How do you go about playing other games?


Active Member
I like japanese 2D fighting games, specially if ASW is involved somehow. Then I like H&S games with some sort of parry mechanic. Also like score attacks games succh as Vanquish or Lolipop Chainsaw. I might also get some RPG or superheroes game just because I like the artistic or the superheroes themselves. Last but not least, games that force me to think like XCOM.


Well-Known Member
I just play when I get home really, I got to work then do the stuff I do after work which sometimes means I don't get home to about 10 at night. but still play when I get back so, just pretty much find time for yourself is all.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Growing up I really liked the platform and fighting games but especially fighters. Tekken, SC, Powestone, DOA, SSB64, etc... Now that I'm older and a 4th year student in med school away from home I almost never get to play my 360 (although my younger brother and sister are probably putting it to good use I'm sure. XD). Like Rawbie the 3DS is a godsend for me b/c I'm always on the go and I can take it with me. XD


Active Member
My library is getting smaller and smaller each console generation. I'm slowly moving to digital now. Forcing myself to play games kills the fun so I play whenever I feel like it.
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