"I'm running for president this year, brother" [Bass]


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OP updated.

The future president of the US of A.

The campaign was a failure due to lack of fund. Our future president is busy slaving in a Canadian Oil Rig.


I'm setting up this thread to address some of Bass' problems that Hayashi/Shimbori et al. could take note of. Like address them, because quite honestly, you've proven in the past that you know nothing about your own game. Okay, he's learning.

Bass needs to get in shape for his campaign first. For that reason, I'd like to address movelist and some other general gameplay related issues. I will update these fields when people start making responses and suggestions, so that I can make a compilation of em. No thanks.
This sections will be updated regularly.

Basic Gameplay

Fix throw speed : The wrestlers REALLY need this fix. They're wrestlers. I swear Hayashi et al. make some shitty excuse about ninjas beating wrestlers, I will not even bother with the game.

Limbo Stuns : Where did these go again? I haven't noticed a single one while playing DOA4, which leads me to believe that they are not there.

Fix Air-throw and Pick-up throws : Revert back to DOA3. Both of these are busted and really awkward in DOA4.
Close enough.

Frame Advantage and Disadvantage on block : This is pretty much mandatory.
Looking good so far.

Hit throws : For a game that kisses VF's ass all the time, there seem to be a severe lack of hit throws. The grapplers could benefit from that.
Is being addressed. Bass and Tina got theirs for now.

Defensive Holds : Please revert back to DOA1/++ where normal defensive holds were only parries or inflicted very little damage (average defensive hold in DOA1 inflicted a maximum of only 20 damage). Have the double direction def holds do the damage or whatever, but please take the normal defensive holds out.

Tighten windows for string delays : The window for most string delays are just too long. I know you're trying to be accessible, but that's not how you do it. Cutting these up in half would be a good idea.
Not being addressed.

Recovery from back-turned state : Being able to turn back around in 2 frames is just retarded. Fixing this is a good start too.

Bring back down attacks : I still don't understand why down attacks were taken away, other than to make the game's ground game feel very awkward. If you want to imitate Tekken, do it right, otherwise just bring back the VF ground game.
Ground game is slightly better now.

Camera : The dynamic camera angle during air-throws makes it difficult to judge hit levels and distance. This is fighting game, not an action game.
They got rid of the shitty camera.


3_ PP : Update: Might stay. Still terrible.

4 P P P & 4 P P P+K : I feel like making it a two-hit combo string makes it more useful, but not a natural since it comes out pretty fast and making the second P of the two-hit string knock back on or slight frame advantage on block while the P+K could give frame disadvantage. Not sure if the first hit stuns or not, but make it short.
On second thought, it's fine.

6 P K : I don't know why this was changed. It was a fairly okay juggle extender except for certain situations where the could be used in an infinite in DOA3. Just revert back to the DOA3 version.
Eh. It's alright.

9 K : Okay, I don't know why this was changed in DOA4, but the animations and hit properties are all messed up. From what little Bass videos I've seen online, they seem to have changed it back to the old launching 9K, which is good as long as it actually launches and doesn't just knock back.

236 P : This doesn't seem very useful since it just doesn't seem to whiff anything and it's much slower than his DOA3 236P. I mean, I expect this to at least turn him by 50-60 degrees.
Done. Transitions into Hit-throw too.

33 P AKA Buffalo Crash/Horn : It would be nice if this could crush highs. Just a suggestions. Also, remove the follow-up P after Buffalo.
Still the same, but it's fine.

46 P : This doesn't whiff or crush lows, even though it looks like it does. The charged version does, but it's really slow and easily holdable. The regular version still has pretty good reach. It would be nice if this could crush lows.
May still be slow and terrible. Use 214 P instead.

4 F+K AKA Sumo Stomp : Get rid of this. I would suggest replacing it with a quick mid kick that transitions into a hit throw, a bit like King's f+3 into a 1+2 grab.
Eh, I was over reacting. No one uses this anyway.

7 PP : Remove charge functionality from this string. It wasn't a great move back in DOA3 and it still doesn't make a difference.
No need. With 12 frame start up, it's actually good.

Back-turned moves : It would be very handy to be able to use his F+K and 2 F+K from behind. He lacks good back-turned moves anyway.
Eh, it's alright.

That's it for now.

Command Throws/Offensive Holds

41236 F+P : The charge function for this throw should just be removed since there's little point to it and makes Bass look more gimmicky.
Fixed? Kind of. New Izuna throw.

4 F+P chainthrows : Since when did Bass turn into Goh? No one uses these either so just get rid of em. These will better suit characters like Leon/Bayman/Zack. Bring back the old 4 F+P.
F5 is pretty cool, I guess. Would've been nice if it actually dealt damage when using the 4 and 6 variants of the chainthrow.

6 F+P : Just bring back the old headbutt from DOA3.
Can still use 66 grab.

What I'll do if the major issues get addressed
I will promise to read all 27 chapter of Dead Or Alive Xtreme Male Version the fanfic and put em all on youtube if any of these issues get fixed. In fact, if you fix more of these issues, I might do more fanfics!
I'll still do it. All 30 chapters.

I'll also make an order of 50 large custom pin badges for the presidential campaign to show my support (you can post your own design if you're good). Ninjas will not get any because they're a bunch of terrorists and we'll bomb them all to hell.
No one cared.

Batty Man Business
Bear Force One! Bear Hug Down! Score: 27/40
Russian Bear Vs. Sand Bear Score: 18/40


Pretty sure neither Leon nor Bayman were born in the united states. Especially since Bayman was getting jiggy with the Kremlins daughter.

Bass is 100% all american, though.

So that leaves..... Zack?