Using Online Tournaments to push Offline Events?

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
I won't be hosting tournamnets that early for DOA5. Learning is what I will be doing for the first several months. New game, new things to learn and find out, I will be on my scientist shit. I do plan on hosting tournaments for DOA5 but, only after I get myself situated with the game. I am a player above everything else.

Looking forward to a strong game and an offline scene.


Well-Known Member
online.. I cant afford to hold one really tbh

let alone have people come to the North east part of CT

Just to reiterate and clarify what has already been said. It's great that you want to do online tournaments, but please not right off the bat. This is not 2005, and online play is simply not competitive. DOA5 will have offline events very soon after release (and if all goes well, perhaps before). Unless you have a really good reason (i.e. free trip to an offline major), please hold off for at least ~3 months, if not a little longer. There's really no benefit to online tournaments.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You know, I might actually come over at some point IF you guys are really serious about these.

Depending on when the game comes out, hopefully everyone will have enough time to dissect the whole game in a month or two before starting tourneys and you guys can have your life long dream of Doa in Vegas.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Depending on when the game comes out, hopefully everyone will have enough time to dissect the whole game in a month or two before starting tourneys and you guys can have your life long dream of Doa in Vegas.

DOA4 was at EVO in 06. Getting DOA back is the goal now.


Well-Known Member
You know, I might actually come over at some point IF you guys are really serious about these.

Depending on when the game comes out, hopefully everyone will have enough time to dissect the whole game in a month or two before starting tourneys and you guys can have your life long dream of Doa in Vegas.

There will be offline tournaments right off the bat, no matter how the game turns out. However, the quality of the game will determine how long those tournaments last.

If you're looking to make the trip over here just for DOA5, you should wait for a big time major that you're sure a bulk of the community will show up to. Something along the lines of Evo, MLG, IPL, etc.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well, I'm gonna stay at Fresno which is where most of my relatives are. If majors are gonna take place somewhere in east coast, then I'll have to make preparations way beforehand, like either getting a plane ticket or renting a car, because I don't know much about rules and regulations and vehicle insurance in US.


If all you end up doing is going to the tournament/staying at a hotel, I'm sure someone can help take care of local transportation. A lot of us pool in on that kind of thing.

If you're staying with relatives I guess it depends on your vicinity to anyone in that area.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Well, I don't know anyone around the east coast, so I'll appreciate the help. Just a few relatives in NYC, but that's pretty much it.


Well-Known Member
DOA4 was at EVO in 06. Getting DOA back is the goal now.
after listing to Mr.Wizard last night on wake-up srk. I doubt it will ever go back. He was asked why no BlazBlue at this years EVO. He said last year they had a huge fan based but no 1 played. He also said that if the community doesn't support it why would they even try at EVO again. I can see DOA being harder then BB to get into EVO


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I find that hard to believe that BB of all games was not played in Evo, but then again, these are poverty-ass games.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
after listing to Mr.Wizard last night on wake-up srk. I doubt it will ever go back. He was asked why no BlazBlue at this years EVO. He said last year they had a huge fan based but no 1 played. He also said that if the community doesn't support it why would they even try at EVO again. I can see DOA being harder then BB to get into EVO

If DOA5 builds up solid and steady momentum at majors leading up to EVO, then it has a definite chance.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm gonna stay at Fresno which is where most of my relatives are. If majors are gonna take place somewhere in east coast, then I'll have to make preparations way beforehand, like either getting a plane ticket or renting a car, because I don't know much about rules and regulations and vehicle insurance in US.

Just don't do what I did when I was living in the UK and veer off to the right side of the road when coming out of a roundabout =P Course roundabouts are practically nonexistent in the US though lol. Sad thing is when that event happened I had already been driving there for 2 years. Buddy in the car with me was like "wtf wtf wtf" hahaha. I spaced out or something, was kind of funny lol.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You know us!

And east coast is where it's at for DOA.

Okay okay, I do know you guys (and a few Tekken players, I guess).

Just don't do what I did when I was living in the UK and veer off to the right side of the road when coming out of a roundabout =P Course roundabouts are practically nonexistent in the US though lol. Sad thing is when that event happened I had already been driving there for 2 years. Buddy in the car with me was like "wtf wtf wtf" hahaha. I spaced out or something, was kind of funny lol.

Remind me not to let you drive when I see you.


Well-Known Member
Okay okay, I do know you guys (and a few Tekken players, I guess).

Remind me not to let you drive when I see you.

bahaha I only did it once, which is funny because I found driving on the left side to be more comfortable for some reason. It's even funnier to me because thats something new people on base do when they first arrive at Mildenhall, but I had already been there for like 2 years lol. There was no traffic though as it was the middle of the night, but my friend freaking out was classic lol. I still do know why I did it... just spaced out for a split second or something lol.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Learning the game is a priority for me too but just as important is maintaining and building the DOAT tournament series.

So, yeah, I'll be holding an online two weeks after the drop and then one everyone month to run concurrently to the DOA4 and DOAD tournaments we already run.

That reminds me - sign up for DOAT3 already people.


Well-Known Member
Learning the game is a priority for me too but just as important is maintaining and building the DOAT tournament series.

So, yeah, I'll be holding an online two weeks after the drop and then one everyone month to run concurrently to the DOA4 and DOAD tournaments we already run.

That reminds me - sign up for DOAT3 already people.

Enjoy being the laughing stock of every other community and only hurting the game overall.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Enjoy being the laughing stock of every other community and only hurting the game overall.

Oh no, because being liked is something that we all know is important to me. . .

Do you realize how idiotic you sound? If I can convince a few more people that they have a legitimate shot at winning in an offline tournament - via their performance in an online event - the likely hood of that person coming offline ticks up.

You are a fool Ransuu - now, no matter how much you may try to frame yourself as something other than a soft headed buffoon you will always be just that. Well I can't change either and no matter how many sensational comments you make or irrational observations you try to legitimize with personal attacks on my reputation it won't change the fact that I'm going to do what I'm going to do.

As of now I'm not laughed at by anyone outside of the FSD community.

But you've got me beat on that front, don't you -enjoy being the laughing stock of DOAworld and TKP.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think we already came to the conclusion that using an online tournament to push the game is a very bad move. I hope this has been solidified for newcomers.