Would You Buy A Next-Gen Version of DOA5? (PS4/Xbox One)

Would You?

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Active Member
I would just for the upgraded graphics.

However, a great bonus would be

1) More moves from side-step. A new throw from the side.
2) End Boss in Arcade Mode (Victor Donovan or Tengu etc) with a Mid Boss fight that relates to the character you're using. (If you use Ayane, Kasumi would be your mid-boss etc)
3) Individual Character Endings in Arcade Mode
4) Conclusion to the cliffhanger storyline in DOA 5
5) Maybe 2 more new characters. (Goh Hinogami/Eileen/Jean Kujo/Lei Fei)
6) Update the freaking VF Fighters sound clips.

I wish this will happen, then Team Ninja do a proper sequel (DOA 6) in like 2017-2018 or something, then DOA 6U in 2019-2020. =D


Well-Known Member
It's bad enough that there was a 5 Ultimate in the first place, I don't want more versions of the same game and I REALLY hope there won't be a 6U :/

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I've thought about this for a while and at first it seemed like a good idea but I think the cons might outweigh the pros:

1) The game would look even more amazing on next gen
2) The titles for next gen (especially fighters) is extremely limited, making it the perfect time for TN to jump the gun.

1) Similar to how 5U screwed over DOA5 and DOA5+ players in terms of dlc/online play/rank/etc..., the next gen port would essentially be doing the same thing to DOA players.
2) More money and time invested in this game means less time devoted towards future DOA projects like 6 (if it's going to happen that is).


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd give credit for there now being a total of....3 games I care about on the Nextbox (I REFUSE To call it the Xbox One, because we already HAVE an Xbox One; the first Xbox) and PS4. I still don't wanna buy either though.


Well-Known Member
I might but nah, I'd rather let this be the final version of DOA5 so everyone can move on for 6.

Unless they make a 3DS version for me to enjoy it with. I don't care if they'll water it down and use pre-DOA5 character models (as long as they are wearing costumes and be able to customize them as if it were from 5/5U) or create entirely new "old" character models for the VF characters, Rig, Mila, Rachel and Momiji.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Anyone with a current gen (it's not next gen anymore, folks) console will say yes. Anyone without will say no unless they intend to buy one in the near future (or would buy one for this title). Not going to get too much more diverse than that.

As for me, I'd totally buy it.

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
I would re-buy DoA for a next gen console as long as...

1. The game (textures in particular) looked significantly better than it now does.

2. The game includes all the DLC (up to now). Having to buy costumes all over again would be unacceptable.

Dr Snipe

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
The netcode on KI is really good. So if they could do it for Doa I would definitely get it. Other than that extras are a good thing to. But wouldn't that be DOA 6?


Well-Known Member
With the addition of Aoi, I would be sold on that alone.

I've bought 2 copies of DOA5, 3 copies of DOA5U... so another copy wouldn't exactly be hurting my wallet considering =\


Well-Known Member
Anyone with a current gen (it's not next gen anymore, folks) console will say yes. Anyone without will say no unless they intend to buy one in the near future (or would buy one for this title). Not going to get too much more diverse than that.

As for me, I'd totally buy it.

Not exactly. I own an Xbox One and I probably wouldn't get it. Reason being that I already own it on one platform, soon to be another. Why get it on a third? If it allowed cross-platform play between the 360/XB1 or the PS4/PS3 then yeah, I might get it, but the audience as of right now would be far too slim, and the necessity just isn't there.

In a few years, if they make DOA6 for it, then of course, but not while they're still relatively new consoles just rehashing an old game.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Why get it on a second? Different playerbase, plain and simple.

Moot point unless something is announced.


Well-Known Member
No I paid for DOA5 2 times already not gonna bother a third time unless PC version which might sway me on a summer/winter sale price.

Im ready to move to DOA6.

and DOAX3...


Well-Known Member
Everyone who said no to this either A) Doesn't own a next gen system, or B) is lying.


Yes, I'd get it. Updated graphics a given, better netcode, not having to switch back to my 360/PS3 to play, no problems here.

I'd almost expect this to be announced with DOA5U Arcade.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yes, I would as long as all the DLC I purchased carried over. I would rather wait for DoA6 and a proper fightstick to come out though.


Well-Known Member
Unless they redid and revamped all the models like what was done to the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider. Then no, I wouldn't buy a next gen version of dead or alive 5.