DEAD OR ALIVE : the animation_ alpha test


Well-Known Member
Do you mind if I ask what your experience is with writing narratives & researching loopholes? Are you familiar with DOA's collection of retcon material? I would definitely get connected with a writer. Someone like Brute perhaps, because with your involvement on the game story that now makes roughly three interpretations.

I'm very connected to the story of DOA and there isn't much I don't know about it at this point.

- Itagaki
- Your Mist Project (which puts you between both timelines)
- Current Team NINJA

That's quite bold. Obviously if you are working with KT on the project you will have to really make mark of EVERY change that was done for the current Team NINJA narrative. Your ideas couldn't backtrack into "Itagaki's vision" unless you got permission from them, or skated it by them without them even knowing.

I think a lot of retcons were created not because they purposely wanted to change the narrative, but simply because of their own lack of education.

Look at Marie Rose (a character you likely wouldn't cover in this time period) who went from being a wicked servant in DOA5 to a little bitch in DOA6.

Either way I would help support it financially upon seeing more action and also by having some kind of direct involvement - at least bits of the story.
my experience in terms of with writing narratives is limited to having worked on the scenario of a few games and short films but nothing crazy.

I'm going to base it on both DOA's visions indeed. The episode's cut will be inspired by itagaki's version but everything will be grouped on a very precise time line.

As for my knowledge on dead or alive let's just say that it's clearly a subject that I master at least 99% so don't worry lol

I remember there was a big thread about ideas for a DOA anime back on DOA World (dead site), and someone brought up (a guy named Ben) that there was apparently supposed to be an official DOA anime made in the 90s by Masami Obari, who did the Fatal Fury anime. I think the poster said he'd even seen animation cels for it once. Oobari has drawn many different fighting game characters in his style before, including DOA, so this is what it could have looked like:

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goddamn !


Premium Donor
Do you plan on maybe incorporating any original characters in it that could be what if type fighters if they were involved? :-D


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Standard Donor
I'm already talking with tecmo koei about it so ...

But did you actually get an approval? you did state that you are talking to them, but usually such cases doesn't take a great period of time.

Reason being is that this is all generally fan-made technically speaking, and I personally spoke with some of them about it. They are not even acknowledging what you are making and are not in acquaintance to it, but hopefully you get it to happen since DOA's current story progression has been a shit show. As for what HHH816 mentioned, you won't get copyrighted or any of that sort since technically it would be considered fan-made at this point (unless you tried to make money off it, but even then, it's all fan-made so that's zero appliance). Most cases, you'd have to actually work for them to get it to happen, and free lance work isn't typically a thing for any story driven portion except for another company with actual contract signings, which is not something that people can just up do out of the blue without legal backups which I don't see any here.

Cool idea though, you'll probably do a better job than DOA's current writers behind it.
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Well-Known Member
I love it! Keep up with the good work! <3
Thank you for the support Kwon ♥

But did you actually get an approval? you did state that you are talking to them, but usually such cases doesn't take a great period of time.

Reason being is that this is all generally fan-made technically speaking, and I personally spoke with some of them about it. They are not even acknowledging what you are making and are not in acquaintance to it, but hopefully you get it to happen since DOA's current story progression has been a shit show. As for what HHH816 mentioned, you won't get copyrighted or any of that sort since technically it would be considered fan-made at this point (unless you tried to make money off it, but even then, it's all fan-made so that's zero appliance). Most cases, you'd have to actually work for them to get it to happen, and free lance work isn't typically a thing for any story driven portion except for another company with actual contract signings, which is not something that people can just up do out of the blue without legal backups which I don't see any here.

Cool idea though, you'll probably do a better job than DOA's current writers behind it.

It seems you clearly haven't read my first post and understood the idea of the project.

I NEED the support of the community in a massive way in order to be heavier facing them.
Looking at me like "it's cool but you'll never make it" is not a pro-active attitude, I need us to speak with one voice, I need your support, I need you to be by my side. Because even if my work is qualitative, if there are only 10 of us following the project, I don't see why they would be interested in it.

But if they realize that the whole community is following the project they will clearly have no choice but to support the project to make it tenable. typically you tell me you've talked to people and they've never heard of it. Don't you think that praising this project would be a better way to make it tangible?

And it's only once this step is over that a kick starter will be possible, that a material version will be possible, that I could convince actors to work with me, that I could give life to the project.

hope thing are clearer ;)
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It seems you clearly haven't read my first post and understood the idea of the project.

