4-chan's DOA5 Tier List Poll


By "community" you mean the doa5 thread on /vg/ right?

Because I'm pretty sure that's what that list is from. The validity of a tierlist coming from 4chan is -100%.

Wait until the game has been out a while and top players come to a consensus. This thread itself is pretty worthless.


Active Member
Tina in crap tier is pretty hilarious too. I suppose if you play idiots all the time. Bass ain't that low, Lisa is way too high for offline tiers. Otherwise semi-accurate.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Tina & Bass both will be higher than that. Lisa is prolly the only grappler that could end up in the lows. Kasumi I think will be in either the A or B slot. She's still solid. I don't think she's mid-to-low. We'll see though. Ayane ain't like what people think either. She should be between SS or A. She's a monster in the right player's hands.


Active Member
Are you looking at the editors picks, or the voting results? I disagree with the picks, but wisdom of the masses and all that, the voting results look better and at least they seem to indicate pretty good game balance. <for what it's worth>


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I was looking at the voting results. In general, I think that's where they could end up at the most. I'm not placing them because it's still too early. I'm just saying that not all these character projections that people are giving out about certain characters ain't true. Especially, Lisa, Bass, Tina, Kasumi, & Ayane. Edit: Pai is a WHOLE lot better than what people are saying too.

You're entitled to that, but she's fast and has a good mix-up game. That's a pretty good winning combo.

Kasumi is good for all levels of play. Friendly to beginners and advanced enough for experts. Your experience is pretty atypical.
The thing about it is she's easy to learn but at the same time, she's hard as fuck to master. Like I spend a lot more time learning her juggle combos & counter juggle combos & almost 24/7 before going into sparring matches. It's a treat once you do though.


Well-Known Member
Akira isn't S tier....do we need to bring Zeo again? Eliot is also too high. Ryu is way too high. Brad, Hayate, and Lisa are too high. Bass is too low. Tina is not the worst character in the game and Zack is better than Alpha, Christie and Helena. I wanna smack the guy who made this.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Akira isn't S tier....do we need to bring Zeo again? Eliot is also too high. Ryu is way too high. Brad, Hayate, and Lisa are too high. Bass is too low. Tina is not the worst character in the game and Zack is better than Alpha, Christie and Helena. I wanna smack the guy who made this.
It's a poll, so you'll have to slap several people.

IIRC, Alpha was voted as "C" tier, though.

And yeah, I forgot about Bass and Akira. Especially Bass. Dude deserves higher than that.


Well-Known Member
Akira isn't S tier....do we need to bring Zeo again? Eliot is also too high. Ryu is way too high. Brad, Hayate, and Lisa are too high. Bass is too low. Tina is not the worst character in the game and Zack is better than Alpha, Christie and Helena. I wanna smack the guy who made this.

It could be the fact that he's new and unfamiliar, but that character has some of the best offenseive tools in DOA5.


Well-Known Member
It could be the fact that he's new and unfamiliar, but that character has some of the best offenseive tools in DOA5.
You make an excellent point. He really safe, but he's not all that fast. And he has to play the stun game. He is in DOA 4 hell.
It's a poll, so you'll have to slap several people.

IIRC, Alpha was voted as "C" tier, though.

And yeah, I forgot about Bass and Akira. Especially Bass. Dude deserves higher than that.
I'll need to get a bat then if it's multiple people.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Dallas, it wasn't renamed. It just got split from the main tierlist discussion thread because it's from a different source.


Tina Purist
Premium Donor
Lol Tina isn't the worst that's for sure. I had a guy telling me the other day that she was the best right next to Jann Lee lmao and he was using Genfu haha. But seriously, she's good, but I don't think she's mega top and definitely not bottom.

Anyways 4chan needs to hella get off DOA. Hella in it for the boobs and shi. Get off my game.


Active Member
Gen Fu belongs in S. Might be the best char in the game.

Tina's way too low.

Swap Elliot and Hitomi for Leifang and Bass.

Swap Christie for Lisa and you might have a decent list. Still too early tho, imo