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  • Asking those who had used this controller or are still using it: How good is the Hori Fighting Commander controller? Need a new controller for fighting games since both of my Sony PS4 controller's d-pads feel like I'm pushing something made out of rubber (eraser) (black one=right d-pad, red one=down d-pad, black one at times doesn't react to db presses) and for something that is around the Sony DS4's price
    it's ok. The problem for me is that its too small and the shoulder buttons basically press themselves under the weight of my grip.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Horipads are fragile af, if you're gonna get one make sure you get the latest model (the one that doesnt have the dpad angle adjuster), that one will last you for a good while, as for feel, personally I like it; it's slightly larger than a DS4 so if that pad feels small the Hori will feel just right
    Thank you for the replies! Think I'll stick to buying another PS4 controller then, hope it'll resist until the PS5 gets released and the new PS controller will be good for fighting games in almost every aspect, I doubt it but we'll see. I am going to be on the lookout for a better controller, sooner or later I'll definitely need one that I can be fully satisfied with.
    Why is Orie from Under Night such a well-known and beloved character? Out of the few instances that I've seen her from the arcade mode of the game, she's nothing super special, then again, so are all the other characters, they all are entering in the Night like shit is going to hit the fan and they're causing it with their own hands and they're more than ok with it at times.
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    True but even then her fanarts on Twitter get mad likes most of the times. Guess this is one of those instances where no one can explain it, she's just really liked as a character and thats pretty much the reason why she's such a popular character.
    She’s the textbook “pure anime waifu” in terms of personality and design. It also helps that she’s super easy to play.
    Went through her trials yesterday and I can definitely affirm that she's relatively easy to play with. Guess its a combination of those points that make her a well-known character of the franchise.
    A KH modder who made a "Critical Mix/Master Difficulty" gameplay mod for the ps2 version of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix took down the mod or made it private because of her inboxes/email being flooded with death threats, hate and doxxing because of people being frustrated with the somewhat incomplete difficulty mode. I see that death threats are just flying left and right towards people nowadays....
    Asking those who played Doom 2016 and Eternal. Is Eternal better than 2016? I'm having a lot of fun with 2016 which is something that I rarely say about a shooting game. If Eternal is even better, then it most probably rises to the top or close to the top of games that I would like to get as soon as possible.
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    Reactions: Camel with 2 thumbs
    If you enjoy doom 2016, you'll enjoy eternal.
    I dont know how if I'd say eternal is better. In my opinion they're both really good.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    2016 was better, Eternal has more stuff but it's more gimicky and bloated af, both are good, but I prefer 2016
    Thanks for the replies, I think that I might hold off buying Eternal until the next gen consoles are available.
    The Jun moveset mod for Tekken 7 seems to be complete. From what I've seen on twitter Fergus already used it online on the Steam version of the game. This is pretty damn impressive considering that moves have been changed in order to benefit the mechanics of Tekken 7 and it also gives something new and fresh to the old TTT2 characters.
    Today is Jet Set Radio's 20th anniversary in Japan. I feel that Sega could truly make a great Jet Set Radio game if they wanted to but I don't think that it'll happen anytime soon. Can we at least get the sequel on Steam, especially since a lot of players bought Persona 4 Golden on it? Hopefully that will encourage Sega and even Atlus to port older games to Steam/current gen consoles at the least.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's been 20 years? i still remember playing that game on my dreamcast , oh how time flies, although having a port on steam is awesome and it still holds up
    The Steam port's pretty darn good. Played and completely beaten the game like 4 years ago, for most freestyle stages I was in the top 100-200 in the leaderboards, there was one where I was even in the top 10 but since I deleted my data I believe that I lost my record, which is a giant rip but it is what it is.
    Eh, compared to the fact that we're approaching the end of the current console generation, NGPX was ok I guess. Fairy Tail looks kind of nice and content-packed, Neptunia shooting game, Millia and Zato look super good and Ys IX seems decent alright, For Honor DLC character in Samsho, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 was the best trailer in this expo. No Persona 5 Scramble or BBTag stuff at all.
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    That's pretty weird yeah lol
    Its not like SNK, or more specifically KoF didn't have some weird, out of blue crossover with WWE 1-2 months ago. Seems that SNK right now is the king of the crossovers/guest character appearances, both normal and weird ones and......still no Capcom vs SNK 3 despite all of these crossovers and guest appearances that their characters' been having for the past few years.
    CvS3 when! #CvS3When
    Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is completely free on PSN, Steam and XBL. Why? I've no clue but if you haven't given the series a shot then this might be a good starting point imo.
    Ayyy, after so many years Crash is finally getting a new game and from the look of things it might be a continuation of Crash 3. Name of the new Crash game is "Crash 4: It's about time" for PS4 and Xbone and seems to be made by Toys for Bob, the ones who made the new Spyro trilogy instead of Vicarious Visions.
    Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory will be coming out later this year (probably around the end of the year) for PS4, XBone and Switch, of course, it seems to have important story elements attached to it, mainly when it comes to Kairi from the few cutscenes we've got. Also, it has multiplayer, a thing KH games didn't really have since 358/2 days.
    Sony shows new Spiderman and gameplay from new Ratchet and Clank game: GG WP Microsoft....I guess lol.
