Launchers and the best way to find them


Active Member
I know there are power launchers, but are those used very much? They seem to have a lot of startup time.
For regular launchers, they vary from fighter to fighter, and I guess you need to find them out in training.

Don't know if we should compile a list or something, or if one exists. Or just leave it to the individual.

:genfu: has :H+K: and :4::P+K:. Any others?
:bass: has:7::K: I Think?
:jannlee::leifang::pai: I'm not sure about. I think those are my top five fighters currently. Maybe each of them has a few launchers, but am not sure exactly how many.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Yeah, they're all character specific. Power launchers are usually setup from critical bursts or as a hold bait. Some launchers launch on NH and some only on CH (or critical stun). Leifang, for example uses mainly 8K (high K) or 66K (mid K) as her launchers, and they're both CH launchers. The only NH launcher she has that's normally used is 3P+K (mid P), though obviously it launches on CH as well. Technically 7K launches too, but...

EDIT: And Gen Fu doesn't even need launchers outside of H+K and Full Crouch 3P. Character's so OP he could have no launchers on NH and CH and he'd still be broken.
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Well-Known Member
Pretty much what striker said with some extra ones:
Normal Hit Launchers: Launch at any hit (Normal, Counter etc).

Counter Hit Launchers: Launch on counter hit or whilst the opponent is stunned (e.g. Momiji's :8::P:)

Threshold Launchers: Moves which launch at a certain critical threshold (usually deep level 2 where critical burst is possible) (e.g. Christie :4::K:)

Back to Back Launchers: Launches when used within succession (and the opponent is still in stun from the previous) (e.g. Zack and Momiji's :3::P:). These won't launch naturally within stun or on NH, some will launch at threshold though.

Moves can qualify for multiple launch conditions. Zack's :3::P: launches Back to to Back and at Threshold as an example.


Well-Known Member
Counter Hit Launchers: Launch on counter hit or whilst the opponent is stunned (e.g. Momiji's :8::P:)
thanks. Now i'm gonna read again my frame data and find some new tools.
For example kokoro: :P::P::K: launch at stun, so a new combo can be :6::6::P: (if it stun) then :P::P::K: and juggle. cool.