Soapbox: Community Activism and the DOA Narrative


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[At this point I’d like to make a small note: I’m not taking shots at anyone in particular *cough boobiebombs*, I’m just going to make a generalization from what I subjectively perceive in the community and NOT act like it’s some sort of new epidemic that we need to stop and rise above and defeat. So if you’re reading this and getting personally offended, don’t criticize me anything because that would be mean and my feelings would be hurt ;( and because that would be destructive to my vision and would be missing the point entire D; ]


You are 100% correct that playing the game more often and with the intention of improving is the best path toward getting better. I'd suggest that creating this line in the sand, implying that the people who really play the game hard matter and those who play more casually do not, is excluding and might discourage some of those more casual players from taking it to the next level and joining offline events as competitive players. We are indeed privileged to be experience the most competitive environment DOA's ever had - imagine how much more competitive it could be if those casual players felt more welcome or we attracted players from other fighters because we supported each other and our game more openly in public settings.

You also make an excellent point about not letting obstacles get in your path toward reaching your goals. For some people those goals may be to be the best DOA player possible, for others it may be to simply attend offline events, and for others still it may be to put energy into promoting the community as a positive experience for all, players and spectators alike, while still working hard to improve and attend offline events. All these goals are equally valid and should be pursued despite obstruction encountered from anywhere or anyone wishing to belittle.

Great contributions. I will see you at EVO.


Tina Purist
Premium Donor

You are 100% correct that playing the game more often and with the intention of improving is the best path toward getting better. I'd suggest that creating this line in the sand, implying that the people who really play the game hard matter and those who play more casually do not, is excluding and might discourage some of those more casual players from taking it to the next level and joining offline events as competitive players. .

This is actually not what I wish to imply it all. My main message is for people to not put any energy into the things that don't really matter, like drama or whether people think the game focuses too much on the sex appeal. Playing the game is the most important thing, and the people that have been doing that have probably promoted the game the best so far thus providing the best role model.


Well-Known Member
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This is actually not what I wish to imply it all. My main message is for people to not put any energy into the things that don't really matter, like drama or whether people think the game focuses too much on the sex appeal. Playing the game is the most important thing, and the people that have been doing that have probably promoted the game the best so far thus providing the best role model.

Good point! Glad that got cleared up. It's amazing what polite, respectful discourse can do to clarify ideas and push the conversation forward.


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People are always going to spin their own narrative. So I’m going to keep <3ing DOA and supporting it by leading by example in the best way I think I can: by playing the game, showing up to some offline tournaments, helping others, posting videos, posting on the forums, and supporting the DLC.

I’m not saying you can’t hate on or disagree with the game or the people that supposedly jump in and out of the "community," claiming to be ‘fans’ when it’s convenient. It’s just that there are going to be hundreds of obstacles in your path no matter what you do, so why take the time to let it slow you down from reaching your goals? Why listen to any hater or any nay-sayer that is probably doing ‘less’ than you?
You left out something else... listening to the haters doing "more" is just as bad, and here's why.

Everyone has limitations on how they can support the community, and every now and then someone who gets on their high horse for doing more will belittle another's efforts once their credentials get to their head, hurting that person's self-esteem to a point where it's nearly irreparable.

In theory, When this happens the limited contributor feels worthless (as the opinion of the contributor doing "more" holds a lot of weight to the eyes of the community) and begins to do more than what's within their means just to "appease" the hater that's doing "more", if not leave the community outright... sometimes with disastrous results.

Other than that, your whole passage was great. Wouldn't change anything.


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My last post was in response to that Jyakotu person.
Remarks like this are part of the problem. This comment just comes off as, not only rude, but straight up condescending. Top player or not, I don't care who you are as a person, respect is given when respect is shown. This type of attitude doesn't benefit the community at all.


Active Member
It shouldn't be about 'fighting stigmas.' All games have stigmas; no matter how successful it is, some people will always see Street Fighter as a game where you throw hadokens from the other side of the screen to win. Course anyone who says that will have no credibility to speak of, but this is the mindstate of people who resort to stigmas to say 'this is why X is a bad game.' They're flawed arguments with no tangible merit to speak of. The hyper-sexualization in DoA is only a big deal if you let it be one. I'm all for being more mindful, but since when did artistic choices make a game mechanically bad?

Another thing I'd like to mention; it's easy to shit on a community when the game isn't as successful as it's competitors. Some people will find any little thing to kick someone when they're down. This community really isn't substantially better or worse than any other, it's just an easier target because "dead game lol."

I agree with OP; what it should be about is supporting and promoting the game, which there are several different ways of doing. Seems like a unwinnable battle given the current state of affairs, but it's really the best thing that can be done.

Never a bad time to talk about gameplay. All games are supposed to work this way; the best players are always supposed to beat lower level competitors. That's the nature of competition. I do think some strings could be removed but that's a touchy thing and I'd rather not elaborate until I have better info on just how many strings starters characters have on average. Combos will always be easy to perform at the highest of levels. Combos, while necessary, are already a problematic thing in respect to any entry barrier and making optimal combos tougher will increase the level of entry.

Personally, I think 3D fighters today (not just DoA) lack a 'hook' to get people into them. 2D fighters have all sorts of variety in respect to moves and mechanics to get people involved.

