The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Exactly.People don't seem to notice you said "competent", not "top evo player" lol.Too many people have a "unless you are the best ever, you are the worst" mentality.

Except he has said it in the past and phrases like "nobody can beat my eliot" and going as far as calling out top level players as trash to "prove" his point saying they use nothing but gimmicks.

I'm honestly at a point where this little charade will not be tolerated any further.

Meh, I know my abilities with Eliot and I'm simply comfortable with him and make him work. I don't have to prove my abilities to anyone.

You're absolutely right, you don't. But when you go off and start spouting boisterous claims which you can't even back up, step up or shut the fuck up. Awesmic was being nice with his statement but let me take more direct route. It's fucking annoying and all you're doing is trolling the community.


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Standard Donor
Okay I'll attempt the change the subject this thread getting a little too wild.

Seeing people charge up power blows from across the screen


Well-Known Member
Is there any benefit from not using the roll to ground throw and instead trying to ground throw from out of range for Bayman? @ that first match in the video above

Has anyone made a list of what the arcade ranks are? Kinda curious what those little boxes around some of the ranks mean.


Well-Known Member
I wish that

A) Leon could do his air grab on attacking airborne opponents, like Rachel can.

B). Mila could leap up to do a air grab into her beat down, like she does for her anti air kick hold.

Aven Kujo-Gin

Well-Known Member
It's kind of his thing. And considering that all grappler-type characters have an air-grab aside from Bayman and Mila, I don't think it's "lucky" as much as expected.

He is lucky, however, that his air throw is easily the best air throw in the game, bar none.
Indeed. It´s pretty much the best.

Anyway, When we are going to have that improved HUD with the pictures of characters above the life bar?


Well-Known Member
It's kind of his thing. And considering that all grappler-type characters have an air-grab aside from Bayman and Mila, I don't think it's "lucky" as much as expected.

He is lucky, however, that his air throw is easily the best air throw in the game, bar none.
In terms of raw damage yes, but I think Rachel's beats it out purely because she can actually leap up and grab airborne enemies without having to juggle them into it. Dunno if bass or Tina have anything like that.

But like....I dunno if it should really be called an air grab if it has to be juggled/ground bounced into. Imean technically it is, but its not very effective as an actual grab in that case. I'm used to air grabs being able to punish, acting as actual anti airs. (Sheeva, Abel, bane, Alex, Hugo, etc, etc)
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