Harada's epic Facepalm

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
He didn't have to but maybe it's better he did.

I mean at he's responding to things fans want, just saying in a nice way that people need to realistic with their demands.

I mean sure I've kept this same avatar for quite some time and yes I want another Mega Man X title, will I get it? Who knows. But I still love capcom titles. If a game doesn't offer what I'm looking for I don't have to buy it.

A lot of new school players have BGS or Battered Gamers Syndrome where they feel every game company is out to rip them off and abuse them . . .


Active Member

Siliconera had just posted this article about Katsuhiro Harada explaining his standpoint to a list of angry fans. Bare in mind Team Ninja also Faces similar request so think about how this effects development teams as a whole.

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Whoa, he gave the business. Can't say I don't blame him. Surprised he was so forward with it. No buttering his words there.

At the same time, I'd be sad if my longtime fighting series lost all the voice actors I liked. I will play DOA5 in japanese simply because that's what I'm used to. And enjoy them. Wonder if Bass will be good.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Gotta love Harada.. LOL
Saying it as it is ...

Since the Japanese voice actor of Bass is dead I'm curious to hear what he sounds like now..


Active Member
That's the thing through...Fans in general are not informed and more often then not make unrealistic demands.
In your situation in wanting another Megaman/Rockman game in general is rather bleak with Keiji Infune gone, and with Capcom Canceling the last two in the development Megaman titles....it's not a good look for him or his anniversary...

This new school of players very in degrees of stupid to competent....and they make up a large % of message boards these days. I think Harada needed to clear the air about that and hopefully this makes other fans realize developers similar situations and should reconsider before blowing up someones twitter....it's a god send we even get replies....

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Harada-san said:
I believe that, before whining and complaining about everything, you need practice at taking a step back and analyzing things objectively. And also at being an adult.



Whoa, he gave the business. Can't say I don't blame him. Surprised he was so forward with it. No buttering his words there.

At the same time, I'd be sad if my longtime fighting series lost all the voice actors I liked. I will play DOA5 in japanese simply because that's what I'm used to. And enjoy them. Wonder if Bass will be good.

Bass was most definitely acceptable.