Characters Can't beat 'em? Join 'em. [Getting to know your hated characters]


Well-Known Member
YinCrescent here bringing you yet another post. I've only done like what 4? Never mind that, On topic. We've all had that one character we just can't STAND in a fighter. Whether they're just too "Lame" , "Annoying", "Over-Powered" or all of the above. Fact of the matter is... you probably never actually sat down and had a drink with the character. (Crangrape please...)

Alright, so you know that little feature after a match when you get your washed up rump handed to you. yeah that's right "Save Replay". Sometimes when you're so frustrated with a character it goes completely overlooked, so just be aware. Just cause you can't fight a character doesn't mean they're broken, or over-powered (okay, not always...) but when you see something over and over and keep trying to defend against it out of anger. It just adds to your discomfort of doing things your way and thus making you use things you really shouldn't be using.

Analyze your fights. You definitely want to be focused on your weak points. Weak Points meaning, during strings, after strings, or even in neutral states of a battle (Yes... Neutral states in battle show weak points as well, though not necessarily obvious they're present.) and last but not least ESPECIALLY STUNS... you do not know how many people die cause of people who mash holds.
"Kokoro I love your command grab... *Hi-FIVE!*"

I'm not all that great myself, in fact I'm pretty much the worst Kokoro player in this community... but when it comes to characters I hate and I keep losing to, I make it a priority to address the certain moves used against me. and I ask myself these 4 questions
"What's the BEST thing that can happen if I do this?"
"What's the best thing that can happen if I DON'T do this?"
"What's the WORST thing that can happen if I do this?"
and "What's the worst thing that can happen if I DON'T this?"

So sit down with the people you hate every once in a while and eventually your fights will become less frustrating and the odds more in your favor. (at least that's my take on it)

YinCrescent (profile pic) smaller.png

I will also be picking up Akira...



Well-Known Member
Truer words have never been spoken. I recently added Pai to my list of characters I use along side Alpha. Now I find facing Pai's and Alpha's isn't so hellish anymore. Would learn Rachel, however, I see no real need at this point in time from what I've observed thus far.

ANYWAY I need to shut up before I start rambling over here; good post.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess you're right. I really never get angry at the game i usually just go "wow..."
The only time I actually underestimate myself is when I'm about to fight Alpha, Pai, Sarah or Helena(fun fact: I use 2 of those 4). I don't quit or put no effort into it, before the match I just go "Ugh, this bitch".
Other than that, Great post, thanks for sharing, and I totally agree with ya.


Well-Known Member
Christie and Ayane are definitely my least favorite match-ups. I started trying to learn their stuff, and now I understand why they piss me off, especially Ayane. Unfortunately, it hasn't really shown in my performance, as far as I can see. Oh well. I'll find out for sure on Wednesday.

BTW, if anyone's not against this, I'll probably upload some of my matches from the meet on Wednesday for people to see. I'd like to get a little constructive criticism on my admittedly crappy form.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yue, you seem like a sagacious fellow.

What would you do if you were your most hated character?


Well-Known Member
Yue, you seem like a sagacious fellow.

What would you do if you were your most hated character?
"Sagacious"... I won't lie to you. I actually had to look that up. THE MORE YOU KNOW!
Anyways, as far as mirrors go... That's a tough subject, but a good question.

In my case, usually I 2P the hell out of people who I can't get to offensively, so I start getting into their head and making them fight by my rules. Not their own. If you get them to react a certain way I'd take a 50/50 chance on punishing them on it.

Also, Reverse Mind Games. People expect you to know your stuff with a character, so what happens in this scenario is that they might hold or try to counter some things people would mostly do.

For example Jann Lee's Dragon Kick. People use it online cause it's unblockable , I don't know about the Offline Jann's but if you do it out in the open you might as well slap a label on your forehead that says "Obvious"
I've never seen a Jann not do a Dragon Kick from range. I would love to see some one just run up and grab me for once.