Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • aint gonna lie, those 1.70 Samsho patch notes got your boy sweatin'
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    reduced backdash invincibility, alot more cancelable mediums, tons of specials are gonna be less minus on block, you can now RE while blocking, seems like they want to make the game more fair for everyone, which I normally wouldn't complain about but part of Samsho's appeal to me is it's early 90's devil may care approach to balancing, this seems too...level headed
    Finnaly got my hands on GBFV, and after my initial multiple hours of playing, I hate to say it but I'm not feeling it :/
    I mean it's just a easy street fighter game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i don't even mind that aspect, I actually like that it plays like anime street fighter, it's just no on the roster is clicking with me, even though it's day 1. thing is, i've played so many anime fighters at this point i can tell immediately which characters I'll end up gravitating towards, and so far that hasn't been the case with anyone, hopefully dlc will fix that
    So, if you wallsplat with Tamaki 6pp (or 6p+k), you can free walk behind your opponent, hit them with a 5p+k, put them in a limbo stun and get a free launch
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    they can't block it but they can hold out of the wallsplat stun before you hit them in the back, in which case you'll get just the regular stun instead of a limbo stun (even if they do the correct hold they'll still get stunned), but 1, the hold has to be done pretty early, and 2 in some cases even if they hold fast enough you'll still get your limbo stun, so both outcomes are favorable
    what madness is this I hear about T7 Mishimas now having tracking hellsweeps and electrics being safer on whiff? I though T7 was supposed to be the balanced game
    been watching alot of 2015 SF4 videos as of late, and I'm reminded of how much disdain there was for that game in it's final days...
    Before that, I played vs a lot of Seths, because, as you guessed it, Seth was a couple of days away from being released in SF5. Rarely did I bump into Elenas and I played over 100 matches when I played USF4 those two times.
    SFV's first season was dreadful. Nash & R.Mika were cancer. The game also had no offline content to sustain itself beyond, like, a week. You basically had to force yourself to grind out online to keep up with the game, since people were basically playing for the Capcom Pro Tour $$$. SFV is a lot better now compared to 2016, but that first year, 4 years ago, left a really bad taste in my mouth, killing my hype.
    Dear lord, forgot about Mika in Season 1, she was super strong. Yeah, it didn't have much going for it when it came to offline modes, which is kind of ironic since the game has a lot more content now but getting FM was/is a lot harder I think ever since season 2 or 3. This game desperately needed a complete edition, which Capcom thank god did make.
    Any1 else re-reading/re-watching Bleach to prep for its return?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Was gonna start reading it from the start, but i pretty much remember everything up until the end of the Rescue Orihime arc, its only during the Fulbring arc I can't remember what exactly happens, Ichigo gets his powers back and it's revealed shinji and his crew are previous captains, that's all I can recall, and some dude called Kugo was there, i don't even remember his deal
    I am going to rewatch it and I'll play Blade Battlers 2nd and the last Heat the Soul as well probably. Many people didn't really like the Fullbring(er) arc back in the day even though I didn't necessarily consider it bad, it was really just a set-up for Ichigo to gain back his soul reaper powers....also, the writer had health issues during that time so he wanted to round up the story as quickly as possible.
    so, I made this video a year and some change ago, but then I forgot about it, so imma just throw it up
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    You should treasure this. You had your humble beginnings yes? Give yourself a pat on a back since you ve come a long way.
    Well, if Yakuza could do it...
    Narmaya's (from GBVS) proportions are so wacky she makes the DOA girls look normal by comparison
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    4"3 with a J cup? For reference that's 7 inches shorter than Honoka but just as busty, what kind of mysticism is this? Then again Narmaya is a Draph, who are just short by nature, but still though, girl looks wacky af
    Welcome to Draphs lmao. Their race is based on cows so... there's that. Not hard to figure out the rest.
    So apparently, if you counter a SS with Tamaki 4p+k, not only does it lead to an unbreakable FS, it also leaves them back turned, so you go for her BT conversions if you wanna up the damage
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that means you can do SS counter with 4p+k into 5p+k 214p, 3p+k, 5p+kp, 3p6t (switch to 3pp if next to wall) for +100 dmg off one successful SS read, however this can be broken with meter since you'll put them in FS with the 214p, so if you want it to be truly unbreakable, just launch with 9k after landing 5p+k, you lose out on some dmg but it' 100% unbreakable
    This is awesome though, since SSA's cost meter, people rarely sidestep. I can count the amount of times I've Fatal Stunned an SS on one hand. Good stuff though!
    as much as i enjoy playing Tamaki I can't get over how her first 2 defaults look like she tried to dress herself while drunk and blindfolded, but i guess that's high fashion for ya :/
    you know something that really needs to stop in the FGC, putting down good players by claiming they'd never make it in another fighting game, that shit is so pointless
    I used to be team "make all grabs in DOA techable" but as of late i find myself leaning more on team "keep DOA grabs the same". techable grabs would throw the triangle system way off balance
    Question, how the heck do get Fatal Stun off Tamaki 3kp? done it by accident in matches a couple times but i can't replicate it in training mode to save my life
    funny how Kefla was super divisive when she got introduced in DBS, but when she go brought into DBZF everyone rejoiced, wonder why that was...
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    Might be due to the fact that certain characters, even though they might be disliked, would be a perfect fit in a fighting game. Plus, iirc, this version of Kefla is the manga one, not the anime one and I think that fans liked her manga version more than her anime version.
    In brief, DBS Broly existing and apparently being a great movie took the edge off a lot of people. Before you just had to accept that Broly was not canon and that Kale had his gimmick and was using traced animations from his movies.
    Hot take, i prefer Kasumi's original DOA2 voice, yeah it sounded like a chipmunk on helium, but i liked it
    Both voices work well for the respective game's that they voiced Kasumi in: She was like 16-17 from DOA1-4 so she should have a young-ish or younger voice in those games while in DOA5 and probably 6 she's 19 so an older, more mature sounding voice is more suitable imo.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I don't think in game age has anything to do with it, because Kasumi's the only young female character who got a more mature sounding voice with age, every other girl has sounded the exactly the same despite the time skip (ie has had the same Japanese va since pre doa5)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Im willing to bet that the reason why Kasumi got a drastic voice change was because they didn't want their series mascot sounding so childish as the series moved on, that or maybe the original va got scrapped for business reasons, who knows
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