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  • Um...really? Tamaki is a sloppy fight style that has one aikido and one wing chun/jeet kun do. The rest is question marks. Cyber Raidouken and Honokers did it better. Let see we have other styles like Hapkido, Judo, and Tung Su Do. But nooo… we get a sloppy fighting style that's from the dishwash school of martial arts. >.<
    FF7R looks amazing. I cant wait to see how they did Palmer as a drunk Trump and the submarine monsters using attacks like creepy touch. XD
    We know of the business practices of KT is BS! The progress of passing the info is increasing at an alarming rate. Do we really want that though? We are in small enough numbers as is. Our playerbase may either take time to recover or we all walk out. The hardest part of it all is how do we get people to play DOA6 and increase the community back to its healthy numbers?
    Legitimately good question. I think that the spread of bad press regarding this hair situation can both help and/or harm the community but honestly I think it's too early to predict how this is going to turn out in the end...... especially since KT has yet to make any form of official statement regarding it. The ball's in their court now!
    Honestly, go back to DOA5LR. I've been digging that game more lately. Sick of KT's treatment of DOA6.
    I should be thankful and I should be lucky. Those were the exact words of what my ISP said. 2 doa matches later where the action just effing stops and I laugh maniacally.

    This isn't a mortgage, car loan, and bank loan! You mean to tell me that I should sign my soul away to have fun now? X.x
    • Sad
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    What's the difference between part 1 and 2?
    This has been around for awhile though. Also games such as DBZ Kakarot, they ask you this but you have the option to turn off data sending should you choose to do it on the fair side. Part of this reason was to avoid the game illegally played on unofficial firmware consoles. You can play DBZ kakarot for the price of zero dollars if you got a modded PS4.
    So the data being collected is to ensure their copy is legit, as well as statistics to improve the game. Such as loading times and whatnot. I always turn it off on the options.
    Never have I seen so many people in a state of panic when I went to Costco today. I advise everyone to resupply and stock stuff on the basic necessities asap. That also includes sanitizers and other cleaning products to prevent the spread of infection. That way you are prepared for the CV outbreak.
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    Reactions: Glitterati
    Now I honestly see why the government hides things from us. People don’t know how to fuckin act. This is like a super virus of the sorts. There are fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs that are way more powerful than over the counter lol Like I have go to so many stores to get at least one small thing of hand sanitizer. People can be overzealous at times.
    People with home gardens are relaxing, lol. Also, you only need regular soap and water for sanitation, really. You just have to actually use it and use it properly.
    I ve already gave my suggestions to KT through customer feedback and tech support in the past with the steam version. Yet I cant get through to them. Should I overcome my phobia using facebook and twitter and let KT have it?
    I been procrastinating this long and I haven't played story mode yet. I m afraid the doa6 story might cause me to faint or cause extreme denial that I played through it based on what happened to doa5lr.
    2 shades of orange+ 3 shades of green=a recipe for disaster that the world will ever seen. A lemon pie to the face it seems.
    Ah the gust mashup stuff. Yeah it reminds me of being a healer/buffer class in games like Lineage 2 and Tera. It looks nostalgic but I cant roleplay as a merc healer. So minus 4 stars. XD
    You know whats BS? You play a match and you know you are gonna win then all of a sudden NETWORK ERROR! Guess online cant keep up with the awesomeness. Another is they bait you thinking that they have a 4 bar connection then boom it got switched to 3 to 2 signal strength wifi. PS4 players do that it seems.
    In the case of ranked, waiting most of the 10 seconds before accepting, to watch and see if the bars stay stable, can help a little.
    I wonder will GBFV will do well in the west. Picking up and showing up to a Tekken 7 and SFV now seems to be too late for me. When we are inching closer to the announcement of a new sf and tekken just around the corner. Guess in life you gotta take risks. Cant play it safe all the damn time. Whats your take on it everyone?
    It'll do fine like how SamSho did well in its first year. It'll have the "shiny new toy" benefit.
    One of my pet peeves is coming home empty handed in a 45 minutes to an hour or so commute by train trip. Yeah my feet hurts but at least I can make a dish from the bunions I got for dinner tomorrow.
    I got to question the small size roster of Grandblue Fantasy Versus. Other fighters such as KOF, GGXrd, Tekken, and DOA 6 have more than 11 characters day one. Are we reverting back to the Super Snes and Genesis era trend? If we are please make our games as finished with fine quality.
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    Reactions: SaihateDYNAMO
    Also Djeeta being a SP character when she's just another skin for the MC...... girl, she don't deserve that slot. Put her in the BASE game and use that slot in some interesting character that ain't a selfinsert.
    Indie developers such as Gears for Breakfast has Hat in Time. What makes me jealous is that Arc Sys,KT, etc is put to shame by them because a hat in time is bursting with content even as I type. What is disappointing is that triple A devs got the resources to do more than the indie devs do yet all of them are fueled by greed. WE PAY FOR THEIR FARM TO TABLE, TABLE TO PLATE, PLATE TO FORK, FORK TO MOUTH MEALS DAMMIT!
    I hate to say it but if a game isn't projected to print money "Think of something like Bloodborne or Call of Duty for instance", then the publishers mostly focus on how to gouge their consumers through DLC models. Unfortunately fighting games are viewed as the genre "that doesn't sell" so the publishers of most FG's focus on gouging their customers. DOA6, SFV, and BBTag for instance are bad offenders.
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