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  • Could arena/anime fighting games work as competitive fighting games in your opinion. I'd say yes, if it'd be optimised properly and if it'd receive good balance patches. Kill la Kill:IF if it would've had more characters, valor levels wouldn't grant huge bonuses and every character would be viable, the storm series if certain characters wouldn't have op jutsus.
    I missed the CoN and Budokai games. They were heading towards the right directtion until Tenkaichi and UN Storm series came along...
    Tenkaichi 1 wasn't good, very basic gameplay, graphics, mainly the character models didn't look good, reused voicelines from the Budokai games for characters that were present in those games, offline content was ok but not extraordinary, it truly felt like a step backwards, however, 3 has a lot of stuff to it and it even has its competitive community, game looks ok and it has a lot of causal content to it too.
    Raging Blast 1 and 2 were also pretty good games both casually and competitively, like, it had a pretty elaborate cancel system and iirc, most characters from the cast felt unique in gameplay. DB games became very meh after that once Ultimate Tenkaichi was released. Xenoverse 1 was the game that truly put DB back on map, then FighterZ happened after Xeno 2.
    Sonic Generations is an ok, content-rich game with somewhat badly executed but at the same time fun missions that can also be frustrating as all hell with plenty of content. Overall, its ok, can be good too depending on the levels of frustration that the game causes or doesn't cause.
    Which is one of the main issues that the Sonic games are suffering from these days. They don't know the direction in which they want to take the Sonic games and when they make something decent or good even then they milk it until it becomes super dry. The last Sonic game that was praised by most was Sonic Mania and that was made by the fans and the ROM hacking community.
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    They need to chill with the Sonic games in order to figure out what to do with the franchise while they bring back old games from the dead so that everyone (mainly those who like/love Sega's games, both old and new) can be satisfied. Knowing Sega, that probably won't happen but to me that'd be the smartest option they could make.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Im not against the whole multiple game styles approach cause they;ve done it before and it's worked B4, Sonic 3 and knuckles did it and it worked, the Advanced series did fine with it, even the Adventure games and Heroes, while they had different approaches both did interesting things with it, but yeah, plz no more Modern Classic dual world gameplay, so over that shit
    OMG, with this they pretty much admitted that the whole game was nothing more than a cash grab XD, we should be doing what the Street Fighter community did and just go back to 5 Last Round. If they won't be making an Ultimate edition of 6 for the next-gen console then I don't think that I'll be getting 6, which is hard to say about my favourite fighting game franchise...damn.
    Which game do you all think I should pick up faster: Samsho or SF5CE?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    tough choice, Champion edition has breathed much needed life in SFV and it's actually playable and fun, Samsho on the other is more slow paced and unique experience, my advice would be if you want a fresh take on an oldie, get SFV now, if you want something new and nothing like you've played b4, get Samsho
    Mishima and Hwoarang players are definitely going to enjoy their time on Tekken 7 right now that's for sure (minus Heihachi, he's the weakest Mishima, didn't get too many buffs either).
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    A lot of the cast in T7 didn't receive buffs or even nerfs at all, so weird. Meanwhile it takes TN 2 weeks (revival costumes appear on mid april instead of end of march) to remove 2 ticket sets and they're working SUPER HARD on improving the hair color feature, which just needs a swap from tickets as a currency to wonder why ArcSys is the king of fighting games right now.
    Hwoarang has been enjoying his time in Tekken 7 since vanilla
    He wasn't as strong early Tekken 7, probably even weaker than his Tag 2 version. It was post season 2 that he became stronger and right now he's top 10-15 for sure but seriously, these buffs weren't needed, shoulda buffed characters who actually needed them.
    We all knew that Millia and Zato were the ones to be revealed next but holy hell do they look good, especially Millia, she doesn't have a super sharp chin anymore. Can't tell if her gameplan is the same in Strive as it was in Xrd or not, too little footage regarding that, she does seem to be able to set up disks that will hit you on your wake-up, so, maybe.