I read the main topic of the post ages ago and understood it, however it seems that you clearly did not read the post that I placed carefully and not understood to how I responded. Which once again, what you are aiming at is no different than a fan-made project which has holes in it, I do not have to hold your hand to explain exactly what your topic persists when I provided the details to the conclusion.

Do I think it's a great idea? absolutely. DOA doesn't have one.

Your topic suggests for an animation. Are you asking for an official one? or as a fan-made one just for the community? or maybe because of how you wrote it entirely, who knows. But then you mentioned Mortal Kombat, license, mentioned about giving it a try, and then stating that you are talking to KT about it, so it would interpret that you want an official work with a retelling/new/filling in the gaps that they themselves (TN) did not do or poorly did it, which at the moment is just free lance work on your part. The difference between those other animations from other games is that they have a company back up to do it and official placements and confirmation. Do you now understand?

Looking at me like "it's cool but you'll never make it" is not a pro-active att-

Stop right there. I clearly provided the notion that I hope you do succeed, otherwise you are further proving my point that you did not carefully read what I provided. There is a difference between doing something out of pure love to do things out there, and tossing yourself out there in the frying pan and expect miracles if things do not click.

if there are only 10 of us following the project, I don't see why they would be interested in it.

Then hopefully it succeeds either way. Might actually make them rethink on where they went from the story and you provided the light to do it as a reference. Maybe, maybe not.

Typically you tell me you've talked to people and they've never heard of it. Don't you think that praising this project would be a better way to make it tangible?

See here's the problem with that, because generally this would be no different than seeking recognition in every way possible no matter the circumstances as long as it benefits with upmost praise. This is literally in the same boat as the people who export models, try to create a story behind it (with models that were hand done by TN), and then charge people for it/Patreon tactics. The difference is that you are doing it purely out of your own artwork which is good and you should be commended for it. But the issue is the corporate behind it no matter how much fans you acquire. It's the work of business which goes back to square one, which to make them appreciate your work, "they" have to appreciate their own work.

I praise the idea already, however I do not praise the corporate (KT/TN) behind it because there is a chance that it just ends up being just that, fan-made. Because that's essentially what it is currently via open freelance work that isn't confirmed by them themselves. Getting a confirmation (like the other games) would be a sure way and a guaranteed that this is the real deal or it's literally back at square one. Otherwise it would be praising something that only accumulated tons of retweets and likes that's "just there" no matter how many supporters backed it up. Do you understand? people could literally tell Manny to just sign in and retweet in one of the DOA twitter pages and call it a day, but that's far too simplistic.

The good thing about it is that you are doing it for the community that KT nor TN would even have the time in the world to do. If we could get that confirmation, that would be even better. Yes, you need people for it, but to get people to actually make them listen already dictates who they are so we'll leave that there.

And it's only once this step is over that a kick starter will be possible, that a material version will be possible, that I could convince actors to work with me, that I could give life to the project.

I understand that this work isn't free because why would it be right? but yeah the thought concept is basically "put money in the project even if KT doesn't want to label it as one of the official animations" at this present time. Which is basically tossing rocks at a pond. I will say that it does give people something they can appreciate on how much the company is missing out, +10 points for you. Again, I support your idea but let's not jump the gun here when it comes to logic. Even if it comes to that conclusion, people and me will still appreciate the idea, so don't get it twisted. Keep it up, show them how to make a story in animated format.


Well-Known Member
I read the main topic of the post ages ago and understood it, however it seems that you clearly did not read the post that I placed carefully and not understood to how I responded. Which once again, what you are aiming at is no different than a fan-made project which has holes in it, I do not have to hold your hand to explain exactly what your topic persists when I provided the details to the conclusion.

Do I think it's a great idea? absolutely. DOA doesn't have one.

Your topic suggests for an animation. Are you asking for an official one? or as a fan-made one just for the community? or maybe because of how you wrote it entirely, who knows. But then you mentioned Mortal Kombat, license, mentioned about giving it a try, and then stating that you are talking to KT about it, so it would interpret that you want an official work with a retelling/new/filling in the gaps that they themselves (TN) did not do or poorly did it, which at the moment is just free lance work on your part. The difference between those other animations from other games is that they have a company back up to do it and official placements and confirmation. Do you now understand?

