Characters The Blue Flash - DOA5LR Jacky Guide


Well-Known Member
I believe that Lulu's question was serious Jaimy, even if actually is a perfect pun xD

Blue Flash is the nickname of Jacky according to the Virtua Fighter plot, this come from the fact that he is an indy car racer and the color of his car is supposed to be blue =) I suppose that he is so fast that appear a blue flash to the eyes of the spectators... (this reminds to me just the "Yellow Flash" from Naruto xD).
That's correct Kronin. I just wanted to have a fitting title for my guide. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Jaimy, little question here. I noticed you don't mention anything about true mids, does he even have any?


Well-Known Member
I believe that Lulu's question was serious Jaimy, even if actually is a perfect pun xD

Blue Flash is the nickname of Jacky according to the Virtua Fighter plot, this come from the fact that he is an indy car racer and the color of his car is supposed to be blue =) I suppose that he is so fast that appear a blue flash to the eyes of the spectators... (this reminds to me just the "Yellow Flash" from Naruto xD).

Oh Okay.... now I get it. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Well, I assume his 2P+K is, right? It's a sit down stun and can't be crushed.

Nope, it doesn't strike grounded opponents, which is something they could definitely buff the character in.

His :6::H+K: is a true mid isn't it ?
I mean he can smack Helena with it and use ut for force techs.... ironically enough his :4::H+K: is not a true mid

Ohhh dang i forgot lol, i confuse that move with :2::H+K: way too much, and while messing around i found another one, the first kick of :9::K: is also a true mid, but still, i feel he's lacking in that department.
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Well-Known Member
Nope, it doesn't strike grounded opponents, which is something they could definitely buff the character.

Ohhh dang i forgot lol, i confuse that move with :1::H+K: way too much, and while messing around i found another one, the first kick of :9::K: is also a true mid, but still, i feel he's lacking in that department.

He most definitely is.


Well-Known Member
His :6::H+K: is a true mid isn't it ?
I mean he can smack Helena with it and use ut for force techs.... ironically enough his :4::H+K: is not a true mid

Nope, it doesn't strike grounded opponents, which is something they could definitely buff the character.

Ohhh dang i forgot lol, i confuse that move with :1::H+K: way too much, and while messing around i found another one, the first kick of :9::K: is also a true mid, but still, i feel he's lacking in that department.
Thanks for the infos looks like I'll have to update my guide.


Well-Known Member
Okay I read it (most of it).
There are a few more nuances you can add (on top of the many nuances you have allready put in there.... great work on that BTW).

Okay so Jacky's Pak Sao Sabaki follows VF Logic. Meaning it will only work on Single Handed High Strikes like Punches with Closed Fist and Open Handed Slaps or Chops..... I think it will also Sabaki back knuckles/chops too. I haven't tried this with the DoA characters but against Sarah, Pak Sao does not work on High Elbows, Jumping Punches of any kind (I mean she only has the 1... lol) and Double Handed Strikes (Haven't tested this, its just a theory), it also obviously doesn't work on things like Shoulder Attacks and Head Butts....

I don't know if his Slide Shuffle Sabaki follows the same logic but its important to note that the majority of :6::P:s are "Elbow Class" moves so he should be able to parry Mid Elbows.... other wise the move would be almost entirely useless..... still though, should probably check it.


Well-Known Member
YEEEAAAAH! Great work buddy.
Okay I read it (most of it).
There are a few more nuances you can add (on top of the many nuances you have allready put in there.... great work on that BTW).

Okay so Jacky's Pak Sao Sabaki follows VF Logic. Meaning it will only work on Single Handed High Strikes like Punches with Closed Fist and Open Handed Slaps or Chops..... I think it will also Sabaki back knuckles/chops too. I haven't tried this with the DoA characters but against Sarah, Pak Sao does not work on High Elbows, Jumping Punches of any kind (I mean she only has the 1... lol) and Double Handed Strikes (Haven't tested this, its just a theory), it also obviously doesn't work on things like Shoulder Attacks and Head Butts....

I don't know if his Slide Shuffle Sabaki follows the same logic but its important to note that the majority of :6::P:s are "Elbow Class" moves so he should be able to parry Mid Elbows.... other wise the move would be almost entirely useless..... still though, should probably check it.
I don't know what you're wanting me to add/change but what I know is that Pak Sao catches all high punches and that the Slide Shuffle Sabaki catches all mid punches, no matter what kind of move they are.
This guide is too good .. Your work should be in a guide book . Thank you again for sharing it with me !
You're very welcome Keaton. And thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.
good job my friend :) hope with this awesome breakdown more people will pick up Jacky Yeah Bryant
Hahaha, thanks Ivan. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you're wanting me to add/change but what I know is that Pak Sao catches all high punches and that the Slide Shuffle Sabaki catches all mid punches, no matter what kind of move they are.

Okay so I tested on some the DoA Characters.... it will stop All High Punches of any kind, including Kasumi's and Leifang's Elbow Attacks...... I can't find a DoA Character with a jumping high punch though.

It won't however stop Sarah's High Elbow from her backward slide, as I mentioned before.

