How's the netcode so far?


Has it really been that bad for you?
Dude you're just going to have to try it for yourself. This game's netcode has apparently been all over the place. Some people say it is great while you have others who say it is piss poor. I for one think it is pretty good, but again, my WIRELESS 15/10 FIOS CONNECTION FROM TWO ROOMS AWAY might just be too god like.


Active Member
Dude you're just going to have to try it for yourself. This game's netcode has apparently been all over the place. Some people say it is great while you have others who say it is piss poor. I for one think it is pretty good, but again, my WIRELESS 15/10 FIOS CONNECTION FROM TWO ROOMS AWAY might just be too god like.
Well I just read that Arturo Sanchez said the netcode is noticeably improved and dude is stickler for online play like myself. I just want to get an idea of how well the gameplays online before I jump on tonight but I just hope I have a solid experience. Its good to know your having a solid experience with a wireless connection.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Everyone that I know that's having a good experience with the online has a pretty solid connection. Myself I'm 50/15 and doing well on it. I'm starting to believe more and more that people think their connections are better than they are. That or their friends live pretty far away and it's a geographical thing.


Either that dude or everybody that is complaining aren't paying attention to the bars of the people they are playing. I ONLY play 3 bars and up in any of the fighting games I play. So maybe that is another reason why I barely have issues with Netcodes


Well-Known Member
Either that dude or everybody that is complaining aren't paying attention to the bars of the people they are playing. I ONLY play 3 bars and up in any of the fighting games I play. So maybe that is another reason why I barely have issues with Netcodes

A good idea t be honest, but half of the time this game can't even give you the right reading of the opponents connection strength. In Dead or Alive 5, my friend and I, who only live maybe an hour and a half away, always had 4 or 5 bars. In this game, we both show a red bar yet there is no lag.


Active Member
I am stuck using wireless, I can't use any ethernet cords, so yeah. So does anyone know how it is like on wireless?


Active Member
I personally think the netcode itself is fine. The main issue for me is the bar rating. I only play against people with a 5-4 bar rating and when the match starts and they still have 5-4 bars i usually dont encounter any lag but thats not always the case. Out of the 20 matches i played so far 50% of the time it says 5-4 bars in the lobby and as soon as the match starts it goes down to 2-1 bars and becomes unplayable. When i say unplayable i mean Kasumis 7K on block and still getting beat out by Kasumis P when i attempt to throw punish kinda unplayble...

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Download/Upload speed doesn't mean much when it comes to online games. Last time I checked you only need about 1mb down to play without major lag. It's all about ping. I got myself a 80/20 fibre connection and the lag is about the same as when I had 10/1 basic broadband.

The further the data has to travel the worse the connection will be. Go to and if your ping is 30 or below you should be fine, if it is somewhere around 60 then your connection is likely to suffer.

I'm going to wait and see how the netcode performs. I had a great experience on release day for Vanilla and then it all went down hill from there. Version 1.03 was meant to be much better but it seemed about the same for me. So far the connection has been solid for me but I don't trust that it will stay that way.


Active Member
Standard Donor
I would love to provide some opinions on the netcode but I've only been able to find 4 matches so far. In 2 days. WTF. Is there really no one playing this game? (I am on PS3, where there's supposed to be more traffic from the free Core Fighters version) Before you try to blame it on my connection, don't. My internet is more than fast enough (15+mbps download, 2mbps upload, 18ms ping on and every other game I play online has no problem finding matches and lag is very rare for me.
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Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Ping to your opponent is what matters. It's not some magic, universal number. Not sure how that got confusing.

Anyway, Lobby matches are populated. Ranked matchmaking seems to be having issues. Throwdowns while in Training works for me though.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Ping to your opponent is what matters. It's not some magic, universal number. Not sure how that got confusing.

I'd say it gets confusing for some when people go around stating their XX/XX bandwidth numbers like it matters. If you guys wanna state something useful for those who are unsure what to think about connections and netcode, post your results from


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Again, Pingtest will measure your ping to a server, not to your opponent in game. Up and downstream numbers are more relevant because they directly affect available bandwidth for your connection.

EDIT: I will say that showing ping next to a connection (or in lieue of what is currently shown) would be a nice touch. But as it is you'd have to ask your opponent where they're from and then try to do a ping test to a server near them for an idea. Not a very good solution. You also have to factor in available bandwidth (hence some of us listing our limits) and networking equipment that may or may not be blocking traffic.

In a perfect world, everyone has a strong connection, their console in their routers DMZ, and lives in the same geographic region. That's just not happening.
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Well-Known Member
I played like 50 or so matches so far with fellas from my country. With dudes close by (let's say, 20 - 30km away or so) I usually get 4 bars, maybe 5 in rare occasions. With guys from other provinces (distances could go up to 1400km or so) I get from 1 to 3 bars, mostly fluctuating. I'd say the netcode is slightly improved since vanilla. It's decent, but still a behind TTT2's or VF5FS's netcodes. Note that I'm from Argentina, and connections here aren't as good as the ones you could find in USA or Europe, let alone Asia.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
That I did not Sir.
That's because it's hidden in a weird place, albeit an obvious one after you see it. Before you go all the way in to training you'll see it in the bottom left. You press X (or Square, I believe) to change the setting.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
That's because it's hidden in a weird place, albeit an obvious one after you see it. Before you go all the way in to training you'll see it in the bottom left. You press X (or Square, I believe) to change the setting.
Awesome. You have no idea how many combo's I've been coming up with, getting dragged into a match and then getting back only to find I've completely forgotten what I was doing.

On topic, I have been playing a bunch of 1 bar players, seeing as it's late and there are no EU lobbies around atm and I have had for the most part beautifully streamed matches with only the occasional person with whom the lag has been bad.

I don't know whether the netcode is better or not all I know is 1 bar connections are playing well on a consistent basis so I have hope right now.

It would be nice to get back into playing DOA internationally again, seeing as the EU community is pretty small in comparison to the US.
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