New Costumes of Last Round

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Well-Known Member
Still its a Update and no Full New Game . Sad that the Story is not told a little bit further and the NEW Characters are not included in it . Like PAI . AKIRA and Sarah got a Story Line .

MAYBE DOA6 or DOA vs Virtua Fighter in the Future :)


Well-Known Member
They added at least a pose for each character in DoA5U single mode (when not a winning one, then an intro), I'm sure that there is a chance that they could have decided to do the same even now.

Definitely we will see new Tag poses (and hopefully the return of the cut old ones and new Tag Throws).


Well-Known Member
Looking back a few pages, that desert marauder Leon looks really cool! God i hope they put that in! It would be an injustice to the artist, the character Leon and anyone who enjoys using him if they don't put that costume in. I hate seeing cool ideas like this getting overlooked and sometimes dismissed lol.

Really liking some of the new costumes that are already in the game too.


Well-Known Member
Hey! Cool! It's nice to see @Tyaren Eliot's design in a new costumes official trailer :) And GenFu looks cool too. It was most voted GenFu design


Well-Known Member
YESSS! It's the slightyt alterated @JKT's design of Gen Fu, big congratulations my friend! ;)

Sorry @Squizzo, I liked your funny Monopoly Gen Fu (I disliked only my generic Shaolin Monk), but this was definitely my favourite entry for him. Finally there is another elegant warrior outfit for him, in perfect parallel with his classic blue one (this remind me just what happened with Bayman's design of Russian, that for me is a sort of reminder of his futuristic suits appeared in DoA4 and DoAD).

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Standard Donor
As you guys already know, I am very grateful for placing first in the contest and for Team Ninja implementing my design in the game. :)
Genfu looks awesome. Of his traditional costumes this one is my favorite. :) Congratulations to the designer.
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Well-Known Member
I wish Gen Fu's costume was less dark and had a bit more blue in it. I like it though, the cloack looks great. At first the pants reminded me too much of his usual striped one but overall he looks like a warrior.

I'm glat Crimson is back, but the stage and the costumes overall are too dark for my eyes in this new version. I need some colors and lights! Remember that feeling when we got Zack's Island ? It was a relief in the sense that it brought some fresh air into a game that mostly got a gritty/urban atmosphere. Now today the stage selection is really varied I must admit, but I'm asking for a last stage where you can see colors.

And again, I love the new CB effects, so neat.

Congratz again @Tyaren !
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Well-Known Member
Yes, again congratulations @Tyaren, finally we can attend better the Eliot's outfit. By the way for me the textures are not so vad, I think that the overall work is good on him.

@KwonJigglypuff I agree that a more dark colour on the outfit for Gen Fu it would have been great, but in the end the outcome works anyway (then, TN could always bring back that old classic outfit for him, in this case the 2 costumes would appear even more different).

About the darkness of the stage, take in consideration that - just like already said from @HHH816 - seems just that The Crimson stage will get 2 different variations of daytime, sunset and night (with the latter showned in this trailer). Apparently TN listened the requests of people to bring back variations of the stage, considerings like we have already seen this on the lab zone.

PS: Maybe could be a prelude to the sunset/night variations of a future DLC Aerial Gardens? I hope so.


Well-Known Member
The effect for the ripped outfits in the game (or however portions of tissue extremely thin) is always this one, from Akira, to Ryu's to Phase-4, etc... costumes: not really good, but honestly I wouldn't have hoped for something different; instead, what can really appear different are the textures over the polygons, and so far I see the ones of Eliot very good (at least for my canons).
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