Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • I'm not one for ragequits in ranked but if i run into the same opponent 5 times in a row and i already got bored of fighting them 2 games ago, I'll pull the plug, screw it, have my points
    literally mains a character directly inspired by Millia Rage and walks into Guilty Gear going "gee which character should i play???" im such an idiot :p
    • Haha
    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    characters or just towards characters that have a fair amount of mix-ups but they don't solely rely on them to win a match.
    I didn't want to point out games that had teams but for KoF it was Yuri Whatever feels SF. I have to pick characters that feel like the other games to deal with the diff playstyle of it. So, there's Kazumi which reminds me of VF's poke-heavy gameplay but also can be in yo face. MK it was Johnny since I liked his persona then Cassie and him in X. 11, Mvc2 Any SF char + Gambit/Jill. That wasn't for competitive ofc
    Gets different depending on each iteration of that particular franchise
    landing barehanded sword counters always feels good in Samsho, but the post counter situation is always awkward cause then you just have 2 players with no weapons trying to fight :/
    srsly why is holding out of Marie Rose Rondo 5pp on so difficult, it's like if you don't hold on the last couple of frames you get no hold at all, so annoying
    A character dominating a Top 8 does not mean your game is dead, have these Tekken players never seen a Top 8 for marvel 2, marvel 3, 3rd strike, melee, ultimate, SF4, Samsho, or any other fighting game with strong characters? probably not
    • Haha
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    Leroy is a problem the guy just solves Tekken, A hellsweep and a orbital with insane wall damage crazy. But competitors are willing to switch to top tier until they tone them down, like Nrs games and sonicfox for example. Until they tone him down He will be a "Must pick" but man bamco did not test this char before release. Leroy is going to be the new Yasuo from League of legends.
    It doesn't mean the game is dead. It does mean that the game's developers have no fucking idea what they're doing.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    if the patch notes are any indication, he'll have the same fate as Dante in Marvel 3, a character who was released with every tool you needed to dominate, and 3 years of nerfs didnt really hurt his viability cause his core design was too strong, making him a popular pick to this day, unless they go the Capcom/Nintnedo route and just chop off his arms and legs making him completely useless, which would be sad
    Reinstalled SF4 cause i wanted to test something with Hakan, ended up playing a bunch of matches and i have to say, there's alot stuff in SF4 I dont miss, but the game's still fun
    Chaos Code is getting a sequel? hell freaking yeah! that's great considering no one played the original so maybe it'll get some love this time around, fingers crossed
    I feel like it's going to be the next BBTAG fate.
    you U+ ranked players need to relax, y'all aint that good to begin with so lets chill with those novels of hatemail, k?
    For me, I feel more confident in 5 than 6 when it comes to my uniqueness. Otherwise, there's just 2 skill levels for DoA6. You either try to play high leve! Or you don't and just play by mashing ppp. There's not too much tech to distinguish ppl and w/e is there isn't truly needed to win.
    Haohmaru trailer is out and he looks sick...until you get to his face, it looks way too cartoon-y for the SC universe and creates a weird dissonance, but he looks cool overall
    Thoughts on the new Airdash mechanics and the removal of traditional IAD's in Guilty Gear Strive?
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    To me the whole thing reeks of the "let's make things less taxing for newcomers but give the veterans some new tools to play with" mindset, but I'll be honest I'm very curious to play around with the new hangtime mechanics, that actually looks interesting
    Of all things they changed, like anti-airs not granting Xunders for mix-ups yet SFV does it. I think devs go against traditional playstyles of vets or w/e is the known way to play and do the opposite. Neutral heavy game? Less neutral. Fast paced, Jimmy can't breath mix-ups? More neutral. Ppl need 2 stick 2 their fgs.
    Been playing honoka since 2015 and I've only landed her hissatsu low grab once, its a dope looking grab but theres no way to set up for it lol
    question does anyone under 25 even know what Captain Tsubasa is? or is it all about that Inazuma 11 these days?
    These kids don't know about one of the greatest sports games of all time. I never truly played it though. Just had flashes here and there as a kid. You know I was called a boomer for prefering DoA5? Even though my comment had nothing to do about the games themselves
    *sees patch notes* these are the kind of notes I like, NOTHING MAJOR! cause whenever we get a whole novel full of changes I get mad nervous lol
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