-v pro mobo
XFX 750w PSU

If you want I can sell you my parts for discount, plan on upgrading soon as well XD
Guess you go for max raw power, I go for best bang for buck xD I generally also don't have to play games on the first day they come out, so if I play them two years later it's fine by me. There are a few exceptions though. Next Mirror's Edge is day 1 for sure xD In any case.. That all gives me some head room financially. Here are my specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 710 ( 4th core unlocked, so technically an X4, stock CPU cooler)
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD6850
Motherboard: Asus M4A78T-E
Memory: 4x Kingston 2GB PC3-10700 1333MHz DDR3 (8GB total)
Hard drives: WD 250GB (used for testing OSes like Linux & new windows versions), Samsung HD1013UJ (1TB, main drive), Seagate Barracuda 2TB Green (file storage drive).
PSU: CoolerMaster RealPower M520

I could basically stick another HD6850 in there, but meh.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Guess you go for max raw power, I go for best bang for buck xD I generally also don't have to play games on the first day they come out, so if I play them two years later it's fine by me. There are a few exceptions though. Next Mirror's Edge is day 1 for sure xD In any case.. That all gives me some head room financially. Here are my specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 710 ( 4th core unlocked, so technically an X4, stock CPU cooler)
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD6850
Motherboard: Asus M4A78T-E
Memory: 4x Kingston 2GB PC3-10700 1333MHz DDR3 (8GB total)
Hard drives: WD 250GB (used for testing OSes like Linux & new windows versions), Samsung HD1013UJ (1TB, main drive), Seagate Barracuda 2TB Green (file storage drive).
PSU: CoolerMaster RealPower M520

I could basically stick another HD6850 in there, but meh.

I always have the urge to have high end PC parts for some reason lol

like now the gtx 780/haswell cpu's are out i have the urge to buy it but im controlling myself not to waste $650 for a 20% performance boost XD


Well-Known Member
I always have the urge to have high end PC parts for some reason lol

like now the gtx 780/haswell cpu's are out i have the urge to buy it but im controlling myself not to waste $650 for a 20% performance boost XD

Haha that's definitely a waste... Would be better to buy a next gen console to complement your PC then lol.

On another note, a great argument as to why graphics currently don't matter anymore:


Active Member
Standard Donor
Edit: why PC fanboys bash on console gamers so much?
It is because they are aggravated by having to deal with an OS that sucks the will to live out of a person with needing all kinds of updates every twenty minutes, this translates into jealously of console gamers that is masked by a superiority complex. :D


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, is the PS4 & Xbox 1 OC around 1.6ghz? lol
OC=overclocking. But the standard CPU clock speed is indeed 1.6GHz for both the consoles.

Seems the PS4 CPU will be "OC-ed" to 2.0GHz later on.

NightAntilli The reason why I want to get a Xbox 360 is because

1) I'm a Gears of War fan
2) I enjoy playing games on it (custom soundtracks) except fighting games lol. Although the 360 & PS3 controllers are very comfortable imo, but when it comes to executing combos in fighting games, Dualshock 3 is far more superior.
3) I love collecting games consoles. XD

I guess your right, the 360 maybe pointless since im gonna bulid a PC that will be significantly more powerful than any console. And I already know the PC can easly outshine outdatebox 360 lol.

Edit: why PC fanboys bash on console gamers so much?

1) You can play those on your PC. You'll only miss out on the third one then.. If you really wish to play the third one, you can get the X360, but, I'd wait for a while. A price drop is likely.
2) The X360 controller simply feels better in my hands :) The DualShock definitely has a better D-pad though.
3) Nah not me. The experiences are more important than the consoles for me. Depending on what Sony does with PS3 games on PS4 through Gaikai, I might simply get a PS4 to play the PS3 games I missed on, instead of getting the PS3. The ones I'm interested in are only a handful. Things like Journey and Beyond: Two Souls are my type of things, not Killzone or any of that stuff. So I'll simply wait to see what's what, and then decide.

As for PC fans bashing console gamers... I don't know why. I guess they feel superior? Generally, gaming itself on PC is superior to gaming on a console. It has more flexibility. You can easily take screenshots, make videos without a capture card, mod.. Consoles are now catching up to that. And PC games are cheaper. If you look at it this way, it seems almost insane to go for a console.
However, a console has its uses. For one, a console is more social than a PC. Now let me elaborate before some of you have a cow lol. Despite the PC having chat functions first, and having great communities for games like MMOs and stuff, it's not that practical for social interactions when people actually visit you. Even split screen has pretty much been taken out completely, and that's where consoles shine. If your cousin or niece or brother or whatever visits you, gaming on PC is less practical. PC is more for a single person, while consoles generally still support split screen, support at least four controllers (can you imagine having 4 keyboards and mice? xD) and has the ease of use (no messing around with settings, drivers etc).

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

PS4 clock speed is 2 Ghz

btw have you played last of us?

no Chaos its not true

If he means shitty OS in terms of Windows 8 I agree though Im still on Windows 7 and the last time I updated my system was 6 months ago and that was only because I did a system restore


Well-Known Member
^^ Yeah I just edited that lol. Has it officially been confirmed to be 2GHz though? Can't seem to find that. All I see in the specs is "8 core Jaguar CPU" without a clock speed.


Ah right. I think they did it for the general benefits of any APU, mainly power consumption.

Power consumption?

Ah right. I think they did it for the general benefits of any APU.
Yes, but the root of all the problems is this "esram" (which is the main cause of the high transistor count) which supposedly attempts to be the super hero to save X1's damsel in distress (bandwidth). Did they just bet the entire family farm in a gamble for 32mb of ESRAM?

Game Over

Well-Known Member
From what I've seen, both PS4 and X1 CPUs were initially said to be 2GHz ... until rumors starting flying about the X1's yield issues leading to a downgrade to 1.6GHz.


In any case, CPU downgrade, GPU downgrade, yield issues, etc. ... the X1 is a hot mess right now.


From what I've seen, both PS4 and X1 CPUs were initially said to be 2GHz ... until rumors starting flying about the X1's yield issues leading to a downgrade to 1.6GHz.


In any case, CPU downgrade, GPU downgrade, yield issues, etc. ... the X1 is a hot mess right now.

Its the whole reason why MS didn't release clock-speeds or allow for tech talk about the x1 during e3.


Active Member
Is there any chance MS will fix the esram problems before launch or is it final? (Xbox one being 50% less potent than ps4)


Well-Known Member
Is there any chance MS will fix the esram problems before launch or is it final? (Xbox one being 50% less potent than ps4)

They can't upgrade the RAM at this point but there's no reason to. Faster RAM won't do much good if the GPU is inferior to begin with.