    Not yet, so, I think that they'll be adding more characters to the starting roster. We got a relatively big trailer for Granblue like 3-6 months before the release of the game with the full roster being shown. I feel that they'll do the same with this game and then later on they'll show some of the characters who'll be part of the 1st season pass as dlc.
    Oof... i wonder if we will ever see old school cast fully back. I wonder why they get rid of them anyway. I'm hoping ABA getting in as well but its probably very unlikely.
    I have a feeling that the next 2 characters we're getting are going to be Dizzy and Testament, afterwards, maybe 2 or 3 more characters and then we'll see. Don't think that ABA will make it in the base roster, maybe as dlc later down the line. They had to remake character sprites from scratch with a brand new engine, so, some characters would've taken quite a lot of work probably, like Zappa for example.
    Ok, ok, some people might be starting to get sick of remakes of old games by now, but imagine a DMC2 Remake. It'd be interesting on multiple levels: How would they make Lucia feel fresh and have crazy combo potential like Dante has post DMC4, maybe make the amulets exclusive to her (also, "style-switchable"), and every single amulet gives different properties to like 50-60% of her moves?
    @ChaolanLegacy DMC3-5 actually both have very distinct weakness based gameplay as well (elements, gun vs sword). DMC1 just didn't design the rewards and peak of style to the heights of 3-5, I don't think we can really cut down on mechanics though.
    I actually think of it the opposite way around, in DMC1 DMD not knowing the enemy's weaknesses (not specifically talking about elemental weaknesses only) will get you killed very quickly, or you just increase your chances that the enemy hits you for 1/3 of your health due to how limited Dante is in that game. DMC3 onwards its a bit different, yes, you can defeat enemy's quicker if you know their weaknesses.
    but if you play the game well and you know of certain things that your character can do, then you don't necessarily need to know their weaknesses outside of boss battles.
    The Switch version of DMC3SE is/was hilariously broken, which makes me question what in the world are some( or rather, many these days) game developers and game testers doing at times, counting every second of their day at their workplace before they leave instead of actually working or something?
    They don't want real gamers like us testing. That way, we won't see the truth about what really goes on. Though, that MK11 dev team story was one thing, them wanting to do less and expect more is probably intentional for all we know.....well, we see it all the time. Makes me wonder if gaming is going to end soon.
    Nah, don't think so. Fighting games are starting to take off when it comes to Esports and people are becoming more and more interested in video games in general as time goes on. Its just, I feel that companies leave developers with little to no time in order to polish their games=a badly rushed product with which they tried to cash in on the fans which ends up often backfiring than not.
    KH3 took a lot of years to make and it was delayed even further after fans/speedrunners have been invited to an event where they able to test the game+leave feedback. Then the issues that the base game had had been mostly fixed by the developers again after hearing the opinions of the players about the game, the result? KH3 is an extremely good game, something they didn't have for a decade prior to it.
    Mick Gordon actually wanted to make music for MK11 but at the time the person who was in charge for the making of MK11's "music" said that he doesn't like Mick's music. I don't even know what to say, I know that music tastes are different from person to person and they can only share opinions and not facts but man if you refuse a guy like him who made a banger of a soundtrack
    for at least 3 great games (Doom, Doom Eternal plus he made music for the 1st and 2nd season of KI but he also made music for Prey and two Wolfenstein games apparently) then I'm just from a step away from saying that this guy's music taste is indeed garbage and the song used in the announcement trailer of MK11 is a perfect proof to that.
    "Safe Rooms? You think that those will save you from me?" - Nemesis, RE3R
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    Apparently he won't be able to do something like that, person who wrote the article mistook the room Nemesis entered in as a safe room, still, what a game changer would be if he would be able to enter safe rooms.
    That would be scary and annoying LOL.
    Yeah, especially on harder difficulties, yet, that'd up the challenge and it'd make the player think on what to do in order to get rid of him, fight him, run from him as much as possible or take the risk of entering the safe room and maybe he'll bugger off instead of coming in. It might be a decent idea for future/new RE's, sometimes the big bad creature/mutant would be able to enter safe rooms.
    Last GBFVS character of the first season pass seems to be Zooey then, rip, guess I'll get the game a short time after Belial gets released.
