Xbox-One Revealed


Well-Known Member
Sadly...Shame most of the guys that pushed the xbox and the 360 are all gone now. MS seems to have lost sight of what made the xbox popular. I don't even think I consider the X1 a gaming machine at this point.


Active Member
I know I should be hating on the Xbox one but... What do you guys think about the posibility of sharing your game library with ten family (not really needed for them to be family) members?

Seems like a really cool feature to me. I mean, you could have 10 friends with your same traste for fighting games or whatever genre and have access to 10 times more games. Seems pretty cool.


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I know I should be hating on the Xbox one but... What do you guys think about the posibility of sharing your game library with ten family (not really needed for them to be family) members?

Seems like a really cool feature to me. I mean, you could have 10 friends with your same traste for fighting games or whatever genre and have access to 10 times more games. Seems pretty cool.
As I understand, how it works is that one other person on someone's family plan can play a game at the same time as the main account holder. It is all fine and dandy but I cannot help wonder what happens when two non-main account holders are playing a game the the main account holder decides to play, that and the fact that it is subject to change.


Well-Known Member

They must make a White ps4, looks amazing.


Well-Known Member
As I understand, how it works is that one other person on someone's family plan can play a game at the same time as the main account holder. It is all fine and dandy but I cannot help wonder what happens when two non-main account holders are playing a game the the main account holder decides to play, that and the fact that it is subject to change.

I'd imagine you would have to check the gamer tag to see if they are playing the game, or its possible the system itself tells you someone within the family is currently playing it and warns you before you boot the game.


Microsoft Says Windows 7, Nvidia GTX PCs At E3 Were Xbox One Dev Kits

I don't know if I quite understand this: So an AMD GPU and CPU combined in a custom built APU clocked around a 7790 for the Xbox One is equivalent to a PC running a dev kit on an Intel CPU and Nvidia GTX 700 series GPU?

I mean, we could ignore that they were running Windows 7 since it's the more stable OS, even though the Xbox One uses a Windows 8 core, but I can't get over the Nvidia GTX card. There's a whole lot wrong with using a GTX to spec a game to for demo purposes compared to what the system will ship with. .... given that they were running on a card that costs more than the system itself and is more powerful than both the Xbox One and PS4 combined.


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I'd imagine you would have to check the gamer tag to see if they are playing the game, or its possible the system itself tells you someone within the family is currently playing it and warns you before you boot the game.

Wait, what? A family "plan"?


Well-Known Member


Apparently MS thinks all their consumers are stoopid.

They haven't been very clear on it, but it seems that you can up up to 10 people to your "family" which can then share your entire game library between those 10 people. How much of that is true is still up in the air as MS hasn't been very specific about it.
does this family "plan" cost extra? I hope at least two people can play the same game at the same time.


Well-Known Member
No, from what I recall from an interview with Major Nelson, it's just like "taking a book from a library." Anyone can take the book, but only one can be taken at any time. Also, it does not cost any extra.


Well-Known Member
Ahahaha! you can't fool us Microsoft lol.
lol that's hilarious. So in order to save production cost they go with slower memory (and slower clock speed to stop over heating) and use esram to function in unison to help compensate for slower ram but the difficulties in production actually made it cost more in the long run...lmao So now they have inferior hardware and spending more to produce it and have hardware in a next gen cycle be out of date within 2 years. Should of stuck with gddr5 MS lol.
Better off building a PC which can easly out perform Xbox One & PS4 ( I might get a PS4).


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Update: PS4 will be what I start with. Adding in all the sports games, BF4, Destiny, Watchdogs, KH3, Final Fantasy & CODG are in my interest. They are all multi-platform. The Xbox One will have to wait but I still say the games are better, unless they address the policy issues, it's PS4 1st. But for all this stuff I'm hearing from others, if it isn't from the official websites or from the companies themselves, then it's false to me. Nothing against anyone.That's just how it is for me lol.


Active Member
Even with the only one person at a time feature it seems pretty cool. I would play my games. When i felt like trying out something different I'd check what's available from my "family" (out of ten people there would be something available).

Personally, I dont mind about the second hand thing (I buy new). I dont mind about the 24 hour thing either (I already do that). The only thing that really bothers me is the 500 price point. It will take years for me to buy it because I cannot spend that much.

Still, the ps4 is also a strong posibility for me.

Another question:

What about the cloud computing?

People say it's false. But developers who are developing for the Xbox one seem to describe it as very useful (although not as amazing as MS says)