Dr Snipe
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  • Oh btw sometime this year i'll be able to hit nyc
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    Reactions: Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Nice you want to attend an offline session? Or maybe you'll be down in time for a tournament.

    Yooo I can take you on a tour meet the locals and beat them up like one of those old school beatem' ups. Don't eat the dumpster chicken though.

    (This was typed way earlier and for whatever reason didn't go through. )
    I'd love too~
    i'll message you when i finally am able to come down tho but that would be great

    also do you know any really cheap hotels in nyc?
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    In the city? No, everything is expensive and the closer you are to Midtown the more expensive it is. There are some cheap hotels but usually full of dudes just renting out the room.
    666 messages. Be careful lol. Btw i ended up buying an elgato capture card, shouldn't be too long until i get it in the post. Thanks again for the help.
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    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Good it's an external. How much is it? Did you find it online or in your area?
    Depends where you buy it from, if i bought locally i would have payed up to $160 for it but instead i paid $100AU for it online with all the leads included, i could have bought it for less but it would only be the capture card on it's own without all the extras.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Nice, I hope you enjoy your capture card.
    Went to bed too early. Now, I feel like I got too much sleep. Should I take your number? Grand central is a big place. Might not spot you right away even for a big dude. Though, you should be at the metro north spot there. I might be there early waiting.
    Rather not have it malfunction mid-game, so, like my coffee it is.
    The d-pad nice and smooth? I'm sure it is. Nothing with that Sandy feeling in the slightest.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    I know exactly what you mean I cleaned them with a damp cloth they feel smooth. That sandy feeling is human dander with dust. Windex wipes or those moist towels clears that up make sure it has soap. I'm bringing 2 black I have a smoke grey but it's sealed I just found it.
    Did you just upload a gif file to get your avatar like that?
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Yes i tried multiple gifs the all worked as long as it's under the file size limit. Which is 50MB I belive.
    50KB. xD Thanks
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Oh sorry
    You still going to sly? I tried checking the nj transit site but its giving me trouble on my phone atm I may have to go but I don't know about back.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Canceled it's just gonna be him and Jaeger no wah or anybody he will go to CT next week though
    Hey how are you? This is kinda random but you know how we were talking about capture cards before for taking screenshots, are those HD capture cards with the HDMI ports any good do you know?
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    Reactions: Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Considering Helena was technically her boss at one point D.W.A which I'm assuming was owned by D.O.A.T.E.C. they should've. Could've even been all Vince Machmon (fuck his name I can't spell it because I'm too lazy to look it up and I sound it out that way) and WWE like.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Even their tag throw could have been them trying each others style. Imagine Helena doing a suplex or Tina acting all Oujo Sama and slapping you.
    Helena doing a suplex would be epic. DOA1 Tina was basically a slap-happy character (Do a low kick at her and she'll slap you. Do a low punch at her and she'll doubleslap you). It could be an implication that she might have learned it from Helena. I really missed those moves.
    You have been quite silent lately ever since the butthurt cherry picker temporarily left. What have you been up to lately?
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Case in point he just called us asshats without provocation.
    Yup I saw. Ironically enough, he didn't really block us since I was still able to see his profile. Such a blank threat.
    And here I thought, his vacation away from this site would be so much longer. Ugh, I really want him and RTFS out of here for good.
    I'm literally having a crisis on the Christie entry right now. TN tweeted it yesterday and was already asking details from the supposed representative (QueenJakheiho) who bailed out on me and has lost interest on claiming the prize.
    And the thing is... I'm using mobile nowadays lol.

    It's probably just going to get in the way while I move the mouse if I had my computer assembled.
    The letterman jackets are so cool. O: I want one but they're expensivee
    I know right? I just hope I get that instead of boobpads.

    Times like these, I wish there was a Bayman pecspad. :/
    TN re-released Japanese PE uniforms for all the girls who didn't had one. :/
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    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    I just went through the Casual thread yup nothing good there. Ayane gets her cute outfit and Marie gets something not gonna say good but she already has a P.E. suit. Makes no sense for anyone over 16 to wear that but yeah Shinjiro from Shinjuku will be sad if not.
    One OOC DLC pack after another sadly. This pack honestly does not even look like workout clothes (if that's what the DLC is supposed to be) and it really looks wrong on everyone.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    Unfortunately this is the reality and shit like that does extremely well in glorious nippon. I saw like 4 channels with Momiji doing her taunt is her school outfit (bending over) dude would freeze it and basically give you up skirt shots.

    I can't read Japanese but at least 3 pages of comments. I only understand WWW which is LoL.
    Hoya returned! To the escape pod!
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    He said he was disappearing because vof thw contest and would return as soon as it was over.

    Plus there's spoiler tags now so he could post all the porn he wants. I just hope he utilizes it, he actually keeps the costume thread active and as off as they are I don't mind some of his costumes. It's that Neko fucker that was annoying.
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    Not to mention that once an entry is submitted, you're waiving rights to TN so they pretty much can do modifications.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    True but you're the one with 2nd thoughts that's why I'm saying get it out of your system. TN likes the design.
    I might redo it but I doubt I'll resubmit something late for consideration at TN's FB.
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