What to do against wake up?


New Member
Hi, as a mila player I was wondering what is the best option against a knocked down player who will most likely wake up kick?


New Member
if you know they wake up with a mid kick, then just counter the hell out of it and punch the hell out of them.

Then keep doing it until you think they'll try to use a low kick instead, and counter the hell out of that, and then ground throw the hell out of them again


Active Member
Don't let them get wakeup kicks. End your juggles with p6pp 3f+k or p+k 2f+p to force tech or get mount. If by some chance they are on the ground then your best bet is just to counter the wakeup kicks.


New Member
Counter mid kicks and I like to use 3 f+k to jump over lows (some timing involved). The 3 f+k also works well if someone gets up without doing a get up kick and if you guess wrong and they mid kick you just get knocked down while they are rising.


New Member
As shinryu said, I like to go for the mount guarantee, but of course that will inevitably put them on the ground. Ideally you would want to time the mid-kick counter for another potential mount loop and time the 3H+K on low for a similar loop, but u can be pretty safe just using 3H+K, crush the low kick and then u can repeat to force tech(which shinryu actually mentioned in one of the other threads), if they stand attacking/grabbing same thing, mid-kick will knock you down and reverse the situation, if they stand blocking it's a surprisingly safe -4 (good time to SST).

Theoretically, best counter you might face is a timed counter or standing side step: completely vulnerable. Of course it's also fairly slow at 23 frames, so it's pretty easily timed when they figure it out, but honestly I'm not sure how much someone who's sidestepping can be thrown off, haven't actually fought someone that figured it out consistently yet...
(I mean things like using it too early intentionally so you miss altogether and recover at neutral to their counter/SS, or at an advantage for a grab etc.)

Pretty reliable in my experience at least, though I've noticed the crush timing can be awkward, I could swear I've been hit out of the peak of the jump by some lows...


Well-Known Member
Combos that guarantee mounts, pseudo, backing away and whiff punishing are all your good options. If you're in a situation you can't get out of and you KNOW they're gonna wake up, you can usually ground throw them.