    So, apparently the "Big in Japan" sale is said to be ending today on the european ps store but when I check the discounted games on ps store uk, it says that the current price(s) are available until March 7th 02:00 am, which is way later than the date when the sales end on the american store (March 06:00 pm). Did they just change dates on eu ps store and forgot to update the info on their blog
    or did they just put a wrong date on the european ps store? Because if it is the latter, then I'm kind of bummed about it, since I'll receive a 25 pound psn code tomorrow or the day after and if it actually ends today then I won't be able to buy NOA and UNICLR. Still can get dlcs for games I have I suppose but they misinformed people like me with this bad move which would be annoying.
    It makes sense that they are working hard on Nioh and they want to be sure that they've made a solid game, you can't milk fans of a Souls-like game with dlc since literally everyone buys those for their gameplay, that's why KT doesn't butt in too much in what TN (or at the very least the Nioh team) is doing with this game. Where did DOA5 cash in the most? DLC, they don't care about
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    Yup, pretty much. It's been like that since at least DOA5U. It was frightening how much more solid the Nioh 2 beta was than DOA6 was at release.
    Well, DOA was always and is now even more a game that people buy and stay with for fanservice. Nioh is exclusively for people that want high quality gameplay. So what does KT need to give those two groups to make the most money? High quality content for Nioh fans and overpriced, lazy, recycled fanservice for DOA fans.
    Tbh nioh 2 feels lazy, like all souls likes to be fair. Could have been a dlc and doesn't look too different or better than the first one. Copy and paste, guess that's why i was sick of souls games after dks 2 and bloodborne *shrugs*
    Gonna have to wait for water boy/boi/dude in Samsho....and a price reduction, game's still relatively expensive where I live.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Even though season 2 is clearly the waifu season, Sougetsu is my most anticipated character so far, fingers crossed he's actually decent this time around,cause he suuuuucked in samsho 5 and 6, I liked his gameplay (controlling space with walls and bubbles) but he was way too unsafe, even for samsho standards
    Same, even if the last character might potentially be a guest character (specifically Mitsurugi) from Soul Calibur due to them not revealing the last character of the second season pass, plus the fact that Haohmaru comes to Soul Calibur, with the trailer showcasing his showdown with Mitsurugi, another Japanese samurai/warrior.
    I'll be completely honest here, I loved and will always love DOA and I will play 6 in the future no matter what happens but when shit like this happens with HAIR COLOR CHANGES of all things, then sorry but I'm at the point where I really can't defend this game anymore, this is getting worse than how SF5 was and is handled and my god did Capcom make a lot of terrible decisions with that game too.
    @oMASTER LEGENDo DOA7 can't come out if the game continues in this fashion. It is a flop. If you have to even talk about DOA7 after only 1 year, you know something is terribly wrong. TERRIBLY wrong.
    I was expecting DoA6 to hit it out of the park. A new number title on new-gen hardware? After all of what TN learned getting DoA5 to where it was? I expected bigger stages and things we've never seen before in a FG besides new kinds of danger zones. Instead we got DoA5 Dejavu edition where we start almost from scratch and wait for them to catch up to "good DoA5" levels.
    Still, if DoA7 overhauls everything, with a new proper DoA-specific next-gen engine for the new consoles and new things to surprise all kinds of gamers to want to try, then it could come back. But I agree with chaolan, at this rate, seeing how DoA is being treated now by KT, they'll never give DoA the resources or team to make something great again...
    So, about the backwards compatibility of the new xbox console, we know that disks will work but will the digital versions of games work as well? Like, I buy lets say Forza Horizon 4 on the Xbox store. Will I be able to play it on the new console no problem without a disk like you were able to with the "PS one classics" on PS3 for example?
    im scared what they do this time.
    Basically their "netcode adjustment" to SF5 was that they got rid of the fanmade patch that fixed the netcode of the game. The decisions that Capcom (or at the very least their fighting game division) takes with this game are...very, very questionable. Hope that they won't mess up SF6 like how they did with 5, whenever that gets announced and released.
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