(SUGGESTION) Major Character Changes in Short 2-4 min videos


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It would be really awesome if we could get Team NINJA to create short videos that would discuss the major changes for each character in DOA5LR. As of right now, we're just sitting here speculating on what the changes might be while some videos give hints as to what the changes are. I'm not saying make a video right now, as one can guess that there are different builds of the game at the moment, but towards the release of the game, maybe a few weeks before release or a month before release.

Interested in what this should look like? Here's a short clip originally from Capcom that was re-uploaded on this channel:



This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Sounds like a great idea! We should be communicate this idea to Team NINJA at some point. A lot of changes in relation to character balance and even the moves is more than likely to occur.
Or, should Team NINJA broadcast the character changes, the community might be able to make a brief video to elaborate on the changes in relation to the characters on an individual basis.


Well-Known Member
I would tweet them but...

It sounds so douchey-hipster, I know, but I don't have a twitter account.

I think it would be a great idea though!


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think there's enough changes to warrant even a 1 minute video. I mean there's gotta be at least an hour or two of LR footage so far and the only change people have noticed is a refloat by Ayane


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I honestly don't think there's enough changes to warrant even a 1 minute video. I mean there's gotta be at least an hour or two of LR footage so far and the only change people have noticed is a refloat by Ayane

Towards the release of the game... not right now.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It would be nice, but I think Team Ninja is probably only going to release a change list if there are any changes.