

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Bryan is hard to master and requires years of practice. He excels at his own thing and he's best at it as long as you have the execution and reaction to play this character. Bryan is a beast in the right hands.



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm curious about the praying mantis though. According to the link, it was an idea pitched for Tekken 3 but scrapped. Apparently the leftovers were uncovered by hackers. I couldn't find any footage though. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I personally would like to see Shin Kamiya (even though the description says that he doesn't have any fighting skills). Either him or Tekken Force Lady would do. Sure Tekken Revolution won't be on Xbox 360 (due to Microsoft's crappy policies), but oh well.


Well-Known Member

I don't know about you guys, but I think I'll throw a couple dollars to Namco for Law's premium effect. Hopefully that Bruce Lee costume is free. Then again paying for that is fair game since the game itself is free XD


Well-Known Member
I know. Every time I see yellow jumpsuits on a JKD character, Bruce Lee is instantly the first thing that comes to mind XD



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Apparently we're getting an update this week that includes a training mode! I really like dicking around in training modes, especially when I'm unfamiliar with the game, so I'm probably actually going to really sit down with this when it hits. Bummed that other territories get it before us though. =(


Well-Known Member
The new patch came out today. And you know what?
• Coin free training mode. Stages can be played with or without walls here. Optional display of a command list.

• Hwoarang and Dragunov are now playable.

• Level cap increased from 50 to 60, top rank upped from Pugilist to Savior.

• Online match filter to play against people without using enhancements.
• New Arcade mode difficulty levels, Hard and Very Hard. These modes net extra rewards, 1.5x and 2x, respectively. Also, there's a chance rare versions of enemies will appear.

• Effect of Power, Endurance and Vigor has been adjusted.

• Damage calculation for Critical Hits and Rage adjusted.

• Customize the look of your characters with costumes and premium effects.

• Reset drink restores your character's stat points and fight money so you can reassign them. First time is free, after that you'll have to pay for this privilege.

• Various bugs fixed and improvements made, which aren't detailed.

Ken\'s Eyes.jpg

This game just got better~.