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  • Nearly two years later and I'm thinking "what happened with DOA6, again? Oh yeah.. the rent-a-hair-colour debacle... did that really happen?" I had to go back to old articles to remind myself about it, because it's just so ridiculous. Pay to change it from black to brown, then pay again if you want to change it back to default black. I mean, holy hell, what were they thinking?
    Other FGs totally had the option to do the hair color swap for a long while now, kept it as the norm considering without having to use as leverage to make a salespoint. If DOA for some odd reason had to it, either 1) they are still trying to find multiple ways to sneak wallets, or 2) the game was not fully supported on the budget so they have to find ways to cover the development loss. Maybe both, who knows really.
    Still, even from an entirely business perspective, there were probably better and smarter ways to further monetize the game that wouldn't have so obviously ruined their own rep.
    Yeah exactly what I had in mind. I still firmly believe there are better alternatives.

    Personally, I would say to make a great product regardless if not that many people play DOA and to take risks to improve QoL even if the community is small, but I know KT and devs outside DOA would suck their teeth if they hear this lol.
    So sad I missed out on this piece of Japanese gaming history... :(

    Closest thing I've experienced is London, UK's Trocadero, which closed in 2014.

    I hope there's a resurgence when the pandemic is finally over.
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    Reactions: Rob
    Koei and Tecmo go without even a single piece of Mii costume gear.. what's that about? lol. Even doomguy made it in before the end.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Yuri from Fatal frame is an assist trophy if that counts for anything

    and if ya really want to stretch Byleth is from Fire Emblem: Three Houses which was co-developed by a subdivision of KoeiTecmo :/
    Oh yeah, there was a Fatal Frame assist trophy.
    The Fatal Frame trophy I could be able to accept, but that was obviously because of the Nintendo connection. Can't say it's nothing though.
    Wow, it's almost like I'm there.

    Koei Tecmo's booth is at around 8m20s, and you can see KOF XV's booth at various points.
    Great visual quality. It's like a First Person Life Simulator. Can't wait to finally check out cons again this Fall.
    So, Soleil and 110's Wanted: Dead has finally shown its self. It's being produced by Ninja Gaiden 2's Yoshifuru Okamoto and Dead or Alive 3's Hiroaki Matsui is the Director -

    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Ah, Soleil, they were the team behind that excellent Samurai Jack game, which also had ex Team Ninja devs working on it, guess ill be keeping an eye on this game
    New Gungrave is looking pretty damn awesome (also coming to XOX, XSX, and PC)

    Not a fan of gore, but the gameplay moments look great. I could probably handle a bit of badguy gore for it. I'm fine with it in the NG series.

    Plus it has chara designs from the Trigun creator, the Sakura Wars character designer, and Ikumi Nakamura.
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    this is from 2002
    Yeah, it's good to see the series back in full force and faithful to the previous games. So many neglected series wish they could get this treatment.
    I'm almost hoping it is intentional, because that would be genius. I've rewatched this more than a dozen times and I'm still laughing. The buildup, the music choice, the way everyone just stays seriously quiet and follows him, ignoring Neon completely, the transition outside, lmao. Perfect. Funnier than anything I've seen in a comedy movie made in the past decade at least.
    Yeah this is great actually lel. It's giving me more reasons to pick up the game day one as the edge is too damn funny, but that's what makes it so good because it's hilarious and just weirdly well done lol

    I thought about getting the game, but now it's probably guaranteed i'm getting it. It's ironically refreshing than the typical kawaii-desu or making the game too uwu.
    Team NINJA know what they're doing... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Another FG got added to steam:


    - THE LAST BLADE: Beyond the Destiny
    They feel more at home on Switch, imo, but good to see them available to more people now. Oh, forgot that the Steam Deck is coming. Should be good for that. Looks like they didn't add online play to these though...? That's too bad.
    Nah, don't need a Steam version. I'm better off with the Switch. Plus, I don't feel like going through the panel process for the unlockable characters again.
    It's nice to see you are still around dude. I remembered your twitter bio the other day, when I deleted my main reddit account lol.
    • Star
    Reactions: inochinagi
    Always nice to see that punyuu~ face still around here too, lol. I didn't really go anywhere tbh, I was just lurking for pretty much a year (still playing DOA tho). Not intentionally, it's just sometimes I get logged out and just don't log in again for a long time unless something provokes me, like posting the TGS news when I saw no one else was.
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    Reactions: Anura
    If anyone's interested in seeing a casual FG enthusiast's reactions to playing DOA4 for the first time in 2021:

    refreshing to see someone react to a DOA with just pure joy (except the total befuddlement at Kasumi's ending, that's pretty typical, lol)
    Hello everyone. Sorry, I've been lurking, but still playing DoA. Sometimes I'm tempted to log in and post news when I see it isn't being posted about here. Like this:

    KT's gonna have a 2 hour presentation at TGS (Oct 2) where they have a secret game to show. Also (see my next comment):
    "[Street Fighter Zero (Alpha) 3 is] like the Marie Antoinette of fighting games!" - Daigo Umehara
    Man, seriously though, nice surprise. I thought Daigo would be this way with SF3TS, not SFA3. But everything he said is PERFECT. I've always felt the same way about it too. Zero/Alpha 2 and 3 are still my favorites in the series, even though I had mixed feelings for the isms. Maybe... take SFA3, remove v-ism, add SF3TS's parry system = perfection?

    I'd like to know his opinions on KOF...
    I love the alpha trilogy! Also, you can edit grooves in Capcom vs Snk 2 so you can build your own gimmick. Just to bad the ikari warriors team isnt in cvs 2. Now, where is my cake?
    CvS2 is definitely a classic too

    Lol, I have no idea where the cake is... using Marie Antoinette to describe SFA3 has to be one of the most random descriptions I've ever seen.
    Suddenly everyone forgets how to tech/ukemi once they hit the island for some volleyball. If they got up any slower they'd be better off using Life Alert.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    DOAXBV with more arcade-y gameplay akin to Outlaw Volleyball and characters have moves inspired by their fighting game counter part (like Kasumi being able to teleport around the court, Tina having strong unblockable strikes, etc etc) that's a Volleyball videogame I would play, but as is it now, naw I can't do eeett!
    Yeah, there's some ideas it could use from Outlaw, but contol-wise it feels way better. Probably the best controlling volleyball game ever. Reminds me of how it felt playing NES's Super Spike V'Ball or Super Dodge Ball. But it was part of my wishlist for DOAX3 way back before it was ever announced that they put moves from the fighting game into the V'Ball gameplay.
    I wanted them to add the guys into DOAX3 just because of the potential of seeing Hayabusa do an izuna spike, lol.
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