Summer Jam 7 Schedule released

Summer Jam 7 is being held this weekend (August 17th and 18th, 2013) in Philadelphia, PA. The event schedule has been released, and the stream schedule with it.

Below is the current (emergency changes can happen) schedule:


The Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate station will be streamed by Free Step Dodge when available.​


Please note: Event Wristbands are waterproof and should be worn all weekend.

8:00 AM to 10:00 AM: (FRONT DESK) Registration for DOA5 TEAMS (2v2 Tag)

12:00 PM: (3D ROOM) DOA5 TEAMS
(Stream by Team Bifuteki)
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM: (FRONT DESK) Onsite registration for DOA5 Singles

5:00 PM: (3D ROOM) DOA5 Singles
(Stream by Team Bifuteki)​


Unknown: According to @ShinBlanka, "Please make sure to tune in to Summer Jam 7 STREAM for a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!".

12:00 PM: (MAIN ROOM) DOA5 top 4
(Stream by Team sp00ky)
Be sure to meet, play, and greet the DOA players in attendance, and be sure to try out the upcoming Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate.
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8000 dollars towards the DOA5U events.
A 3v3 Team Tournament in the hotel bar on Friday.
A DOA5U launch event party for those pre-registered for the DOA5U Singles Tournament.
JayZ's video crew will be filming a documentary throughout the weekend and launch party on the DOA community and the FGC.
An Old-school vs New-school team battle being held I believe during the launch event.

More is in the works as well.

8000 dollars towards the DOA5U events.
A 3v3 Team Tournament in the hotel bar on Friday.
A DOA5U launch event party for those pre-registered for the DOA5U Singles Tournament.
JayZ's video crew will be filming a documentary throughout the weekend and launch party on the DOA community and the FGC.
An Old-school vs New-school team battle being held I believe during the launch event.

More is in the works as well.
Are there any cheap hotel prices and flight tickets from Plano, TX to NC? I'm really low on cash so please let me know if you find anything. I'm getting really desperate here.