Help delaying with Eliot


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Standard Donor
Eliot is my main and while I get the gist of him and I'm good with him to the point I made C rank using him, I still have trouble with one thing: delaying his strings. Because Eliot is somewhat linear in his strings, he's very easy to read and counter. But I've seen Eliot videos, including those of members here, and y'all seem to be able to delay his strings. I'm having trouble with this. Let's say, I start with a basic string such as:


I try to delay the last P, but for some reason, the game still registers the last :P: and thus, I get held. It's quite bothersome. Can someone give me some advice? Also, what are some Eliot moves that I should use to make his less predictable in a fight? Any help would be appreciated.

iThe Apprentice

Well-Known Member
I'm going to make a guide soon. You should really check out my combo video, it helps a lot. Aslo on the topic of delaying...
Don't do it, it's worthless I'd much prefer you mix it up with his :6::P::P::K: or his :6::P::P::2::P:. A lot of players that don't have experience fighting Eliot will mainly counter his mids. So don't forget to mix it up a lot.

"I'll defeat anyone!" :eliot:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Thank you for the advice. I've played with Eliot for awhile, but I have trouble mixing up with him.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Apprentice is right don't focus too much on delaying strings. Especially when your opponents realize it's not worth trying to counter you anymore and just block instead and attack during an opportune moment. Go in for stuns and quick launches for some guaranteed damage instead. Keep your opponent always guessing and I don't want to sound like a broken record but 236T and H+K are some of your best friends. It may not be lethal anymore like it was in vanilla 5 but you can still get a decent amount of guaranteed damage with H+K if you can follow up with 9K (over 100 damage on CH! :O). Also if you haven't already there was an offline Halloween tournament and Apprentice showed off some fantastic Eliot gameplay.


New Member
Well since this topic is open and it kinda works like a Q&A... I'm also looking forward to pick up Eliot, and I already done some research in the forum about his strengths and weaknesses, definitely a plus the fact that he doesn't play the stun system! its actually a pretty interesting character.

But now I would ask if there is a beginners guide for him? its because I know he relies a lot of him 3P (the one with the black arrow) but I cannot pull it off consistently, mostly because of my noobness in DoA, it supposed to be "hold" the directional but I can only pull it off if I'm crouched =(!

Also since he doesn't play the stun game I guess he relies a lot more on just launching, but I cannot find much of those, suggestions?

iThe Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Well I'm almost finished with my Eliot guide so you can just wait for that but as of now... Eliot really doesn't need his Choryu (:3_::P:) in every single on of his combos. No Eliot is more of power and reaction speed. You can never really lock up when you're being pressured. It's not really relying on launches, more of counter striking your opponent, since Eliot has a lot of really good crushes.
If you want to pick him up you should really go look at my combo video on my youtube account. (My name) I have beginner combos and advanced combos.


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Standard Donor
Eliot is also good at juggling. Personally, I tend to win more matches with Eliot when I'm on the offensive. But Eliot also has good defensive tools, as he does have parries that you can throw out there if you're good at reading your opponent's moves.