What's your Win Ratio?


New Member
Well, I'm happy to see that I've been improving my main, Ayane, as of lately. In the last 2 or so weeks, my win ratio went from 37.8% to 42.9% and my goal is to get to the 50% mark within a month or two. I have over 2,000 matches so I'm happy to see the percentages increase because that means I'm definitely winning more than I am losing lately. :)


Active Member
Well, I'm happy to see that I've been improving my main, Ayane, as of lately. In the last 2 or so weeks, my win ratio went from 37.8% to 42.9% and my goal is to get to the 50% mark within a month or two. I have over 2,000 matches so I'm happy to see the percentages increase because that means I'm definitely winning more than I am losing lately. :)
Hehehehe... those percentages seem a tad bit high. Perhaps I can change that...


Well-Known Member
My win ratio is at about 30% something.I play in too many lobbies with really good players. And ranked matches a are a mixed bag.I try to hover around a grade above my rank level but its hard getting matches that way. So I end up having my settings up to S rank players and I get my ass kicked or get lucky and beat them.Then I will get a rage induced private msg from the S ranked player I beat. Oh yeah,good times ^_^.


New Member
Hehehehe... those percentages seem a tad bit high. Perhaps I can change that...

Haha, cute, Shiki. Very cute. Too bad I'm going on a hiatus for 2 months so my win percentages are gonna remain the same for a while. Good luck trying to change it though. ;)


Active Member
Haha, cute, Shiki. Very cute. Too bad I'm going on a hiatus for 2 months so my win percentages are gonna remain the same for a while. Good luck trying to change it though. ;)
D-d-dont remind me about that...


Percentage was 48% until recently where I changed my search settings to include S+ players. Since then I've played quite a few players who have been able to totally destroy me, plus I've been using Eliot a lot in an attempt to learn him and I'm now sitting at 41.4%. 1787 fights, 95 greats, 19 greatest.


Active Member
Dropped from 80,1 to 79,1 some days ago...
Played too tired so got a bit lazy with ppl. XD
At one point someone sent me a msg like "omg i thought id never beat u thank you!"
Made my day :D


Active Member
I went up to 65% Yay! im still getting better!!! Seriously though i dont care about the percentage, but im in a point where im (sometimes) just proud of my game (considering the situation like... online) and the best thing is when i see random or people in my friandlist (especially guys from here) praising my Leifang!