It also won't Sabaki Pai Chan's :1::P: for some strange reason..... I mean according to VF Logic its suppose to work.

I also believee it won't Sabaki Jacky's very own Back Knuckle:4::P+K:.... but it will Sabaki Sarah's Back Knuckle :P+K: from her Forward Slide.

It also won't work on Akira's :4::6::P: which is weird because again according to VF Logic it should work because its single handed punch.... speaking of which.... it Will Sabaki The Second Strike from Akira's :6::K::P: which is a high strike and it does look like a double handed strike (so there goes my theory)

So far the only thing that has been constistant is that it won't stop all the VF Character's :8::P:s which are all High Jumping Punches. I want a DoA Character that has similar properties so that I can be sure I'l try Momiji's Uzukaze Punch... And the one Thing Akira and Pai Chan's punch have in common is that they don't cause stuns normal hit.... Akira's causes a bound and Pai's causes a launch. Sarah's Elbow causes a Faint Stun so I don't know why its not working

I also found out something weird about his Slide Shuffle Sabaki, it works on all mid punches (including elbows and head Butts and shoulder tackles)..... it also Works on Akira's Back Shoulder :4::6::6::P+K: but you don't get the Sabaki Animation like the other mid punches.... instead you get a Side Step Hold.... I'l have to see if the same applies Gen Fu, Kokoro and Leifang because they look like they perform their shoulder tackles using their backs just like Akira.... should probably also check it on Leon's :3::3::P: which does have a Hold animation and Bass's:3::P+K: which only has a side step Hold Animation.

All right I'm back.... Pak Sao doesn't work one Momiji's Uzakaze Punch String and I'm prettu sure its because shes jumping when she does it.

Okay so the one thing Jacky's Back Knuckle and Sarah's High Elbow have in common is they both cause Feint Stuns on normal hit. I need a DoA character with Similar properties on their High Punch.... it it will Sabaki Alpha's and Kasumi's High punches that cause Sit Down stuns.

Jacky's Pak Sao will Sabaki Gen Fu's Double Palm :4::P+K:..... so yeah I think my double handed strike theory is totally shot now. :(

Oh one more thing.... Jacky can Pak Sao Akira's :H+K: which is both a mid kick abd high punch strike I think.

Moving on..... Jacky's Slide Shuffle Sabaki doesn't grant a Parry Animation on Leifang's :3::P+K: Shoulder..... but it does on Kokoro's :3::3::P+K: Shoulder Tackle.

So far the theory is Jacky's Slide Shuffle functions just like the universal defensive holds so I'm guessing any mid punch that doesn't have Defensive Hold Animation also Won't have a parry animation when Jacky's tries his Slide Shuffle against it....
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Standard Donor
Pak Sao had a unmentioned nerf actually. On pre-patch 5U, he was able to just stand there and automatically hold Bass's bullrush punch that was unblockable and Ein's 46P as well, technically all high punches. However, now it's only a majority select and not all.

Reason being is likely to a more realistic approach. This technically shouldn't affect Jacky's gameplay to the match so it's very minor. In fact, if we are speaking to a more visual point of view, Bass should be rewarded for it because it's in general a foreseeable slow move and it's unblockable. The player took his time to perform the move so if you get hit by an attack that deserved it. In a visual aspect, Jacky shouldn't Pak Sao that particular move at all since that clothesline by Bass looks like it can break pipes as well as arm bones. The only one is in question is Ein's 46P and Hitomi's. Jacky in realistic terms should be able to hold it but again, I see no reason why it should it or why it shouldn't. One of his very minor changes.


Well-Known Member
Pak Sao had a unmentioned nerf actually. On pre-patch 5U, he was able to just stand there and automatically hold Bass's bullrush punch that was unblockable and Ein's 46P as well, technically all high punches. However, now it's only a majority select and not all.

Reason being is likely to a more realistic approach. This technically shouldn't affect Jacky's gameplay to the match so it's very minor. In fact, if we are speaking to a more visual point of view, Bass should be rewarded for it because it's in general a foreseeable slow move and it's unblockable. The player took his time to perform the move so if you get hit by an attack that deserved it. In a visual aspect, Jacky shouldn't Pak Sao that particular move at all since that punch by Bass looks like it can break pipes as well as arm bones. The only one is in question is Ein's 46P and Hitomi's. Jacky in realistic terms should be able to hold it but again, I see no reason why it should it or why it shouldn't. One of his very minor changes.

You play VF too right.... so in the that game what are the rules for Vanessa (defensive stance) and Jacky's neutral high punch parries ?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You play VF too right.... so in the that game what are the rules for Vanessa (defensive stance) and Jacky's neutral high punch parries ?

I can't exactly tell you that since I never digged into Vanessa and I only played Showdown for a small time period due to PS3 death. However, this is based to the DOA mechanic regarding Jacky's Pak Sao while in VF having a different ball game for it. In other words, the change is not exactly important/it's very minor. Now for the DOA game, I see no reason on how Pak Sao should improve Jacky since the only time you are receiving that move is within a neutral state. In DOA, you are likely blocking a lot more due to a stun mechanic.