I think Tekken Revolution was on to something with the invincible moves. They certainly could've been done better and some people will never see anything positive about their inclusion, but the one thing it did that I really liked was highlighting a character's signature moves (Paul's deathfist, Kaz/Jin's Wind God Fist/Wind Hook Fist, Asuka's double lift kick, etc). Law spammers online I think is indicative of the point I'm trying to make; while annoying and does no justice to him (speaking as a occasional Law player), it gave him "go to" moves for people starting out with him, no different from the phenomena known as flow chart Kens. Most importantly, it still played like a 3D fighter generally speaking. What I'm saying is, DoA having something like it would put emphasis on their signature moves and give an entry point of understanding to the common onlooker (it'd 'look cool' in trailers). It'd also give gameplay-related reasons to people to gravitate to the characters; would certainly help give the girls more versatile appeal. :p

I'd like for DoA to remove 4 and 5's stun system and go back to how it was in 2 and 3. Use 5's counter system. Make other adjustments that can highlight the signature moves of DoA's cast (doesn't have to be 'invincibles' btw). That would be my hypothetical DoA6. Some people would like the change, others wouldn't. That's a good thing, change is what keeps things interesting.
Dont ever talk about Tekken Revolution, even the tekken community doesnt even take that game seriously.


Well-Known Member
Remarks like this are part of the problem. This comment just comes off as, not only rude, but straight up condescending. Top player or not, I don't care who you are as a person, respect is given when respect is shown. This type of attitude doesn't benefit the community at all.
The same goes for you from what I seen over FB. All that stuff you talked was not a joke. I personally did terrible I had no one from the Tina forums. Say anything about my performance. I'm one of the bigger contributors over there too. What you did I don't easily forgive. That's just me though I'm sure others are more lenient.


Well-Known Member
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Remarks like this are part of the problem. This comment just comes off as, not only rude, but straight up condescending. Top player or not, I don't care who you are as a person, respect is given when respect is shown. This type of attitude doesn't benefit the community at all.

Read both mine and CatzDaLegit's posts on the previous page because they say the same thing, except his is a longer post.

In regards to an attitude, its yours, you've displayed it simply because someone replied to your comment. You put up a defensive wall everytime someone replies to you.

Keep your drama episodes out of this thread, no one is here to read that crap.


Tina Purist
Premium Donor
every now and then someone who gets on their high horse for doing more will belittle another's efforts once their credentials get to their head, hurting that person's self-esteem to a point where it's nearly irreparable.

In theory, When this happens the limited contributor feels worthless (as the opinion of the contributor doing "more" holds a lot of weight to the eyes of the community) and begins to do more than what's within their means just to "appease" the hater that's doing "more", if not leave the community outright... sometimes with disastrous results..

Except this all falls under not letting any obstacles get in your way. No top or good player is going to belittle people for entering tournaments or playing the game. No one does that.


Well-Known Member
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The same goes for you from what I seen over FB. All that stuff you talked was not a joke. I personally did terrible I had no one from the Tina forums. Say anything about my performance. I'm one of the bigger contributors over there too. What you did I don't easily forgive. That's just me though I'm sure others are more lenient.

Read both mine and CatzDaLegit's posts on the previous page because they say the same thing, except his is a longer post.

In regards to an attitude, its yours, you've displayed it simply because someone replied to your comment. You put up a defensive wall everytime someone replies to you.

Keep your drama episodes out of this thread, no one is here to read that crap.
No matter what anyone has to say, I'll continue to play the game and support. I am passionate about DOA and will continue to be passionate about it. However, that doesn't take away from what my post was saying. The condescending attitude is, quite frankly, annoying and not warranted. As I stated, I don't care if you're a top player or not, respect is given when respect is shown. Despite whatever issues I might have with any member of the community, I still play and support the game and will continue to do so no matter what.


Well-Known Member
No matter what anyone has to say, I'll continue to play the game and support. I am passionate about DOA and will continue to be passionate about it. However, that doesn't take away from what my post was saying. The condescending attitude is, quite frankly, annoying and not warranted. As I stated, I don't care if you're a top player or not, respect is given when respect is shown. Despite whatever issues I might have with any member of the community, I still play and support the game and will continue to do so no matter what.
That's fine do as you wish. Just don't expect any kind of respect. When you were the first one to disrespect. I'm just making it clear. I got interest in meeting you anymore after what has been said.


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Your unnecessary, snooty and defensively sensitive comment is what caused the last few posts to be what they are. Like I said, keep your drama episodes out of this thread, no one cares about what issues you suddenly decided to make up with yourself towards someone else are.

Now he will either run off to make an FSD status or go to Facebook for attention. You are the last person to be talking about respect.
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Well-Known Member
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Why is it whenever I post something that pretains to the thread, which this thread even points out, it's a problem? And it's worst when certain people can get a pass for their attitudes and belittling just because of their status as a "top player." That has got to stop, because it doesn't do the community any good.


Active Member
Why is it whenever I post something that pretains to the thread, which this thread even points out, it's a problem? And it's worst when certain people can get a pass for their attitudes and belittling just because of their status as a "top player." That has got to stop, because it doesn't do the community any good.
Yeah i can kinda relate comin from the tekken community since im from the midwest theres a guy in my state thats kinda like that.

Omega Ayane

Premium Donor
Why is it whenever I post something that pretains to the thread, which this thread even points out, it's a problem? And it's worst when certain people can get a pass for their attitudes and belittling just because of their status as a "top player." That has got to stop, because it doesn't do the community any good.

Darling, you haven't been a good part of the community as of recent by belittling players that have helped you. Now please get off your soapbox. This is about the DOA community as a whole and being a better part of it.