Okay, why/how am I getting accused of spamming counters? Thats not even POSSIBLE.


Active Member
Was just in a lobby, only like 3 people (me and two others.) Only person with voice chat is watching me and the other person. He left saying "all this **** does is spam counters and holds". The person I was fighting rage quit because I kept countering and punishing with Milas tackle. They left saying "go spam grabs and counter somewhere else nub".

See now, heres the problem. I play defensively. As in, anything I do is in reaction to my opponent. As in, I kept countering their attempts at spamming juggles. They kept doing the same few combos/juggles over and over, I kept countering them, then they accused me of spamming counters. WHAT?!

I can understand if I was just standing there mashing counters, or constantly grabbing, but WHAT?!

As for Milas Tackle...thats the entire point of the character, I'm even making it a point to mix it up as much as possible by using different leadins, and doing her arm break instead of face pound to mix it up. And on top of that, I dont combo into it beyond standard strings, so its not guaranteed, SPECIFICALLY so it isnt overkill.

So yeah. How in the hell am I spamming....a counter to spammed attacks? HOW?! I mean...i'll admit I do the mount tackle a tad bit too much, mostly because a) Its so satisfying to watch, b) Its one of the few moves that doesn't just whiff through the opponents body all the time, and c) It READS online. I'm trying to use it less and less. But they mostly accused me of "spamming counters." Which, by definition, cant be done on its own.

Just...blugh. Hypocrisy. Gotta love it...


Active Member
ok i just fought you and yes... you do lawl.

If you were the pai...to be fair, you kept just flailing pokes at me lol. Like I said, I was just reacting according to your attacks. But how I dealt with you isnt how I normally play, so that was a weird fight lol. Switching tactics throws off my groove.


Active Member
but you kept mid punch countering >:mad:
lol jk next time ima get you tho ;)

Least ya aint raging, thats usually the reaction I get when I counter people (hence this thread)

Problem is...nobody plays Pai, so I have no idea what moves of hers are mid, low or high, had to spend most of the match just trying to figure out what is what lol. Hate that, but it DOES give the game longevity to constantly be learning as I play.


Active Member
People who spam holds tend to get raped by grabs.Since once you hit them, they try to hold the very next hit. My friend does that all the time, I don't even bother, just grab them.

Yea I guess holds can be gay when the other player constantly guesses correctly. Essentially there isn't even a point in doing a combo. One of the many reason why lots of people hate the hold system in DOA.

Also, how can someone spam juggles if they are getting held. You can't juggle until the guy is in the air.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
People who spam holds tend to get raped by grabs.Since once you hit them, they try to hold the very next hit. My friend does that all the time, I don't even bother, just grab them.

Yea I guess holds can be gay when the other player constantly guesses correctly. Essentially there isn't even a point in doing a combo. One of the many reason why lots of people hate the hold system in DOA..
Also, how can someone spam juggles if they are getting held. You can't juggle until the guy is in the air.
I think he means launchers but yeah I love hold spammers, Helena is a looping beast against them

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I would just spam Kokoro's CT if you going to keep spamming holds. Do that to people all the time.


Active Member
People who spam holds tend to get raped by grabs.Since once you hit them, they try to hold the very next hit. My friend does that all the time, I don't even bother, just grab them.

Yea I guess holds can be gay when the other player constantly guesses correctly. Essentially there isn't even a point in doing a combo. One of the many reason why lots of people hate the hold system in DOA.

Also, how can someone spam juggles if they are getting held. You can't juggle until the guy is in the air.

Well, one, if you are good at countering, reading, and planning ahead, you can guide the opponents actions (make them use certain moves), so it makes it even easier to counter them, so its less "guessing".

And yeah, the launcher. (The launcher essentially is the start of the juggle.)


Umm ... it does sound like you're spamming holds >.>

That being said, I thought that was the whole strategy with Mila anyway.


