Dead or alive 5 Last round designers challenge 2016


New Member
I can't see this design as anything but a knock-off Velouria. It's just missing the ears and tail :/


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Well-Known Member
No gonna draw many things this year (don't have time for that).
Some random ideas I had though (and other people probably) :

- Yakuza Rig
- Hamburger Bass
- Toreador Mila
- Futakuchi-Onna Momiji
- Kasa-Obake Ryu
- Hayatesque Ein
- Monkey Brad
- Ein-esque Hayate
- Medusa Lisa
- Cleopatra Christie
- Bear Hunter Bayman
- Phantom of the Opera Helena
- Native Indian Tina
- Djinn Leon
- Creepy Clown Zack
- White Bride Kasumi
- Dark Bride Phase 4
- Venetian Nyotengu
- Mime Eliot
- Full Geisha Kokoro
- Arlequin Honoka
- Lil' Valkyrie Marie-Rose
- Jungle Princess Hitomi
- Creepy Doll or Cabaret Lei Fang
- Magician Jann Lee
- Amazon or Nordic Goddess Rachel
- Hades Raidou
- Butterfly Ayane
- Bananakira (Brute!)
- Pig Gen Fu (Cow!)

This is my WIP design for Lisa (lol)

why is she white? lol


Well-Known Member
Here's my Pierrot design for Helena. :) It's Mainly monochrome but I used Lilac as a light colour to add shadows to it so that it was more three dimensional.

Edit: ...Well that and that it helps show where skin is and where the cloth is since in completely monochrome it looked like she was wearing nothing besides the frills.

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Premium Donor
I finished the Naotora Ii Kuro lolita concept! :-D I can't post it now, but I will after school, I decided to leave out frilly puff sleeves, and gave her ripped fishnet stockings and some skull decals to complete the cutesy dark look I was aiming for.

Candy Dragon

Well-Known Member
Well I've entered my 5 entries from last year (Project Epsilon Ein, Swashbuckler Momiji, Apocalypse Survivor Hitomi, Dragon empress Nyotengu and Dragon warrior Nyotengu).
Though looking at what won last year, I don't think mine (except Momiji) are traditionally Halloween enough for TN. I think a lot of entries are far too casual for TN to pick. There are loads on Facebook, that while I'd love them in the game, have almost nothing to do with Halloween. They only qualify because of the name given to them. Take that away and they don't hit the marks TN seem to be looking for. I could be completely wrong though. TN have shown that they'll happily throw a few curve balls our way when it comes to picking winners.
I'm working on brand new entries for this year however. My Rachel is done. Onto one for Christie now :)


Well-Known Member
It's nice to finally see it! :)

I'm actually surprised by how not many people seem to be making outfits for Naotora since she's the new character. Then again I haven't either so I guess I can't talk.

A cute Gothic outfit would look good on her though!


Premium Donor
Yeah, there should definitely be more entries, I only recall seeing one from the several ones posted on twitter.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I haven't even seen Marie or Honoka getting much either which is really shocking! I've seen more Lisa ones than Marie ones and I'll be adding to that since my last three designs are all for Lisa.


Premium Donor
Thank you @YBNDM!:oops: I haven't seen much of Honoka beside the ultra revealing designs from the pedro guy. If they are chosen, it won't likely be for her, TN will probably just give it to a more mature girl that it better suits, like that skeleton costume for Rachel that was supposed to be for Kasumi.


Well-Known Member
I just entered my Parisienne Lisa design. Now I know it's not really a halloween look per say but... Lisa might want to be French for Halloween you never know! The only difference from the one I was going to send in last year is that I made the heel of the shoe be red to give it a Louis Vuitton look. And I gave her hoop earrings and some metallic tights to sort of stand out. Also I gave her a beret since I think it goes well with what she's wearing. Plus it's all monochrome besides her shoes so the shoes really standout! :)

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Premium Donor
OK, I made one final design. :-D I got bored of lolita, so I designed a hermit Brad Wong type costume for Eliot, I'll post it after school.