

Well-Known Member
Not really a big problem but, has anyone else run into these people in rank matches? They will spam one move string and do nothing else at all. Seems like its working cuz one of them is up to C+ lol


Well-Known Member
I went up against on pf them who used Jann Lee and Zack. For some odd reason, the game even froze after I won. Even funnier he was a D- <.<


Not really a big problem but, has anyone else run into these people in rank matches? They will spam one move string and do nothing else at all. Seems like its working cuz one of them is up to C+ lol
No but I've run into someone that pretty much didn't move the whole match, yet somehow managed to predict correctly every of my attacks and counter me every single time. I couldn't touch him once, I wasn't sure if it was a human playing lol.


There are no third party bots in a console fighting game... even if we were talking PC it would be a stretch as its a fighting game with no "economy" and nothing to actually gain by writing a program to lose for you.

When you see someone spamming one string without changing, regardless of how you're punishing them, its not because they are botting. It's because they are bad.

Yes, there are actually humans out there that are, in fact, that bad.

Boodendorf, you were fighting a human as well. It sounds like he was just going Steve Seagal on you.


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Predict every move? I don't thing you was facing a human being bro. :eek: lol
I had the opposite happen to me. Instead of being so good I thought they weren't human. This one was so bad it can't be human. I played the person in question 6 times in a row. They used Alpha. Every match we played they would not move until 10 seconds into the game. Exactly at 90 seconds on the clock they would start attacking. The attack they would use was always the same. Mash punch. Alphas string of 6 or 7 punches that ends in a knockdown would be spammed until it either hit or you countered. If it hit you they would do the flying low hitting move to hit you while you are on the ground. If you countered and knocked down they would never tech. They would eventually stand up and then repeat the series.

Now some players are bad and rely on 2 moves all game and are predictable. This wasn't just that, it came across as completely robotic. In one of my final matches I use the 10 seconds headstart to put a couple hits on them. I then tested doing NOTHING but holding block. 90 seconds later I had won the match with a time out. For 90 seconds this "thing" did nothing but mash the same string of mid punches. No player would do that. They would EVENTUALLY attempt a low or a throw instead of purposefully pressing 1 attack string and losing the game. The reason I think there is something more to this than just a book sitting on a controller is the switch in moves only when you are knocked onto the ground.