New Costumes of Last Round

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Good find @Boogie, I think that you have correctly interpreted the outfit: the design talked just of skirt pulled over his head.


A shame that everything was misunderstood...


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i get what the jacky outfit was trying to accomplish and im not complaining. i just think there was some oversight on the designers behalf and maybe should've drawn a back reference, tho you would think TN would be smart enough to google an example?

jacky's shirt look more of a resemblance to

baggier and what not, the back should look like a hood. like............he tried on his little sisters shirt and see if it would fit and got caught in a fight with mila in the streets. im not complaining tho, the more abs the better. mila has a booty now. did anyone notice that? they enhanced her ass o.o

DoA 6 = Booty physics!

while im on the subject, i think the men should have chest physics. could you imagine the hilarity of their pectorals bouncing after a fight?
mila's ass looks the same to me, its just that the camera was zoomed in with the power blow finish.

Also, I can't be the ONLY one who feels like that Metal Slug outfit they chose for her was incredibly redundant, considering how we already have have that same "shorty shorts, crop top, boots and gloves" outfit like 5 or 6 times over with only minor variations.






That last one, the cop DLC especially, feels like we already have that contest costume, just in blue instead of green, at least for me.

It feels like too many palette swaps of the same outfit at this point. (There's only so many differences you can make with the same exact points of exposed skin, they wind up having the same lines/bars, but different patches of colors)
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Also the pockets on her butt cheeks, make it look bigger as it actually is.
dangit Tyaren I was trying to wait for someone to post so I could make the new comment about the outfit being redundant than nobody did so I edited, and no sooner than I click Save Changes than your post shows up lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this is the case, however there are some outfits in the game where the shape of the girls' butt appear alterated.


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mila's ass looks the same to me, its just that the camera was zoomed in with the power blow finish.

Also, I can't be the ONLY one who feels like that Metal Slug outfit they chose for her was incredibly redundant, considering how we already have have that same "shorty shorts, crop top, boots and gloves" outfit like 5 or 6 times over with only minor variations.






That last one, the cop DLC especially, feels like we already have that contest costume, just in blue instead of green, at least for me.

It feels like too many palette swaps of the same outfit at this point. (There's only so many differences you can make with the same exact points of exposed skin, they wind up having the same lines/bars, but different patches of colors)

I understand, though. Are you saying that you don't like the costumes that you mentioned above?


Well-Known Member

I understand, though. Are you saying that you don't like the costumes that you mentioned above?
lol beltblindfold dio. I did. Used google then switched to list on doawiki lol.

And yeah no, I really don't. I've TRIED them all, Cop dlc being used recently, but I've already gotten sick of them and gone back to C2/C6/Sports/Bass/Schoolgirl/Bed. The first two are the "main" outfits, middle two because they fit, last two are my only real "fetish" outfits and its mostly because of color coordination.


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I'm not sure if this is the case, however there are some outfits in the game where the shape of the girls' butt appear alterated.

There are changes -also in boob size- depending on the outfit.

Tight pants and of thin cloth, smaller butt volume:

Pants not as tight and of thicker cloth material, bigger butt volume:



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I've already gotten sick of them and gone back to C2/C6/Sports/Bass/Schoolgirl/Bed.
This is how I feel with Zack's costumes. He's got: C1/C5/Sports/Halloween 2013/Legacy that I like to play (Mainly legacy, but I think y'all know why...) I bought his Halloween 2014 for X360, but I don't use it because I got a PS3 like 1 week later, and I don't think that it is worth buying again, lol.

Waiting for his LR costume reveal (Next in line vs. Leon Marauder? Come on.) It's gonna be good (Considering he only got 2 entries... 1 of them got 20 likes.)


Well-Known Member
This is how I feel with Zack's costumes. He's got: C1/C5/Sports/Halloween 2013/Legacy that I like to play (Mainly legacy, but I think y'all know why...) I bought his Halloween 2014 for X360, but I don't use it because I got a PS3 like 1 week later, and I don't think that it is worth buying again, lol.

Waiting for his LR costume reveal (Next in line vs. Leon Marauder? Come on.) It's gonna be good (Considering he only got 2 entries... 1 of them got 20 likes.)
Yeah I would never rebuy most of the costumes. Only ones I would rebuy are


(I'd get the rest of his just because he has so few, but Legacy is the only one I intentionally pick. I usually pick Dice a lot for him.)

Like I said, I'm not a fan of Mila's new outfit, just because we've already had that same outfit 4 or 5 times over already since Vanilla.

And yes, lets see this, pronto!


I'm still worried about what they'll change, if anything, though.


I'm cool with fanservise-ish (is that even a word? xD) cotumes for the guys... Ein's halloween costume from 2013 is one that i actually use a lot... but this one for Jacky looks quite ridiculous to me.... just saying...

maybe is just the fact that the t-shirt looks really weird that bothers me, i would probably look way better without it...


Well-Known Member
Check out the Facebook comments a tell me that Jacky's costume is not manservice. Remember, sexy is subjective. But, I have to agree with you're moderation point. You are dead on about that.

But I don't understand why female fanservice is hated but manservice not only welcomed but encouraged. Just look at how much praise the movie Magic Mike received but Sucker Punch was lambasted. Maybe it's a western thing?

My friends and I used to play DOA back in the day and we would just laugh at the bouncing boobs/maid costumes, shrug it off, and enjoy the game. Now everyone seems to slip into the "riot of the blood" mode when the see stuff like this lol. I just wish people would have more of a "les a fair" attitude like the Japanese when it comes to things like this.

It's nice to talk to people about stuff like this without mudslinging! Peace!
This stuff builds up over time, you know. I think it feels like in recent years, women (in general) are finally getting solid, respectable roles in movies and such as opposed to just being eye candy props who should be seen and not heard. We're talking past century and beyond here. So, when "cheap" female fanservice is trotted out, people are hyper-sensitive to it, like we're trying to send media back into the dark ages. It's "more" okay if it happens to men because there is so much more out there to "counterbalance" it so to speak when it's a lot less true for women. There are other social dynamics at work (like needing to change the stereotypes of men only being able to think with their penis and women having no sexual desires at all, for example), but it gets complicated and this isn't quite the place for it. If history wasn't what it was, then people probably wouldn't care as much. It is a lot easier if you just take it all in good fun and don't think about any possible social implications. (But, it's somebody's job to think about it eventually...)

And my few years of French and my past civics classes are indicating to me that the proper spelling is "laissez-faire" for what you mentioned. Just for your information.

Anyhoo, I'm rolling at people calling Jacky a gay hooker, though. Lollerskates for days. Thanks @Kronin for providing us with what Jacky's "shirt" is because I really had no idea. The in-game design does come off as odd straight away, but knowing what TN was going for helps.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Personally I find these vids revealing 2 fan outfits at a time to be overkill and unnecessary. I think one vid showing brief scenes of all of them would have been better. I get that they're trying to build suspense for which fan design was chosen next but nothing else they show in the vid is new so...


Well-Known Member
Personally I find these vids revealing 2 fan outfits at a time to be overkill and unnecessary. I think one vid showing brief scenes of all of them would have been better. I get that they're trying to build suspense for which fan design was chosen next but nothing else they show in the vid is new so...
plus its frustrating to watch. So many mount opportunities not taken in that vid...
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