Looking for some training buddies (360 Version)

Hey guys i had a post earlier when i first got the game,but maybe i didnt put it in the right spot or maybe i didnt word it correctly lol so here goes my second try. Im new to the DoA series but im not new to fighting games. Im trying to figure out how this game works and eventually play it at a high level. I've gotten some knowledge from a good friend of mine,but hes not always on to help me out so im basically looking for knowledge anywhere i can find it. Im not a complete noob (although i was when i first got the game) and i've gotten to a C rank online,but im getting tired of people just rushing me as hard as they can just to get some points haha. My point is im looking for some casual players with good fundamentals who would like to add me online (xbox version) and either show me what you know,or even just people who also share the same feelings as me,who just wanna get better at the game without having to face a bunch of hungry for points type of players.

Sorry for the wall of text by the way...Anyways to anyone out there on xbox who would either like to show me the ropes,or if you just want a training buddy,please dont hesitate to add me on xbox live so we can get some games in! Knowledge is power,and im hungry for knowledge! (Xbox live GT: SaVaGe StaTuS)

Thanks for anyone who stopped by =P



New Member
GT: hanzER00

i'm in the same boat as you Savage. I haven't even activated my online pass yet (still trying to get comfortable) as I got the game yesterday. I've been training with a few characters but i'm not really sure who I want to main indefinitely.
I'd love to have a regular training partner once i get my feet wet.


Well-Known Member
GT: hanzER00

i'm in the same boat as you Savage. I haven't even activated my online pass yet (still trying to get comfortable) as I got the game yesterday. I've been training with a few characters but i'm not really sure who I want to main indefinitely.
I'd love to have a regular training partner once i get my feet wet.

Add meeeeeee


Active Member
I only play Mila (wanna learn Bass and/or Tina for tag purposes with Mila, though), but I'll play. GT is DEGALON
Hey dont worry man the best way to get your feet wet is to just play...also NykNyks is a super dope teacher,so if he adds you make sure you pick his brain,but also im gonna add you and i can def. show you the ropes and all the info i know! Adding you now!


I can write until the set explodes, but sadly I'm a wretched hands-on kind of teacher.

Sorry to leave you kids with the elephant, but he will have to do.


Well-Known Member
Hey NykNyks Just saw your message online the other day. DIdn't even know I battled someone from here. Sorry I didn't reply. Had to go. Ayo break yo self Nyk! Haha! That's funny!