DOA4 Bayman vs. DOA5 Bayman


It's not an end-of-the-world type nerf, but it does cut down on juggle potential to a degree. That's all I'm saying.


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It's not an end-of-the-world type nerf, but it does cut down on juggle potential to a degree. That's all I'm saying.

Dude .. It makes his air juggles ... I dunno...
Before I jump to any conclusions I would like to test things myself on the final build.

Heres hoping they havent fucked the game too much ...
it would be nice if he had at least 1 untechable setup from juggles (like his P+K maybe)

I personally am not a fan of Bayman, but there is no justification to fuck any character up... Its not like he was broken or anything. Strong? yes.. Broken? I don't think so...speedy characters were still a problem.

Matt Ponton

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DMC3 was made harder in our american release because the developers felt it was too easy for Americans. Our Easy mode is their Normal mode.

DMC as a game series is designed as a single player combo fest to just see the highest combo number you can get.

Matt Ponton

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Itagaki said he made doa3 to be a single player game. The Japanese should design each character in a fighting game as if it was that character's single player game. Ng1 was similar where the combat felt like a character should be in a multiplayer game: advantage attacks, punishable strings, solid mixups, etc.


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Itagaki said he made doa3 to be a single player game. The Japanese should design each character in a fighting game as if it was that character's single player game. Ng1 was similar where the combat felt like a character should be in a multiplayer game: advantage attacks, punishable strings, solid mixups, etc.

interesting way of putting it,it would mean maximizing each characters potentials to their fullest then letting lose not only a few but MANY monstrous characters all able to destroy each other,but still having to really fight for that top position.just like the main characters of any VG game.


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That is because 3.1 was a complete accident.

This is what I believe too.

When Hayashi was signing my copies, I showed him the box for 3.2 and told him this was one of the best games they've ever made. Obviously, I was refering to both 3.1 and .2, but he looked at my with surprised expression like "what? really?". When I showed him my DOA2 copy, he asked me "what about this one?". We got into a discussion about arcades since we play DOA2 Millennium in our arcade (wish I had a business card made) and he then immediately asked my about the hold system. He later asked me whether I like these game because of their hold system.

edit: I may be interpreting it wrong, but since he was concentrating on holds, I took that as if he was unaware of the other internal components that made their game and what made 3.1 a perfect DOA game. That just shows their lack on knowledge when it comes to the series.

The nerfs Bayman got was evidence. He didn't really need those changes.


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The nerfs Bayman got was evidence. He didn't really need those changes.

I think its an across the board nerf.
It seems that you can no longer create an untechable situation from an air juggle ... and as a result all ground throw setups from air juggles for grapplers got fucked ...

Tina and Bass have air throws so they have a work around ... Bayman doesn't so he got fucked the most.

This is what I deduced from whats being hinted in the forums ...
I could be wrong (I hope I'm wrong .. and theres like maybe 1 or 2 setups left for each character) .. but I have afeeling I'm not.

Either way, Its only a few days away now and all will be revealed..

Man,, Just when we thought grapplers got their rightful place ...


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Air-throws are great and all, but I'm sacrificing position and I'm wasting time. I just want you right in front of me so I can shove me giant fist down your throat and pummel your skull on the ground, usually when I don't have a wall or furniture close to me.