Stop right there. I clearly provided the notion that I hope you do succeed, otherwise you are further proving my point that you did not carefully read what I provided. There is a difference between doing something out of pure love to do things out there, and tossing yourself out there in the frying pan and expect miracles if things do not click.

Then hopefully it succeeds either way. Might actually make them rethink on where they went from the story and you provided the light to do it as a reference. Maybe, maybe not.

See here's the problem with that, because generally this would be no different than seeking recognition in every way possible no matter the circumstances as long as it benefits with upmost praise. This is literally in the same boat as the people who export models, try to create a story behind it (with models that were hand done by TN), and then charge people for it/Patreon tactics. The difference is that you are doing it purely out of your own artwork which is good and you should be commended for it. But the issue is the corporate behind it no matter how much fans you acquire. It's the work of business which goes back to square one, which to make them appreciate your work, "they" have to appreciate their own work.

I praise the idea already, however I do not praise the corporate (KT/TN) behind it because there is a chance that it just ends up being just that, fan-made. Because that's essentially what it is currently via open freelance work that isn't confirmed by them themselves. Getting a confirmation (like the other games) would be a sure way and a guaranteed that this is the real deal or it's literally back at square one. Otherwise it would be praising something that only accumulated tons of retweets and likes that's "just there" no matter how many supporters backed it up. Do you understand? people could literally tell Manny to just sign in and retweet in one of the DOA twitter pages and call it a day, but that's far too simplistic.

The good thing about it is that you are doing it for the community that KT nor TN would even have the time in the world to do. If we could get that confirmation, that would be even better. Yes, you need people for it, but to get people to actually make them listen already dictates who they are so we'll leave that there.

I understand that this work isn't free because why would it be right? but yeah the thought concept is basically "put money in the project even if KT doesn't want to label it as one of the official animations" at this present time. Which is basically tossing rocks at a pond. I will say that it does give people something they can appreciate on how much the company is missing out, +10 points for you. Again, I support your idea but let's not jump the gun here when it comes to logic. Even if it comes to that conclusion, people and me will still appreciate the idea, so don't get it twisted. Keep it up, show them how to make a story in animated format.
Although I'm aiming for an official production (which I'll try to get approved once I have more concept and script) a fanmade production would clearly not bother me.

I just have to quote dead fantasy xD

Anyway, I'm only going to take the support out of this and say thank you.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So you "are" aiming for an official project. Cool, hope you'll get it because they aren't doing shit right now. I re-sent your idea to Manny, Mochi etc.

Mind you that just because they didn't acknowledge (maybe wrong choice of word there) it does not mean they aren't thinking about it, could be anything and you might even get payed for it. I was merely checking to see if you got the full approval and the issue with stuff that was done by fans to get those companies to actually appreciate it. Even Monty almost got a lawsuit and received a cease and desist letter when he made Dead Fantasy despite merely doing it for free because of the barrier between official work, tampering with official work, or to fan-made. Pretty sure everyone wants it to win here.
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News Team
I support the art end but once again with a fan taking some control of the story - that's where I'm going to be extremely judgmental.


Well-Known Member
I support the art end but once again with a fan taking some control of the story - that's where I'm going to be extremely judgmental.
I am very touched by your encouraging and not at all septic comments on the project guys ... really !

If you have any ideas about the story please feel free to make your voice heard here, it would really please me, I want this project to please as many people as possible.


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Standard Donor
Here's one (since TN left it out). See if you can provide the gap with Leon's relationship towards Bayman, Bass, Zack etc.

Especially Bayman. How did they knew each other.

What exactly happen during their rivalry.

Was it a chess match? was it arm wrestling?

I support the art end but once again with a fan taking some control of the story - that's where I'm going to be extremely judgmental.

Better him than TN though (least present-time since they are not exactly doing anything), but very understandable though and it can make people feel skeptical. If TN writers weren't so docile and timid, things would of been a far more different outcome.


Well-Known Member
I will indeed keep the freedom to explore the past of a lot of characters, Helena, Bayman, Ayane, Leon to name but a few.

Other events will take place between doa 4 and doa 5 Tina, Lei fang and Hitomi for example.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I highly recommend just producing the project regardless. Approaching TN, and by extension KoeiTecmo, will only get you shut down as they absolutely need to protect their IP from a legal perspective. If they were to sanction you, they would need to be involved with production at multiple points and also likely would shop it out elsewhere.

Keep it a fan project.