Active Member
Umm ... it does sound like you're spamming holds >.>

That being said, I thought that was the whole strategy with Mila anyway.

It is.

But I supposed I should clarify that you can't successfully spam holds. If spamming, you'd just get wrecked for standing there twitching lol. But if its successful, its because you are predicting the opponent. And if you are REPEATEDLY predicting them, they are likely spamming. Hence...how am i the one spamming for countering a spammed attack?


Active Member
It is.

But I supposed I should clarify that you can't successfully spam holds. If spamming, you'd just get wrecked for standing there twitching lol. But if its successful, its because you are predicting the opponent. And if you are REPEATEDLY predicting them, they are likely spamming. Hence...how am i the one spamming for countering a spammed attack?
Well, for Mila's TD'S, you should use them as much as possible. When I play Mila I either go for a CB or TD. So in that aspect, fuck whoever that player was because TD is Mila's main move.
However for the hold part, there are people who tend to abuse the hell out of them. Firstly, because it isn't that hard to hold someone's launcher. Launchers are usually mid kicks or mid punches so it's a 50/50 guess. Half the time if 1 gets held, they will switch to the other. Secondly, predicting is the same as guessing, since a prediction is guess what? (No pun intended) A guess. You know those people on the News who give you a weather prediction? They are basically guessing what the weather is going to be. Can it be a more educated guess? Yes. Is it still a guess? 100%
Finally, it isn't difficult to hold in the first place. I've met people online that do nothing but hold attacks do I get held every time vs them? Yes. Because in the end (like I said) it isn't too hard to go "Oh look, he just jabbed me. Since he's kasumi, I'll just mash 7H as fast as I can so I can hold the second hit." Wala, it holds. What do I do against these guesstastic people? Poke then grab. Rinse and repeat since these morons think they can hold the second hit of every god damn move.


Active Member
Well, for Mila's TD'S, you should use them as much as possible. When I play Mila I either go for a CB or TD. So in that aspect, fuck whoever that player was because TD is Mila's main move.
However for the hold part, there are people who tend to abuse the hell out of them. Firstly, because it isn't that hard to hold someone's launcher. Launchers are usually mid kicks or mid punches so it's a 50/50 guess. Half the time if 1 gets held, they will switch to the other. Secondly, predicting is the same as guessing, since a prediction is guess what? (No pun intended) A guess. You know those people on the News who give you a weather prediction? They are basically guessing what the weather is going to be. Can it be a more educated guess? Yes. Is it still a guess? 100%
Finally, it isn't difficult to hold in the first place. I've met people online that do nothing but hold attacks do I get held every time vs them? Yes. Because in the end (like I said) it isn't too hard to go "Oh look, he just jabbed me. Since he's kasumi, I'll just mash 7H as fast as I can so I can hold the second hit." Wala, it holds. What do I do against these guesstastic people? Poke then grab. Rinse and repeat since these morons think they can hold the second hit of every god damn move.

What about people like me, who hold the first hit, not the second?


Active Member
How can you hold the 1st attack if the buffer system is so off in online matches?

Countering by anticipation, not reaction. Thats what I mean by reading and anticipating. You can control the flow of the fight, and that makes it way easier to focus on counters. (leave yourself vulnerable so they'll use certain attacks, counter said attack, or lead the fight to focus on low to the ground so they'll do high wakeups, etc etc). Its pretty easy to always counter the first attack when you've pretty much directed what that attack is going to be.
I played you like a day or so ago,you dont spam holds, i mean yea you may hold a little more than im comfortable with,but you dont have a character that shines on the defensive end so its to be expected, i wouldnt worry about it much man,people especially in DoA get really mad when they lose to someone lol. You play to her strengths by using her SS TD as much as possible so in my opinion you're doing fine,just remember people get salty and irrational easily, dont mind it, do you!


Well-Known Member
To be honest, everytime Im using Mila I always use her TD especially the SS TD because its one of her best tools & I tried to avoid using it but I can't help myself lol.