My Fall Classic (Very little to do with DOA)

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
:zack: Fuck

"Not everybody gets to win."

As soon as I stand up out of my chair and get ready to leave something really odd happened.

"Really, really good job man..."

Rabies, probably the last person I'd think to give me props, was the very first to reach for my hand and let me know it wasn't for nothing. We shook, I gave him a nod, spun around and handed Hoodless his controller (BYOC means nothing to me.) I then proceeded to grab my duffel bag and power walk to the bar.

Two jack n' cokes,1 1/2 pints of Sam Adams Boston lager and a big bacon cheese burger later, the taste of defeat had been throughtly cleansed from my pallet. Half cut, I stumble out of the bar and bump into Chosen1. We rap for a little while (not literally, I'd smash him) and then we headed up to his room with Blackwhiteboi and LBFWolf.

FYI, if you're looking to get really, really, really fucked really, really, really, really fucked in half drunk then you need to talk to Wolf. I won't say why, not trying to get anybody arrested.... I'm just saying that if you're at a tournament and need to get a buzz going ASAP halla at ya boy wolf.

So, I head back down to the bar for the Dead or Alive 5 launch party, still pretty brick faced, looking for a beer. Turns out that the drinks weren't free and that the closest thing to a woman, while I was in there, was a little Asian morsel named Shuns Fury.

I guess maybe Shuns saw that I was lookin to fuck somethin and that I was just hammered enough to ignore the fact that he was not a woman and we were not in prison.

"Julius, we need to get some chicks up in here."

What followed was 15 minutes of me and Shuns doing our best to scare up some poontang for the launch party.

It started off fruitful enough - I accosted two women and their effeminate guy friend in the parking lot and told them we had a big party popping off in the hotel and that they were invited. I grab the cutest looking one by the hand and led her posse to a table off in the corner and left her there with promises of a fun time. Slammed or not, my ability to trick people into thinking I'm charming, educated and rich is always accessible.

What happened next is a little blurry but I know for a fact we happened across that pretty boy Shade Swifteye and tried to recruit him to our noble cause but he was hating, like haters do, so we left him to his own devices.

At some point things got fuzzy and Shuns left me in the care of one Max Lagee (aka Nulite)

Part 2 and 3
coming soon.
