The Persona/Shin Megami Tensei Game Thread


Premium Donor
Uh, hello everyone, so I wanted to make a thread where we can talk about everything Persona/Shin Megami Tensei related, like Persona 4 and most excitedly Persona 5 which will be debuting very soon! I'm kinda new to the series as I've been watching the Persona 4 Anime, but I hope to have some pretty good discussion regarding the Persona games, I love the series so far! Yu, Teddie, Yosuke, Kanji, Rise and Yukiko are my favorite characters in the series.:)

Now as Teddie would probably say, "Let's talk Persona sensei!"
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Active Member
The main series games are JRPGs, but there are quite a few spin-offs. Persona Q takes the P3 and P4 cast into a first-person dungeon crawler (basically Etrian Odyssey). There's also Persona 4 Arena and Arena Ultimax, which are fighting games with the P3 and P4 cast, plus some new characters.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. I've seen the Arena games around in game stores, never really saw a main series game.


Premium Donor
You should be able to, SamuraiHachi told me I think a day ago that the 3rd one and vanilla 4th one is on PSN? Juihau also said you could buy a PLAYSTATION TV so that you can play the golden Persona 4 version pretty much like normal. There's also really cheap copies on JJ games where you can get games for like $2-$5 dirt cheap, I'm thinking about getting the Persona 4 vanilla version and the previous Persona games from the site as well to see how they played too, plus I like collecting older PS2 games.

I'm also REALLY excited for the 5th game, the protagonist looks awesome:

The fact that it releases in February makes me really happy since that's my birth month. Good vibes!☆


Play Yakuza
Premium Donor
Can't wait for Persona 5! So much hype!! Anyways you should watch Persona 3: The Movie if you ever get the chance. It's a 4 part movie. Also play the game too. The ending will give you those feels


Well-Known Member

My lack of a PS4 means I probably won't be playing Persona 5. Then again, I still have to beat Persona Q.
Do you have a PS3? If so, its coming to PS3 also.

I personally preordered the Take Your Heart Limited Collector's Edition, if I remember I will absolutely take pics and try to post them on here.

Tbh the only thing I probably wont use is the Shujin High School bag, I have no need for it being 26 and out of school lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If you are trying to fully understand P3 and P4 definitely play the games first before the show. The games has quite a ton of stuff that isn't within the anime, simply because Shin Megami games are majority game format.

I'll reword it better. If you want a much grand experience, I highly suggest the games first.
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Premium Donor
That's honestly my biggest regret, I should have played before I watched, but then again I always wanted Persona 3-4 but could never get them due to my strict mother. ~_~ I'll definitely buy them on PSN and PS2 when I get some extra money so I can see everything I miss.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Depending on the game of course but you can still catch up even if you seen the show first. The experience firsthand is definitely greater if you go with the game. Social Links, characters that were cut or not included in the anime etc.

It is of no worries for regret. The show drew an audience to have people try Persona. Many have played the games right after and chose to stick with the game series after.


Well-Known Member
I got into Persona around the time Persona 4 arena came around never heard of it until an LPer I used to watch played story mode.

I was thrilled when I found out that was a JRPG, Persona and SMT in general gets zero advertising in Europe lol I didn't even know if it came over here at first.

But, with how Atlus games especially SMT and Persona are always delayed or some other nonsense it's not hard to imagine why.

Honestly if it wasn't for the internet, I probably wouldn't even know Persona 5 exists at all...