Interface features that DOA5 (or any new fighting game) should have.


Well-Known Member
This comes from something that Reverge Lab's Mike Z posted in SRK's Skullgirls forum. If any of the TN guys are listening, DOA5 should adopt some of these.

-Option to hold start to pause (Skullgirls and SF x Tekken already have this)
-Press-to-set button config (BlazBlue/HDRemix style. Commands listed on screen, press the button you wish to assign to it)
-Button config on character select (also acts as a button check, helps speed up tournaments)
-Versus training toggle (aka 2 player training mode)

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Three of those four options I've personally recommended to Team NINJA.

The fourth being the pause button, and if given the chance I'll probably bring it up to them then.

The 'press-to-set-button' setting is commonly referred to as 'PC mapping' as you wouldn't list out all the keys of a keyboard (across 7 different languages and special characters). Sadly it's typically never taken by programmers easily, or is brought up too far into development where the options were set differently. I know from experience in dealing with developers.


Well-Known Member
The 'press-to-set-button' setting is commonly referred to as 'PC mapping' as you wouldn't list out all the keys of a keyboard (across 7 different languages and special characters). Sadly it's typically never taken by programmers easily, or is brought up too far into development where the options were set differently. I know from experience in dealing with developers.
Arc already does this for BlazBlue, Capcom USA insists on this for the re-releases that they put out (HD Remix, MvC2, 3SOE - now if only Capcom Japan would follow suit) and off course Skullgirls has it as well, so there is precedent for it.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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Preaching to the choir man. Like I said, I've already discussed it with Team NINJA but haven't seen if it has been implemented it or not.


Well-Known Member
I figured it wouldn't do any harm to get folks from what should be the premiere competitive DOA forum to talk about it.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
No, no harm at all. I was merely letting you know that most of what you brought up has been brought up to TN. However, that doesn't stop people from discussing its implementation.


Well-Known Member
I REALLY like the look of the online lobbies for Soul Calibur 5. Something like that would be pretty cool in DOA.
Lobbies should be standard for any fighting game's online mode.

What I'd like to see however is netcode that has some sort of prediction or rollback so that it doesn't slow the game down when it lags.

Also, speaking of SC5. The lack of button config on the character select screen in that game is just criminal.


Well-Known Member
Here's another idea that I'm stealing from one of Mike Z's rants. Characters should be unlocked by default for versus and training. If you gotta have unlocking of characters, keep it to single player modes like arcade/story.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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Heh, another one I've already given feedback to them about... slightly.

I said all characters should be playable from the start, or at the very least do what WWE All-Stars did and allow for a cheat code at the start screen that unlocks all (but doesn't save).


Well-Known Member
A "tournament" cheat code sounds like a good idea, in part because I miss cheat codes in games.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Heh, another one I've already given feedback to them about... slightly.

I said all characters should be playable from the start, or at the very least do what WWE All-Stars did and allow for a cheat code at the start screen that unlocks all (but doesn't save).

A 100 times this. Unlocking characters is so 2005.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
You can't even unlock all of the characters. You have to (currently) use a limited DLC code to get access to one.