Out-prioritizing Wake Up Kicks

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
With the new wake-up prioritization I wanted to get a list of good things to use as setups.

I noticed this in v1.03 before v1.03a and it's nice to have them explain it. I noticed that :6::H+K: actually would break through the mid wake-up kick option.

So what are some options? 214P? 33P?

It would probably need to be something with a lot of hit frames for variances on timing.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I bet if 214p was a sabaki, it would've been useful in beating wake up kick.

Right now I'm trying to do what raansu did, but I'm having trouble doing it no matter how fast I do the 1pp.


Well-Known Member
I bet if 214p was a sabaki, it would've been useful in beating wake up kick.

Right now I'm trying to do what raansu did, but I'm having trouble doing it no matter how fast I do the 1pp.

I think I had recovery turned off so they would do the wake up kick, but since they can't tech immediately after that string it may change the timing. It worked for me every time but I'm not sure how effective it would be on a real player since the timing of the wake up kick can be different depending on when the player inputs it. It may be better to just pick them up. At the time I thought it was interesting so I posted it. 66p does beat out wake up kicks though, but the timing is ridiculously strict. I've done it with 33p and 6f+k as well but only 6f+k can I get it somewhat consistently. 33p has an extremely strict timing to it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
6h+k is very good because it has the most active frames, so it's much easier. Whiffing it on wake up kicks isn't too bad, since you only get minor hit stun post-active-frames.

I'm not gonna bother with the 1PP trick, to be honest. Probably won't work well against real players.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm finding :6::h::+::K: to still be a very consistent option for beating wake-up kicks. In my opinion it's the safest option out of other moves because of its active frame window and it's low-crush property. Throwing it out early also means that if you end up getting hit with a wake-up kick, you'll take minor stun and damage and you'll recover standing.

I'm trying to find a way to beat wake-up kicks with :h::+::K: now because it instantly crushes lows, it's faster than :6::h::+::K: and it crushes highs and mids during recovery. The biggest risk with :h::+::K: however is that it's very punishable if you whiff.

Rich Nixon

Well-Known Member
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Offline I've beaten mid wake up with 66p, 214p,6k, and 6k+h. Low wakeups a few times with 1p. I agree with your idea of finding a consistent way to beat both wakeup kick options with 6k+h because of the reasons you listed. Since Bass' core gameplan is to land a pick-up, the only time an enemy should be using a wakeup kick on you is following a throw that leaves you close by. (e.g. 2h+p, F5, 236h+p etc.). Guess we can hit the lab and start there.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Is that BT throw guaranteed?

Yes, I verified that he now has Bayman BT throw properties off his BT throw. That means any throw is guaranteed from BT.

On NT if you get Grizzly Launcher in water it's 110 landing the combo throw.
9PP 3K 33P 41236H+P H+P also does 110 btw.

so it's up to you if you want to risk the combo throw break and only get 70 dmg.