    Microsoft will not be able to match Sony game wise.
    They weren't able to ever since the late PS3 days, some of their old exclusives are not exclusive anymore (DOA, NG), some of them just don't attract players the way they used to (no console selling exclusive at their disposal rn imo). Their consoles do outmatch the Playstation consoles for the most part, the 360 vs the PS3 for example. I remember when almost every tournament of every popular game was played on a 360.
    Persona 4 Golden is apparently coming to Steam in three days and a lot of clues seem to be pointing towards this truly happening. Hopefully Persona 4 Arena Ultimax will come to Steam soon afterwards.
    I never got to play the updated Golden version, might be able to now.
    I've been wanting to get into Persona starting with 3:FES but was too lazy to boot it up on the ps2 emulator but now that 4G is getting a PC release (hopefully with 4U following after shortly) I might boot the stuff up this weekend. Lots of good announcements coming this month it seems (NGPX on 23rd, Sega, KT, Atlus, ArcSys, SNK, Wayforward all present there, PS5 in two days, Strive character reveal same day).
    Well the rumour mill is 3 and potentially even 5 are coming too but only 4 has hard evidence rightnow. but I will admit it'd be weird to release only P4G and nothing else so a trilogy bundle does seem more likely.
    I know that many of the players from the Capcom team don't play GBFVS as much or don't take it as seriously as the players from Team ArcSys and that the game is delay-based and there were issues during games on PC apparently but damn the Capcom team got demolished in that 10v10 in Granblue.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    Capcom players don't usually play anime fighters that much. But damn haha.
    Even though GBFVS is more of a SF-esque anime fighting game, I can understand why they don't play it too much, still, ZomBmu and Shinku decimated Team Capcom to the point where I've seen some memes made out of the whole 10v10 ass whooping.
    Whoever decided to make the pogo painting minigames in Crash Bash deserves to step barefoot on legos for a minute at the very least.
    What I like about the Tales fanbase for the most part is that outside of the games that almost all of them hate, you could say that you dislike/hate very good and popular Tales games/main titles like Symphonia or Abyss or Berseria and other fans won't say to you that "Your opinion sucks and you suck too".
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    Reactions: DestructionBomb
    The elements of the game that were rightfully criticised later on imo were the combat, the world-building and the story, since it had to be rewritten because of the very late inclusion of the latter female character. Still, there are many who like the game despite all its faults, it has a decent party, the interaction between them are still nice and the ost is very good, probs best out of all Tales games.
    My main issue with Zestiria is that everything felt lifeless within the game. VA at times ended up mediocre, story direction was basically the game hand holding me for plot that hardly provided any strong details or things that are mind blowing. You go to Point A and then to Point B without really uncovering secrets of story.
    Because of it, it just happened to be a game where it ends up completing it once and just never seeing it again. Whereas most other Tales, you'd see yourself replaying it again or in a few years. Zestiria (least for me), didn't provide me a sense of replay value. There were some positive stuff to the game, but it's usually things that are just there sorta.
    *Sees Baiken and Johnny on the top 2 spots for NA, Asia and EU GG character polls, thinks about how absurd these characters are in REV2 and how much damage you were able to dish out in the Strive beta with pretty much any character.* "So, you like characters that are able to do minimum 10-hit ToD combos? Say no more! We have what you're looking for!
    Enkidu's such a cool character. Can we get him in BBTAG asap ArcSys?
    Wouldn't that be up to French Bread?
    Partially yes, since UNI (thus the characters) seems to have been developed by French Bread, ArcSys and Ecole Software. Still, if we are to be getting new characters for Tag we will probably receive new UNI, P4, BB characters. The only characters that are present in CLR and not in Tag are Enkidu, Phonon, Nanase, Chaos, Byakuya (good, screw his top-tier ass), Wagner, Eltnum
    (if they add Melty as a new fate, then she's off this list probs since they can add Sion in that case, who's basically Eltnum) and the new character, Londrekia. Wagner would be a given but after her to me the character that'd most likely make it in is Enkidu, unless, of course, they go with the UNI version of Sion.
    There are many who dislike the 3D era of MK games (mainly talking about the PS2 games) for various reasons and while I do agree that Deadly Alliance is not good, many of the new characters from this era aren't as good or inspired or iconic as the old kast, competitively the gameplay was a step backwards from the 2D trilogy (+ Deceptions and Armageddon's online modes were atrocious)
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    Reactions: Onryoki
    the 3d games fell more stiff and less fun to play then the 2d mk games. i perfer deception minus the unfinshed story mode
    We can imagine what would've happened after Shao Kahn killed Raiden in the original timeline though, drunk on power, he would've conquered all realms and rule over every living being, which would've been a meh finish to the story before the reboot. They are less fun in terms of gameplay compared to the 2D MK games, true but I can't call them bad, just not as good as what was before and what came after.
    3D MK games weren't made with serious competition in mind, they were something that you play just for fun. I enjoy playing them for what they were from MKvsDC (first game I own anything relating to MK thanks to its Teen rating since I wasn't old enough), and MK Unchained (MK Deception with 3 of DA characters). In My opinion I prefer 3D era of MK over NRS era has been doing (MKX-MK11).
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