Characters for DOA beginners


Active Member
VF characters like Pai are not beginner friendly stick with Kokoro and Elliot.

VF is all I've been playing for the 4 months prior to DOA5 so I'll try Pai regardless.

Always much easier to get serious about learning a character that you naturally, genuinely find appealing. The bond between a player and his/her main is sacred, yo.

I know. Elliot is growing on me though. The little blond fag is some tough dude. I'll try his teacher Gen Fu when I unlock him too.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
No matter how you dress it up, you're gonna start off a beginner learning a character anyway.

Everyone is recommended. Pick who you like and don't look back.
Pretty much, DOA is a low execution fighting game so any character is viable to start off with.

Oh and Awesmic why'd you join my party ealier and leave immediately?


Pai is widely regarded as one of the most beginner-friendly Virtua Fighters. What do you mean by painting a broad stroke that all VF characters are so restrictive?


Active Member
Pai is widely regarded as one of the most beginner-friendly Virtua Fighters. What do you mean by painting a broad stroke that all VF characters are so restrictive?


VF characters can be simple. Especially in VF5FS they have made an effort to make the inputs "make sense". Even Shun with all his stances is pretty simple. I read a Fuudo interview where he said he used Shun in tournaments because, even though there are higher tiered characters like Jacky he also uses, Shun is easy to use so he won't drop combos. I'm a low execution guy that plays on pad and often with his daughter strapped to his chest with the "babybjorn" thing and even I can do Shun's QCF PP, P, 6K+G, 43P+K P. Shun's stances are pretty easy too as compared to Brad's. Most of Shun's can be accessed by pressing PKG while Brad seems to have each stance assigned to a different button.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
I intended to use the text chat, I'm sorry about that.

I'm still getting used to this new layout, as I just got my XBL running hours ago.
It's perfectly okay, I was just curious. My hope was that you would stick around, was curious to see how your Christie is doing.

Drake Aldan

Well-Known Member

I'm looking for a character that is easy execution and strong (even at higher levels), to the point of being annoying or having people look down on you for picking the character.

Just solid basics, not really any gimmicks. Is there such a thing?

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member

I'm looking for a character that is easy execution and strong (even at higher levels), to the point of being annoying or having people look down on you for picking the character.

Just solid basics, not really any gimmicks. Is there such a thing?
Jann Lee, your welcome.


Well-Known Member
I think Hitomi is a solid character to start with.

She's not entirely advantageous, she's got basic moves, and her mix-up game runs deep. She's generally safe, most of her GTFO me moves are mid punches, and a lot of her more powerful strings come from the mid punches.

What she'll teach you is when to be aggressive, and when to wait to bait whiffs and punish and she has GREAT whiff punishing moves. She can't rely on critical burst at all. Slow Escaping makes it obsolete, and even if she drops her sit down stun, it's not guaranteed in any combo.

Her wake up countering game is worth it. A low kick counter = put them into a back turned state, though I think they can turn around. An ADVANCED Mid kick counter = a generally good damage combo.

You've gotta really think to use her, and if you already are good at thinking, you'll pick her up easily as soon as you master her movelist.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
If you are choosing a character primarily because you want to win and don't want to put much effort in you are going to look like a tool anyway so I say just roll with it :cool:


Active Member
It took some digging to find a thread like this, but finally I am here.

I'm new to DOA as well, but unlike the TC (topic creator) I have no Virtua Fighter background. Instead I am coming from Mortal Kombat and Tekken.

I am looking for a character that does not require me to break my hands or twist my fingers off in order to do the moves/combos/strings/juggles/etc. Also I do not have the reflexes of Superman. Nor do I have the finger strength of The Hulk. I am just an average joe normal person. So any character that requires any kind of superhuman feat is entirely out of the question for me.

I do not own an Arcade Stick. I'm playing the game on a standard PlayStation 3 DualShock 3 controller that has not been altered or modified in any way.

I'm having a bit of a DOA character crisis myself. I'm 97% sure that I have narrowed down the characters I am interested in. (However, feel free to suggest some characters to me that you think might be a good fit for me and I'll try them out). I haven't spent a whole lot of time with DOA5 yet, but for the moment the characters that I am interested in are Kasumi, Kokoro and Tina. I'm enjoying the play styles of all three of these characters. (Which took me by surprise in Tina's case, because I don't normally like grapple-based characters). So now I need some advise to help me choose one of those three. (Or more than those three if you can suggest a other character). What are the pros and cons of each character? Why should I choose one over the other? Are these characters any good in a real match situation? (A character being good in theory/on paper tells me nothing. What I want to know is are these characters any good in practice?)

So far I'm really enjoying all three character's play styles, but for the moment I just want to focus on one. Once I get more experienced with the game I will start to focus on more than one character. So let's hear it. What can you guys tell me about these 3 characters that would help me make my final decision?


Well-Known Member
Just a quick plus and minus list from what I know. I know Kokoro very well, the other two only a little bit, just so you know.

+ Ultra fast
+ Has parries
+ Long strings
+ Agile
- Unsafe
- Not really a beginner character
- No offensive holds
- Not many guaranteed setups

+ Has grabs while in string
+ Lots of mixups
+ Easy bursts
+ Good at any range
+ Good for beginners
+ Very safe
+ Quite a few guaranteed setups
- The most linear character in the game (along with Akira)
- Lacks crushes and evasiveness
- No offensive holds
- Short strings only
- Not many great lows

+ Fast for a grappler
+ Lots of crushes and evasive moves
+ Offensive holds
+ Good for beginners
+ Very safe
+ Extensive ground and air game
- Ranged game not too great
- Relatively easy to slow escape against

I don't know enough about Tina to give more negative points lol.


Well-Known Member

Unlike Tekken you don't have to worry about execution/timing here, just pick pretty much anyone who looks cool and you'll master them in roughly the same time as anyone else. Only the VF cameos have a few tricky juggles

Other than that you can look at the in-game character ratings for things like attack/speed/moves etc to see which may be more your style.

Sly Bass

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
If you're feeling adventurist, I've broken down every aspect of Akira's game in the Akira thread. How to do his knee easier on a pad, set ups, understanding of what moves you should string together, etc. Unlike the rest of the cast, Akira's move list is like 85% single strikes. If you hate free canceling, you have nothing to worry about with him. Plus you can make your opponents afraid to block.