DOA5 play testing in Japan


Does it cost you $1,000 to participate?

Not if you're a part of the industry, which is the entire purpose of E3.

Seriously, E3 isn't going to "not happen" just because its inconvenient as a testing platform for one game. Be happy we got as much out of it as we did.


Well-Known Member
Does it cost you $1,000 to participate?

I think E3 offered better results than a more open play test would have. Team Ninja got direct feedback from casual DOA players (E3 attendees), high-level DOA players who only play DOA at high levels (Manny), and people who have a better grasp of what needs to be changed to appeal to a broader range of competitive players (myself and Rikuto).

The interesting thing is that feedback from those three camps is widely varied. I know Manny's view on what DOA5 should play like is almost a polar opposite of what myself and Rikuto think, and the casual crowd likes to jump the gun on things (like being concerned that Sarah is OP).

If you had even more people and even more opinions on the subject, it would be harder for Team Ninja to determine what should be changed, if anything.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm not complaining for fuck's sake. I'm just saying that you can't really compare a closed event with an open one.


Well-Known Member
I'm not complaining for fuck's sake. I'm just saying that you can't really compare a closed event with an open one.

A closed event would be invitation only. This wasn't open to the public, but it wasn't an invitational either. To be fair, FSD staffers probably could've gotten in for free with a media badge.

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
Sorry, I forgot that E3 is not open to the public.
I keep thinkin it's like our TGS (Tokyo Game Show) which IS open to the public for a cheap price (and is comin end of Sept- bet there will be a DOA5 comp there this year and YES I'll be there).

I have the first Sat off and I'm seein if KoF06 wants to join me.
If I do go I'll surely post about it after.
Wanna get some Lei Fang black dress action down.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Be sure to report back. I'd like to hear how it went and what some of the other Japanese players think of the game.

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
OK, I'll prob go to the first one in Akihabara on 7/7 (if my plans don't change).


Well-Known Member
Cool Talim, bring us back anything you can. Info, tiny little details, or whatever you find worthy to show to people who can't attend to that event. Thanks in advance!

P.S. photos of sexy Japanese chicks are implied on that, lol (?)

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
I only use Lei Fang so no worry's on her.

Usually at these events they don't allow/like cameras (TGS is like that too) but we'll see.

Believe me there are cute JP chicks all over this country, ; )