Kokoro 1.04 Changes


Well-Known Member
Dunno about you guys but if 6PPP is neutral on block that I'm abusing that. That's exceptionally braindead and makes it mad easy to get HCT 214T in neutral. That justifies the minor damage decrease IMO.
That's only if it does. Recovery decrease doesn't mean block frames will decrease as well, but I hope so.

CH lows + frames decrease is a sad nerf because they were crucial to Kokoro's mixup game.

66P+K nerf is a major nerf, because all of Kokoro's 236Ts are still holdable. If 236T (and variants) were unholdable on HCH, then it would be justified.

TN even nerfed 214T. Smh.

And still no mid/low tracking.



Active Member
Dunno about you guys but if 6PPP is neutral on block that I'm abusing that. That's exceptionally braindead and makes it mad easy to get HCT 214T in neutral. That justifies the minor damage decrease IMO.

I like your optimism, but it won't be neutral. They will change the block stun accordingly.


Well-Known Member
The most notable changes:
Heichu P: This now gives a +35 stun...that's more advantage than 2P, it still gives the +13 advantage if they low hold, AND it's -4 on block.

66P+K: Doesn't feint stun anymore, allows for a +21 mix-up If you don't follow with Heichu. If you do you are at +32. Either way it's a mix-up at all three hit levels. Mid providing a knockdown. If they SE, you are at +13 if you don't follow with Heichu. +24 if you do, which guarantees all three hits will connect. The Heichu P not being slow escapable.

These are literally game changers guys. Use them.


Active Member
Did Heichu 2P get nerfed? I can't seem to connect with 7P (critical burst) after 66P+K, P+K, 2P anymore.


New Member
Is this a bug? oO
For example, i use the following combo...
66P(deep stun), 1PP(cancel),6PP(cancel)..... then my opponent is teleporting 1m away ...what the hell?!


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I didn't test it, but I'm assuming you went past threshold with 6PP. Different moves do different things when you go past threshold (launch, knockdown, etc) and 6PP pushes them away.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
To be completely honest, I feel that she did improve a lot after this patch.
Everything just seems...fine. Hope they keep it that way.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Yeah, I take back what I said. I still did the stance transition after 66P+K and was getting upset that my followups were getting held so I started baiting holds to throw them. But then I realized, "Oh, wait, I don't have to pick them up with a Heichu 2P anymore to keep them in stun."


Active Member
Is this a bug? oO
For example, i use the following combo...
66P(deep stun), 1PP(cancel),6PP(cancel)..... then my opponent is teleporting 1m away ...what the hell?!

not a bug been like that since vanilla , its used to bait out holds , and gain free CB's


Well-Known Member
Guys, according to the user Wednesday of DOAWORLD, seems that there is a problem with a move of Kokoro.
Quoting her posts:

Wednesday, on 07 Feb 2014 - 12:35 AM, said:
I just downloaded the patch for Xbox. Whatever they did to Kokoro has messed up one of her combo challenges. The fifth challenge, the one with the sidestep Heichu, is no longer working properly.
is supposed to miss then you hit
during Heichu. However, it no longer allows the miss with the sidestep (meaning she grabs Kasumi). I repeat the move over and over and nothing. WTF TN?

Wednesday, on 07 Feb 2014 - 4:06 PM, said:
The move worked so that you sidestepped then missed when Kokoro did
then you hit
during Heichu (the miss puts you into Heichu) . The
is supposed to miss with the sidestep. However, now the move is broken and it needs to be fixed.

Skip to :33 seconds.

I tried the combo challenge and effectively I'm unable to do the move: the real bad thing, like said by Wednesday, is that the move could be broken and need to be fixed. By the way I wanted to know also your opinion about before to make notice the - eventual - problem to TN


Well-Known Member
Guys, according to the user Wednesday of DOAWORLD, seems that there is a problem with a move of Kokoro.
Quoting her posts:

I tried the combo challenge and effectively I'm unable to do the move: the real bad thing, like said by Wednesday, is that the move could be broken and need to be fixed. By the way I wanted to know also your opinion about before to make notice the - eventual - problem to TN

??? I completed her combo challenges day 1 of 1.04 with no issues... that was on ps3.


Well-Known Member
??? I completed her combo challenges day 1 of 1.04 with no issues... that was on ps3.

I tried the combo challenge on Xbox, not sure of what is the console of the DOAWORLD user but it's pretty likely that could be an Xbox too... By the way I never managed to complete that combo challenge yesterday while I already made it easily in the past: however I'm not so good with Kokoro, so I was asking confirmations for this eventual bug here before to post it on TN.

Someone that has DOA5U on Xbox could try to complete that combo challenge with Kokoro for confirming or dening eventual problems related with it?


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Just tested on 360. Yeah, it's totally broken. Her SS P doesn't stun on NH anymore so the throw will always connect. You can still do it with something like 9P SS P~T P+K, though.


Well-Known Member
Here a video of what happens to me (sorry for the bad quality):

Like you see Kokoro shouldn't grab Kasumi (like showned in the previous combo challenge video), instead the throw connect just making impossible the move.

If someone is able to make a video with a better quality, I could send a message to TN together with the display of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I don't know about you guys, but I think It's pretty funny that she was nerfed so that her combo challenges don't work.