Lets talk about redesigns

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I guess this is what they call the placebo effect... You all became paranoid due to all the boob discussions, lol.
For you to actually notice a change in a single image without a direct comparison, the change would have to be significant. Her chest looks however exactly the same and is still rather modest (for DOA standards). If there was a change, everyone would notice it. That would be the very purpose for changing it in the first place. ;)

I don't think it looks very realistic, but rather cartoony/anime-ish, but I agree it will probably eventually turn out to be the prettiest fighting game. As expected. This is Team Ninja we are talking about after all...and Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur 6 both dropped the ball in that regard, so no real competition there. ;P
lol Yep, no competition at all.


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TN shared a new image that they didn't show before:


I think Ryu's bulge got bigger since reveal. XD

DOA 5 Still looks better character wise than Tekken 7 and SCVI to me.

And the improved DOA6 models will have more polygons in one character's little finger than a Soul Calibur 6 character has in their whole hand. I'm not even kidding.
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Another new screenshot just came out, Still loving Kasumi's new outfit, Poor Hayate that look of pain in his face!

This one is 100% one of the old screenshots. ;) You can find it since game reveal on sites like Dualshockers and Gamersyde.


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Inb4 "omg did they make kasumi's tatongas big again???"

Are you a psychic?

yes, looks like her body (boobies and butt) has been enhance from the E3 built. they fix her weird nose too

I hope you are joking. XD

That image is from the batch of images from game reveal. Kasumi looks like that from the very beginning.

We will have claims of bigger boobs and butts everytime a new image or video releases until release, won't we? :(
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Well-Known Member
I hope you are joking. XD

That image is from the batch of images from game reveal. Kasumi looks like that from the very beginning.

yeah, i scroll down DOA6 twitter account and found the same image retweeted from 2 japanese site by TN earlier.

so it may be a first leak image to japanese game site, TN might be using different less enhance model towards western audience in E3.


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TN might be using different less enhance model towards western audience in E3.

The models are the exact same.
TN's talk of the girls being less sexy and with smaller boobs was eyewash. They just said that to garner some points from IGN and other gaming media outlets. The girls are just as voluptuous and sexily clothed as in DOA5 vanilla. They used the same DOA is now so mature-ploy at the reveal of that game as well...

yeah, i scroll down DOA6 twitter account and found the same image retweeted from 2 japanese site by TN earlier.

Dualshockers and Gamersyde are Western gaming sites, the image was there since reveal too.
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Well-Known Member
ok, let's wait for another kasumi official video, from what i know all the outrage coming from the E3 video.

To be honest i like kasumi in that image than in E3 video (she looks weird).


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ok, let's wait for another kasumi official video, from what i know all the outrage coming from the E3 video.

Or we can just stop with this creepy obsession over the size of the female characters' breasts. Think about it, "outrage" over the female characters' chests not being big enough. @__@
Or just open a dedicated thread for it and spare everyone else.

Yup. These people are seeing what they want to see. It's all in their heads. They are completely nuts. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DhcYX0kV4AAYB-3.jpg

Okay, you people got to be kidding at this point. XD

Seriously, in one image Kasumi's upper body is facing us, in the other we see it in profile. Let me tell you as an artist, who has drawn female bodies from all sorts of angles, who drew them from actual female models in front of him: From some angles breasts seem more pronounced than in others. Breasts in profile break out of the character outline and seem bigger, breasts seen from the front don't break out of the character outline and thus seem smaller.
That is the reason why the two pictures that sparked the specualtion of bigger breasts both showed Helena and Kasumi from the side.

Last but not least, the image used in that comparison is not a new, Japanese version, it too was part of the batch of E3 reveal pictures:


Available since June 11th here:

We long knew this image, and everyone was still complaining the breasts were too small. Now people have looked a little closer at the old footage and suddenly Kasumi's chest is big enough, thus this must be a new, Japanese version. @__@
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Well that KittyCat_Cammy person is one of the people that are just too far gone, they are totally serious lol
That's the original tweet: https://twitter.com/KittyCat_Cammy/status/1015217592431271937

and just look at the replies most people just uncritically believe it. It's hilarious XD

I won't click on that link, I'm not going to do this to myself. XD

I already mentioned in another forum, maybe it is best to just let the placebo work? Better letting them declare victory over all "SJWs", "feminists" and "hipocritas" and them finally shutting up, than them complaining forever.

Right, the boobs are bigger. Massive even! You did it! :D And now let's move on.


Well-Known Member
Or we can just stop with this creepy obsession over the size of the female characters' breasts. Think about it, "outrage" over the female characters' chests not being big enough. @__@
Or just open a dedicated thread for it and spare everyone else.

Okay, you people got to be kidding at this point. XD

Seriously, in one image Kasumi's upper body is facing us, in the other we see it in profile. Let me tell you as an artist, who has drawn female bodies from all sorts of angles, who drew them from actual female models in front of him: From some angles breasts seem more pronounced than in others. Breasts in profile break out of the character outline and seem bigger, breasts seen from the front don't break out of the character outline and thus seem smaller.
That is the reason why the two pictures that sparked the specualtion of bigger breasts both showed Helena and Kasumi from the side.

Last but not least, the image used in that comparison is not a new, Japanese version, it too was part of the batch of E3 reveal pictures:


Available since June 11th here:

We long knew this image, and everyone was still complaining the breasts were too small. Now people have looked a little closer at the old footage and suddenly Kasumi's chest is big enough, thus this must be a new, Japanese version. @__@
Literally the ONLY thing people have to do see through these PR lies is use their eyes... how are they THIS blind!? or are they just taking hearsay at face value?


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Since we’re talking about redesigns I wanna put my 2 cents in.

- Just like someone said earlier, I want them to focus more on Lei’s Wealthier side and let her act/dress more sophisticated and classy. Her chasing Jann Lee doesn’t really fit her personality.

- I want some of the older costumes that were redesigned for DOA5 get reverted back to their original designs like this Ayane costume for example.


- I really hope Mila gets a full makeover, her design is horrible. Her hair looks misplaced and ugly, if they wanna make her the tomboy at least give her a normal haircut and not some 2012 Cybergoth hairstyle that doesn’t even fit her. A haircut like this would fit her more, her highlights should stay on the tips of her hair, because right now it looks like she just squirted hair dye on her hair and was too lazy to divide it equally.

Her clothing style could also be more tomboyish but still look fashionable.

- I really hope they’ll give Rig a neck in 6, besides that I don’t really want him to look different.

- I know this isn’t really a redesign but I really want the Ninja preorder DLC costumes (except ryu’s) to be returning costumes for 6.
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